After the New York attack, Odin has taken Loki's magic, made him mortal and imprisoned him. But Asgard is not a safe place for the Trickster under these conditions. Recent events make Odin decide to take away one more thing from his second son, his memory going back for the last four years. This decision and events that lead to it cause Frigga to decide that Asgard is not safe for Loki's reduced station. From stories Thor had told, she decides that Tony Stark's tower would make an excellent secure location for amnesiac Loki to be under house arrest. 82,000 words so far. Rating may change to FrostIron. Slow build.

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The Memory Loss Midgard Loki thingy has been done before, and done well I might add. But I wanted to see where I could go with it since I was taking a break from my Desperate Measures series until Loki 2 Dark World to came out. Who knew it was going to take on a life of its own and refuse to end? This is what I get for not wanting my Desperate series to go all AU on me.

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If you are not reading this on fanfiction .dot. net or Archiveofourown this is a STOLEN WORK, the author has NOT Given Permission for it to be here. Also if you're PAYING to read it, you're being cheated, because you can read it on Archiveofourown for FREE on those two authorized sites. Also please be aware that illegal mirror sites are often riddled with spyware and viruses.

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Chapter 1 – The calm before the storm?

It had started off as such a nice evening. Well, perhaps nice is not quite the right word for Tony Stark being forced to grace a charity function with his presence, especially when it wasn't even a Stark International function. Okay, his evening thus far had sucked. A charity cause he could care less about, boring people and bad booze. But hey, when compared to a surprise visit by the Asgardian Royal family he'd been having a wonderful time.


Distinctive ring tones are a god send, Tony thought as he silenced his phone without even looking at it. While Jarvis had several ring tones of his own, the one that Tony had just received from him was not one of his emergency ones.

Replacing the phone in his pocket; Tony smoothed down the jacket of his new David August suit. The fine black material was so rich it almost glowed. Just as he was adjusting his crisp white cuffs in preparation to get back to some serious smarming, his phone rang again.



Same ignorable ring tone. Tony smiled at the blonde in front of him, with perhaps just a bit more teeth than he normally showed as he again silenced his phone.

"So Marilyn—"

"Maria," said those luscious apricot glazed lips, with just the tiniest hint of tightening in irritation for Tony, again not using the woman's correct name. Her blonde hair, natural for a wonder, rippled as she tossed it back with one hand, not accidently shifting and highlighting some impressive parts of her anatomy. Then her big brown eyes deliberately softened as she tried to regain the mood that had originally captured the billionaire's interest.

Said billionaire, didn't really want to be here. Charity events were Pepper's gigs not his. But if Tony has to attend boring charity functions, complete with bad booze, he at least wants to be left alone during this one bright spot in his evening. Melis-, er Maria has a rocking body that her thin champagne sheath dress shows it off to perfection. As if she didn't know it.

And standing in front of this display of a proposed research new wing, with the various lights washing down from all different directions… Let us just say that her pale thin dress was not leaving anything to the engineer's imagination. Which is quite the accomplishment, since Tony has a really good imagination and can imagine quite a lot. He mentally sent kudos to the maintenance and lighting crews for making Martha's dress almost disappear.

"So Mister Stark-" Maria purred.

"Tony. Please, call me Tony."

Maria swept her lashes down, before peering up mischievously from underneath them, "All right then… Tony-"

It was contrived of course, but hey, he could still admire it couldn't he? He was just leaning in to catch whatever that dark sultry voice was going to say next, when his phone went off for the third time. This time it was one of Jarvis' message tones.

For something that was not on the emergency notification list, his AI was being pretty fucking annoying this evening. Showing still more teeth, Tony gritted out, "One moment." As he quickly dug his phone out of his pocket and shut the damn thing off.

"Now, where were we," he asked empting his glass and handing it off to a passing server. Tony knew he might need both hands pretty soon, so it paid to think ahead.

He and Monica had just reset their positions, him interested and appreciative of the view, her breathlessly excited to be within ten feet of an unmarried billionaire and were preparing to move on to the next step of the dance when he heard his name being called.

Tony groaned to himself.

Pepper, calling his name was striding towards them as fast as her tight fishtail gown allowed.

"Tony! There you are, thank goodness I found you," she said handing him her phone. "Jarvis really needs to talk to you, he said it's important."

While Tony normally would have appreciated how well Pepper's royal blue, off the shoulder gown matched her eyes, right now it only drew his attention to the fact that those narrowed blue eyes were fastened on the hand that was stroking Tony's arm.

Rolling his eyes, Tony slipped away from the blonde fondling his arm and took the phone off of Pepper.

I swear I am going to update Jarvis' protocols before the week is out, he thought savagely.

"Excuse me ladies," he said with a charming if false smile as he slipped away and headed towards the hallway.

"Well that was fucking awkward," Tony muttered to himself, walking another few yards before he leaned disgustedly against the wall.

"Jarvis, I swear I'm going to donate you to a public library. Why in the hell are you bothering me?"

"I'm sorry sir, but you really need to return to the tower immediately. It's an emergency."

"Well it can't be a break-in, fire, explosion or theft. You have a different number and ring tone to report real emergencies don't you?" He said testily.

Not that Tony thinks that the explosion thing is going to happen ever again. He now makes sure to turn everything before he leaves the lab. He also now has a standing rule for Jarvis to double check and notify him if he forgets.

The blonde chick, Marcia? Maria? Whatever the hell her name was, stepped out into the hall and glared at him. She threw a furious glare his way before she spun on her heel and stomped off in the other direction. As aggravated as Tony was about caught being 'more than polite' with Blondie, he can't help but allow a smirk to tug at one corner of his mouth. Most women wearing heels that high can't stomp. And Tony is pretty sure that if Blondie knew how it made her ass ripple, she wouldn't be doing it either.

"No Sir, you have company at the tower." Jarvis informed him, recalling his attention.

"Seriously Jarvis? That does not have an emergency tone… Because why? Work with me here … Because it's not a fucking emergency. I'm busy being a good little corporate drone to make Pepper happy, which your insistence on talking to me didn't help by the way."

"I do apologize sir, but this-"

"Did I forget to meet someone tonight?"

"No sir-"

"Well then just then tell them to make an appointment and come back another day. I'm busy trying not to piss Pepper off any more than I just did." Since blonde chick was gone, Tony eased back towards the door leading to the event, looking for Pepper.

Pepper was not hard to find, her hair, dress and height made sure of that. She was currently waving her hand, directing the attention of an older couple to something on a nearby table. As the couple looked towards the table display, she glanced up at Tony.


Tony could see the fury that Pepper was feeling as she looked at him for the briefest moment. But worse she had to bottle her temper up, that was never, in his experience, a good thing. As mad as Pepper was, by the time the couple turned back towards her she was once again wearing her smiling corporate face.

Okay. Now Tony was really pissed.

"Oh, and Jarvis, just for the record, I lost all my good boy points for even coming to this damn event because you made Pepper come find me for this stupid call. So I am not happy with you."

"Again sir, I apologize. However Thor Odinson, his mother Queen Frigga, Loki Odinson, a few guards and several other Asgardians are on the penthouse terrace. The queen would like to talk to you immediately."

Tony's head reared back; totally pushing the 'Pepper Incident' out of his mind he gave the phone a confused look.


That's weird.

Thor he could maybe see coming to visit him. But Thor's mother? And Loki?

What the hell?

A little day trip by the Asgard First Family? Complete with the psychotic war criminal little brother? Accompanied by a gaggle of Space Viking hangers-on? "So they want to talk to the Avengers and SHIELD right?"

"No sir. I did offer to call SHIELD, but the queen was most empathic that she wished to speak to you and you alone. You personally sir, not as an Avenger." Jarvis told him, dashing any hopes that Tony was going to be able to have someone else take the lead on whatever shit storm was about to occur.

Tony sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face before running his fingers distractedly through his hair.

"Crap Jarvis, this is going to be bad, I just know it." Rubbing his neck tiredly, he briefly considered pretending this call had never happened, hanging up Pepper's phone and taking the damn battery out so Jarvis couldn't call her back.

Why me?


Alright Jarvis, let them into the living room, make 'em comfortable and tell them I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"Very good sir, I shall do so immediately. I will also direct Dummy to bring up a gurney from the medical wing so the younger Mister Odinson does not bleed on your couch.


Okay… he thought, this is going to be real ugly. Of course anytime alien space Vikings, my couch and blood are concerned it couldn't help but be… So yeah. Real ugly.

Tony shook his head, "You know what? I don't want to know, I'll be right there. Call Happy and have him meet me at the front door, he can come back and get Pepper later."

He walked over towards the group that his CEO was talking to.

"Oh and Jarvis? You get to explain it to Pepper," Tony said loud enough for her to hear as he handed her back her phone.

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As always comments and reviews are greatly appreciated, if you aren't a comment or review kind of person then Favs and Follows would be wonderful. They all help the story placement on the search engine. May thanks to my faithful commenters and of course to all that have kudo'd and bookmarked in the past.

Beta'd by the most wonderful Wildbearies. Many, many thanks for your assistance.

I don't own the Avengers or Thor, they are the property of Marvel and Disney, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.