I haven't seen any other FFs about this, so I hope you enjoy this! Once I saw FZZT, I was like HOLY CRAP, WHAT? But then, I thought. What if it the tables were turned?
"FITZ! DON'T! PLEASE!" Jemma screamed, yanking at the doors.
She hadn't even realized that he was gone until the beep of the lock alerted her that something was off. She hadn't even realized that his thoughts were going in this direction, until it had been too late.
At first he had been optimistic. He was Fitz, the adorable, sweet, and funny engineer, who just happened to be dying of an alien disease. He had cracked a few jokes as Jemma assisted with the anti-serum from behind the glass. She had tried to be strong, but the love of her life was dying and she couldn't even kiss him goodbye.
Then the final rat had died. His eyes had gone blank, his grin, slack. She had instantly turned around, shuffling for the device, blabbering about meaningless something's, trying to keep his spirits up.
A tear landed on the sleek holo screen.
"Coulson?" She turned around, hurriedly wiping a tear away.
She was alone in the lab.
She was alone in the lab.
She rushed toward the door, yanking at it with frustration.
She glanced, horror struck at the daylight invading the lower cargo hold.
He turned around right at the edge of the ramp, and for a moment Jemma thought that he had listened. But then she saw his red rimmed eyes, and the childish way that he wiped at his nose.
She instantly regretted ever bringing him to S.H.I.E.L.D., ever convincing him to take the team offer. She would give up any multi million dollar lab to be with Fitz.
He locked eyes with her, and she clawed even more furiously at the lock.
"I'm sorry." He mouthed.
And Fitz fell.
Jemma screamed, whirling around desperately. She instantly noticed that the rat was alive, but her shell shocked mind could barely comprehend that. She moved, zombie like to pick up the cure.
Then everything snapped into focus.
She sprinted for the door, typing in F-I-T-Z. The escape lock hissed as the door opened. She bolted for the parachute, snapping it on.
"What happened?" Melinda May called out from the stairs.
"Fitz jumped! I have the cure!" That was all she allowed herself before she dodged Melinda's reach for her parachute and leaped into thin air.
She fell freely through the clouds, managing not to lose her lunch as her stomach swooped and soared.
Where was-ah! There! She spotted the red dot, falling below her. Quickly, she stretched herself into a compact rocket shape, falling even faster to catch up with Fitz.
With incredible speed, she slower got closer to free falling Leo, even able to make out his facial expressions before slamming into him.
His arms latched onto her and she instantly jammed the device into his leg.
"Ouch." He hissed, but held on tighter.
After the swimming, and the boat ride, and the paperwork, and after he came back from Coulson's office, the two scientists cuddled up on the couch. They didn't do anything, but make sure that the other person was always right there.
"You are a hero Jemma." Leo had said, before he kissed her cheek, and she smiled. Anything for her partner.