A/N: I Don't Own Gundam Wing

Ch.1 Momentary Peace

"What do you think Catori?" The two women had returned to the warmly furnished living room after touring the small renovated mansion.

It was bittersweet, but Relena had enjoyed exploring the former secret base. There were no traces that the thick forest around them was once used as a meeting point by her friends and herself during their rebellion against the Rock Port Industry. Now the scent of her new home amazed her since the last time she had been here, when it was broken and melding back into the hands of the forest, all she could smell was the wet Earth.

Relena touched the soft armchair next to her, "I think it's lovely Sylvia," she looked up at her assistant, "send my thanks to Mr. Alcalda and his team. I would also like to invite them over for dinner soon, if they don't mind taking time out of their busy schedules."

"I'm sure they can make an exception," Sylvia smiled. "Do you need anything from Dolores? I know your vacation officially started today but…" she trailed on waiting to see if Relena filled in the silence with a sudden request.

"No I closed up everything in my office, but being on vacation won't stop me from coming by to visit the Lemhi Executive Building when I'm needed," her heels clicked as she took a few steps towards the glass windows giving her a view of the forest.

"I can't believe I'm taking a month off." Relena shook her head at the absurdity of it all.

"Well you do need it, all of us do." she looked behind her shoulder to see Duo coming down the stairs.

"A newly reestablished nation with its head officials out on vacation? Tell me how this sounds like a-"

"Oh no no no," Duo put his hands up defensively, "We talked about this remember? It was voted on, four to three." He raised his eyebrows in emphasis.

Relena sighed, exasperated.

"Besides we didn't just newly reestablish this nation, it's been about eight years." He crossed his arms.

"Where's Hilde?" she decided to change the subject.

Duo smirked, "Nature called. Woman's a damn good sniper but has such a tiny bladder. I should know."

"Ugh Really Duo!" scolded Hilde as she made her way down the stairs hurriedly.

Sylvia smiled warmly at the trio, "Well I hope you enjoy your new home Catori," she gave a slight nod to Relena and did the same for Duo and Hilde, "Cheveyos." She left closing the front door firmly.

Duo wasted no time making himself at home sitting on the sofa against the wall and sighed, "Even this couch feels great. So what are you planning to do now Princess?"

"More work Duo do you really expect anything else?" Relena faced him, "I-we're technically not on vacation you know, and can you please stop calling me that? It doesn't even make any sense. I wasn't born royalty I'm just an elected official until God knows when." She seated herself on the armchair adjoining the couch.

Duo was known to relentlessly pick on Relena especially when she became the new Catori, some who didn't know the pair would think they were in some form of relationship. Relena had made it quite clear to the public that she wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone, especially someone within her main support group, the Cheveyos.

She learned at a younger age not to mix business with pleasure. Unfortunately that didn't stop the people from speculating who would be a fitting partner for her. Fortunately Hilde didn't pay attention to any of these humorous but ridiculous rumors.

"Oh you know better to listen to this baby," Hilde pinched his right cheek.

"Hey!" Duo protested, causing the girls to giggle.

"And that reminds me," Hilde continued, "Where's that colt of yours anyway? We finally have time to finish that bet we made." Hilde sat on the sofa's armrest.

Relena shook her head knowing where this conversation was going, that colt had been a gift from her brother years ago and there was no way she was giving it up.

"I think I've already proven that you're not going to beat me Hilde," she responded.

"Want to bet your colt this time?" Hilde sat up straighter.

"Oh God not this again. Last time you women had a contest you nearly shot me!" Duo touched the end of his braid anxiously.

"We told you to get out of the way," Hilde waved off his comment.

"And it was just a healthy competition," added Relena.

"No a healthy competition is when you all wait your turn to shoot. You, Hilde, Noin, and Sally were brawling!"

"No we weren't!" Hilde said stubbornly placing her hands on her hips.

Duo shook his head and counted off their offences with his fingers, "Hilde you and Sally were drunk. Relena was pissed because of some jackass in the black market and Noin wasn't in a good mood that day for some reason, may have been something to do with Zechs. And to top it all off some guys in the Nashadii were even making bets on who would win!"

"Ohhhh yeah now I remember," she absently brushed her bangs away from her eyes, "didn't Noin technically win? And if I was drunk then why did you let me shoot a gun!?" Hilde glared at him.

"Well cause' you threatened to shoot me when I tried taking it away!" He spread his arms out to ward off her accusation but then rested them on his knees, "Anyway it was a four way tie. Zechs separated Noin and you when he got to the camp. Boy his face was priceless. Quatre tried to get Sally off of Relena but that just made her angrier. He only distracted her for a second and Princess over here decided to head butt Sally!" Duo chuckled recounting the incident.

"Wait and throughout that whole time you didn't do anything to stop us?" Relena asked.

"Seriously?" he looked at her in disbelief, "You don't remember either? I tried stopping you guys! Before Sally pinned you down I had tried to get you off of Sally and to stop punching her and what did you say?"

It took a moment but then Relena's eyes widened, "…fine point taken," she looked away from him.

"Wait what did she say to you?" Hilde looked curiously at Duo as he sat down.

"She told me to, 'Fuck off you fucking pansy'," He grinned.

She covered her face with her right hand, remembering the event a little clearer. She had a suspicion that Sally and Hilde weren't the only ones that had been intoxicated. Assuming she just appeared more composed compared to the boisterous two. After telling Duo off Sally had gotten the opening she needed to pin her down. Then Quatre had come up diverting Sally's attention long enough which led to the infamous head butting of Sally.

Relena now recalled that she had also tried lunging at her again but Trowa had caught her while Quatre continued to restrain Sally. By morning when everyone had sobered up the women had made peace with each other, blaming their exhaustive situations for their sudden melee.

"It was a rollercoaster night," Relena sighed but she smiled nonetheless.

"Well we might have more 'rollercoaster' nights coming up with our guests coming over," Duo laid his arms out on the sofa.

"I sure hope we don't dealing with you guys is enough," Relena leaned back against her chair. Duo snorted.

"Besides they're mainly going to stay near Dolores, we couldn't show the whole country to them in just a month after all."

"And I can't really picture the representatives of the European Nations Alliance and the heir to the Chang Empire sitting happily in a plane while we show them around," Hilde giggled at the silly image that would make before focusing on Relena again. "Are Zechs and Noin staying here with you till they finish their visit?"

"No they have their own house a couple of miles from here. Though I suggested they should have chosen somewhere closer to town since they are heading homeland security and other security units in Nashadii, they might stay busy even during this break, but they really wanted a place out here too."

Relena was quiet for a second as she twisted a button on her sleeve, "After eight years I'm still getting used to not having to contact my unit on traveling maneuvers and rendezvous points. I think I would be more baffled if I didn't have my guard with me." She confessed.

Duo smiled knowingly, "So it's just going to be you and your guys out here?"

She looked at her old comrades, "Of course not. All of you are welcome here, it's as much as your home as it is mine. We all used this place."

"We'll take you up on that for this month maybe, but I thought you would be relieved of getting your own place and living alone for a while," said Hilde.

"I prefer the company," Relena stood slowly and stretched her left arm. "I've gotten used to it."

"Well maybe if you'd reconsider getting married and having kids then you'll definitely have all the company you need."

"Not on your life," she scowled at him.

Duo laughed as he raised himself from the couch, "Well you never know Princess. Any who I've got a few things to finish back in Dolores before receiving our most honored guests in the next few days. You staying Hilde?"

She shook her head somberly, "No I still got to wrap up a few proposals, and finish packing. We'll see you later Relena." Hilde stood and embraced her, as did Duo, before heading towards the door.

Relena followed them out to the wooden porch, a row of ferns initially greeting them. She watched them at they climbed into their black Honda and waved back at Hilde as their car pulled out of her driveway. As soon as she could no longer see them through the sturdy trees she turned to enter her new home and locked the door behind her. Without giving it much thought she headed for her room.

As she ascended the stairs she knew she wasn't alone. Her personal guard was scouting the area, assuring her safety. They were a part of her original combat unit and had insisted on staying with her even when she ordered them to go and enjoy the freedom they fought for. Nonetheless they staid and the result was that the other Cheveyos referred to them as her special ops. Relena could contact them whenever she wanted through her cellphone.

'But there's really no point in bothering them,' she thought as she neared her personal quarters.

Alcalda, the skilled carpenter, had also captured her vision for her room, small enough for her comfort but large enough to fit the bed, desk, and other essential furniture that were pushed against the walls.

The smell of freshly laid wood and paint still lingered a bit but was surrendering to the aroma of the forest. Relena contemplated finishing her review of the final preparations for the arrival of the representatives from the European Nations Alliance and the Change Empire, but decided against it. The fragrance of the room and the cool atmosphere was getting to her, and if there was one thing Relena wanted most at the moment it was a nap.

These last couple of weeks had been filled with meetings of how to improve their, already stable, economy and security network system. However she knew the government officials were just being cautious and didn't want the nation to fall apart while she hosted their first foreign guests since the end of the war.

Relena removed her cream colored blouse and heels, leaving her velvet pants and camisole on as she slid into her bed. A little big for her tastes but she wouldn't complain, not long ago sleep alone was a luxury that so few could afford.

'That and food,' she thought. Unconsciously she touched her left arm feeling the light scar that snaked around it from her shoulder to her elbow. Relena let out a long breath. She did not want to take a trip down memory lane.

She turned on her side. 'Today is not going to be one of those days,' she pulled out her cellphone from her pocket and called the second in command of her guard.

"Connor," Relena put the cellphone on speaker so she wouldn't have to hold it up to her ear.

"Komandir," he responded, using her old nickname.

"I'm going to rest for a while, wake me up in about an hour or two if I'm not up by then."

"Very well, we'll be there shortly," he answered curtly.

"Thank you. And Connor you know you don't have to call me by that name anymore, you are the head of my guard not my soldier," she said tiredly.

"With all due respect Catori, you will always be our Komandir. I apologies if this bothers you though."

She sighed deeply, "Old habits die hard don't they Lieutenant."

"Yes they do."

"I'll see you shortly then."

"Understood," Relena smirked and rolled her eyes as she could practically see him saluting and ended the call.

She wrapped the covers around her more tightly, the room was becoming warmer since the late afternoon sun had drifted into her room and was lulling her to sleep. It was times like these that she was most grateful for.

Yet the moment didn't last, she was at the borderline of consciousness and sleep when a knock at her door stirred her. Relena already knew it was Connor, after spending every second of every day with him, she knew him as well as he knew her. So picking up small things like how he had a specific knock was quickly learned.

"Come in Connor," she said and moved to sit up.

The door opened soundlessly as he entered, "Sorry to disturb you, we have positioned ourselves around the inside of the house. Do you have any further instructions for us?" Relena stared at her second in command, his red hair and cold blue eyes made him stand out amongst the others.

His looks had also intimidated his enemies and allies alike, but it was his battle strategies and unwavering loyalty which earned him his position, not his good looks. She had offered him many opportunities to leave once the war was over, each time he had politely refused.

"Yes I do. I want you all to rest."

"Komandir?" He looked at her questioningly.

"You're no good to me if you don't rest. Clouds your judgment and that can easily lead to simple mistakes. So rest I'll make it an order if I have to," Relena gave him a half smile, she was sure he knew she meant well.

Connor gave a respective nod, "Alright." He retreated back to the door but before he closed it behind him he gave her a look.

"What is it?"

"This might be one of the few times you get to sleep in. I suggest you take full advantage of that," he said with a faint smile.

"Will do," Relena laid back down before she even heard the click of the door knob. She was lolled back to sleep by her ever exhausted mind and body. Either way she was grateful this time that her dreams, whether she remembered them later on or not, weren't plagued completely with nightmares. As they tend to do so every once and a while.

A/N: Yeah this is completely different than what it originally was. This is actually the fifth time I've edited it and I'm finally satisfied. Haven't decided if I'm going to make this a short or long story. Either way let me know what you think. Hopefully it wasn't too confusing but ask me any questions if you are. Review if you please, it would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy your day guys and thanks for reading! :)

Cheveyo- Hopi for spirit warrior

Nashadii- Navajo for protector

Catori- Hopi for spirit