Jade's POV
I hear a car take off. Sounds like Jason's. I get out of the DISGUSTING floor and head to my room. The bat was by the window. I pick up the bat and swing it against the window. It cuts me. "Ow." I moan. I look down from the window... Bad idea. I started to freak out. So first I threw the mattress out the window, then I jumped. I try not to scream. Of course, Jerome was outside. I fall onto the mattress. He pulls me inside.
I go up to my room to find bones on my bed. "Is this supposed to be dinner, cause if it is, I'm not hungry." I say to Jerome. "It's for Smokey. thought you might need a friend so here's your friend." Jerome tells me. I feed the wolf the bone and he jumps up. The cage falls on the floor, breaking. "Please don't eat me!" I yell. Jerome laughs. Smokey jumps on my lap and constantly licks me, over and over and OVER AGAIN. Jerome leaves the room. The window was still open and the mattress was still out there. I jump out again and Smokey comes with me. I run as fast as I can.
In front of the gate was a girl. She looked a little younger than me and she was pale. "What do you want!" She yells. "To get out..." I reply. "I-I-I-I I'm Amy." she says. "Jade." I reply. She pulls out a knife and looks scared. "Don't hurt me!" She yells. I go up to her. I say "I'm not gonna hur-" She cuts my wrist. "Ow!" I pant. I could see a bone. "Why did you do that!?" I cry. "your not gonna hurt me?" she asks. "No! Why would I do that?!" I cry, holding my wrist, to stop the bleeding. "I'm so sorry!" she yells. "Why would you do that?!" I yell. "Your not gonna hurt me?" she asks. I shake my head. "Come with me." She says, pulling me into the woods. There was a lake with a bunch of fish. She puts my arm in there. All the fish start biting my arm. "Ow! It hurts!" I scream. She smiles. She pulls my arm out. The cut wasn't there anymore.
She takes me deeper into the woods. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To your home." she says. "I'm pretty sure its not here. " I say. She doesn't listen. We walk for hours. "Were here." she announces. There was a portal. She pushes me into it. Everything starts to spin. Finally I appeared in my room. "I'm here!" I tell myself. I was actually in Stacy's home. "Still beats the forest." I say. I walk into Stacy's room. Jason was in her room. With nice clothes and Stacy was wearing her red dress. "J-jade..." Stacy says. "Jade?" Stacy says. "I'm so glad your here." Jason says nervously. "Yeah..." I say. Tears were coming to my eyes. "You've been gone for 2 months. We just thought that if your not coming we should just get together." Stacy says with a stiff look on her face. "2 months?" I ask myself. They both nod. Maybe the portal took a while. "I-I-I" I stutter. "Am happy to see us?" Jason says. "Can't believe you!" I yell. I run out of the house.
There were tears coming out.
I run to Dylans house, which wasn't really far. I knew where they put the spare key, so I just walked in. "Dylan!"I yell. She drops everything in her hands and hugs me. "I saw Stacy and Jason together." I cry. She hugs me even more. "They've been together for a while." she says.