Here we go-the final chapter! Just a I'm posting this a half hour before "Keep Your Enemies Close" airs, you might want to wait until AFTER it airs to read it. Not that there are spoilers, but because, if the episode goes the way the previews are leading us to believe...I will need some "Olicity" to cope. Or not, read whenever you want and enjoy! Thanks so much for the feedback and means so much!
Felicity found herself trying to remember to breathe as she watched the expressions pass over Oliver's face. Normally she would have been cowering at his fierce look, but right now, she could read something else in those dark orbs.
Oliver Queen wanted her. Felicity Smoak. This might not be as difficult as she'd thought. Although the trick now was to seduce him before he had the sense to stop her or she simply came back to her senses. This was probably a very, very bad idea. But hell, if she was going down, she was going down in flames. Preferably taking Oliver with her into the inferno.
Smiling, she moved until she was only inches from his body, feeling the heat radiating off him like a sauna. His eyes were locked on hers, desire and several other emotions she wasn't ready to name swirling through his orbs.
Feeling more sensual and seductive than she ever had, she allowed her coat to part, revealing the green silk that shimmered in the dim light. The move also allowed her to show off her long legs, something Oliver definitely noticed if his harsh intake of breath was any indication.
Now standing directly in front of him, she reached out and ran her finger gently down the bare flesh of his arm, uncaring of the sweat that coated the muscles. She delighted in the way his body went taut at the touch, his eyes becoming unreadable. Growing bolder, she reached up with her other hand and brushed it across his chin, shivering as the stubble brushed against her sensitive palm.
His raspy voice brought her mind back to the task at hand as she focused on his eyes again. His expression was wary, but so far, he had made no attempt to remove her fingers as they caressed their way along his chin and neck. She thrilled to feel the pulse in his throat beating rapidly, and smiled seductively at him.
"I love how you say my name, especially in your growly voice. It does things to me," she murmured, allowing her fingers to edge dangerously close to his lips, feeling the soft pants of his breath against her fingers.
"What things?" His voice was nearly unrecognizable as he waited to see what she'd do next, fighting the instinct to simply grab her and pull her to the ground with him. The green silk slid against her curves and he desperately wanted to follow it, to learn the dips and planes of her body, so prettily on display for him.
"Things that an IT girl should definitely not be thinking or feeling about her very, very attractive boss with an arrow shooting alter-ego," she replied, allowing her fingers to finally brush across his lips, drawn tight as he obviously struggled to remain motionless.
But resistance was futile tonight. She continued her light caress, learning the feel and texture of his stubbled jaw, never taking her eyes off his face. She felt her body temperature rise as desire flooded over her at the sensations running from her fingertips to her center. But she needed more.
And since it seemed he wouldn't be the first to move, she took the reins and jumped in head first, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face down to hers.
"Relax, you might learn something," she whispered throatily. Amazed at her boldness, she pressed her lips to his.
Oliver knew he should do something, anything to stop her. But he remained frozen at the sensation of her lips against his. For a moment, he tried to ignore their silken smoothness and the quick dart of her tongue as she teased him unmercifully. This was probably a mistake, but everything inside him told him it was the best mistake he'd ever make.
Without realizing what he was doing, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him as he opened his lips to allow her tongue inside. Her soft moan as their tongues met gave him the courage to tighten his arms as he finally allowed himself to kiss her back.
One kiss. It was only a kiss. He would let her have this, allow himself this one moment, then he would pull away, exerting the self-control he was obviously going to have to maintain for the both of them.
But her lips were so soft, her tongue deliciously wicked as it tangled with his. Her supple curves molded against his, as if she were meant to fit him perfectly. He couldn't hold back a moan as he felt her fingers run through his short hair, nails scraping gently along his apparently super-sensitive neck. His hands tightened on her waist before he could stop himself and the shudder that went through her body was nearly his undoing.
The kiss went on and on, growing deeper and hotter with each second.
Felicity reveled in the blazing desire that was now running through her body, sensitizing her every nerve. She'd experienced passion before, and tonight, she was more than willing to allow her emotions to rule her. And from the hardness pressing insistently against her leg, she had a feeling Oliver was not going to make it extremely difficult. She moaned in regret as he suddenly dragged his mouth from hers, whimpering at the loss of contact as her arms tightened around his neck.
Oliver was breathing hard, amazed at the desire Felicity had sparked in him. Yes, he'd slept with women since his return, but no one that he could remember had been able to turn him on this quickly, with nothing more than a kiss.
He could see the frustration in her eyes, knew she was wondering why he'd pulled back, wondering himself as he watched her try to catch her breath, her chest heaving and displaying her cleavage nicely as the low cut silk pulled tight across her breasts. Her eyes were wild with desire, her lips swollen with passion as she panted against him. The sight was nearly enough to make him lose it right there. But he struggled for some form of control, knowing he needed to figure out how to deal with this situation before it got a lot harder.
Wrong choice of words, he thought as he felt his body respond to his thought.
"Felicity, we can't do this," he tried, seeing a glint of the familiar stubbornness appear in her eyes. He caught his breath as she stopped his words by arching her hips against his, the movement making him growl, sending another shudder through her body.
"Why not Oliver, it's pretty obvious you want this just as much as me," she purred, carefully gauging his response as she shifted again, this time unable to stop her moan of desire as she felt his hardness exactly where she was aching for it. The only disadvantage was that it was through two thin layers of clothing. She knew he was thinking of the dangers his night job put anyone he cared about in, as well as how this would affect their relationship as part of Team Arrow, not to mention the fact that he was her boss and one of her closest friends.
But the desire in his eyes, the way his hands hadn't moved from her hips, but instead held her against him, whether he realized it or not, said more than anything. He wanted this, wanted her, but he was too afraid of what would happen if they took that final step.
Normally, she would be to. But night after night, dream after dream and fantasy after fantasy, told her that she'd regret nothing more than not seeing where this led.
Or it could completely ruin anything they might ever have.
The thought gave her pause for a moment, until she looked back up into his eyes. In that moment, seeing the conflicted emotions reflected there, she knew that this would be her only chance to grab what she wanted…what he wanted too. If she had the courage to do it. To take the leap both of them, it was obvious, wanted desperately.
Without giving Oliver a chance to speak, she reluctantly pulled herself away from him, seeing his sigh, of relief or regret she couldn't tell. He thought she was backing off. He had never been more wrong.
Refusing to lower her gaze, she shrugged the coat completely off her body, letting it fall into a puddle at her feet. She shivered slightly as the cool night air whispered over her skin, tightening her nipples, and fluttering the silk erotically against her body. The sensation gave her the courage she needed to continue.
"Oliver, just let go and take what you want, what we both want," she whispered, seeing him start at her soft words, gazing intently into his darkening eyes as she let her hand wander along the curve of her neck and down to the swell of her breasts. She wasn't sure where she was getting the courage to do this, but the look in his eyes, the way his hands tightened into fists and he clenched his jaw, kept her going. She was getting to him.
Gazing at him with a sensual look, she cupped her breast through the silky material, shivering as she brushed her fingers over the hardened nipple. She couldn't stop a small moan as sensation shot through her already over-stimulated body. Her eyes closed for a moment in bliss as she similarly cupped her other breast, and let her fingers dance over her sensitive flesh, applying pressure, feeling waves of desire shoot through her body like wildfire. Eyes still closed, she allowed one hand to slide down to her stomach, running her fingers across her abdomen before letting them slide to her thigh and slip under the material, brushing her fingers lightly over her mound. She moaned as she pressed a bit harder against her small nub through the thin material, the sensation nearly causing her to double over in pleasure.
She cried out, eyes flying open as she suddenly felt his hands tighten on her waist and haul her against his body. Her cries were stifled by his lips, bruising and hard on hers, as he finally kissed her like she'd dreamed about for months.
He'd tried.
He really, truly had tried to resist her and the pleasure she was so obviously offering. And for a man of his patience and planning, that was saying something. He'd thought he'd succeeded as she'd pulled back, only to find his mouth dropping open in shock as her coat pooled at her feet.
The silky garment she wore barely reached her thighs, the soft material stretched tight across her breasts. Her hair, lose and full, brushed against her shoulders appealingly, calling to him to bury his hands in the silken mass and feel the warmth of her scalp beneath his fingers. He was just about to give into temptation when he saw her hands slide from her neck to her breasts.
His body felt like it had turned to stone as he watched her run her hand over the material covering her breasts, and then slide down to stroke between her legs. The sight of Felicity Smoak obviously pleasuring herself in front of him, and enjoying it, was breathtaking. And when he heard her breathy moan as she touched herself, something inside him snapped.
Before he even realized he'd moved, he had her locked in his arms, his mouth crushing hers as she hungrily returned his kiss. He molded her body to his again, thrusting his leg between her thighs, groaning as he felt her wetness even through the thin material of their clothing.
"Felicity," he growled as he felt her hands slide down to pull his hips even tighter against hers.
"Oliver, please," she moaned, uncaring of how wanton she sounded, knowing only that she needed to feel his naked skin against hers. Nearly ripping his pants in her haste, she yanked them and his boxers down his legs, glad to feel him helping her divest him of the encumbering material. She moaned again as she felt him, hard and strong, pressing insistently against her leg.
Oliver groaned low in his throat as he felt her arch against him, moving so her weeping center was rubbing directly against his hardness. He could feel how hot she was, that she was burning up for him, and that knowledge only heightened his desire.
He had to have her.
All sense of right and wrong, worry over what this would do their friendship, much less her safety, flew out the window as she arched and moaned against him. He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted the one in his arms. And since she seemed to feel the same, he wasn't going to second-guess himself any more.
"Felicity," he managed as he allowed his lips to slide across her neck, kissing and nipping a path over her collarbone and down to the curve of her breasts. "Let's move this some place more comfortable," he tried, beginning to pull her towards the couch on the other side of the room, surprised when she pulled back and shook her head.
"No, I want you right here, right now Oliver," she whispered in a throaty voice, pulling back to look up at him. "Do you know how many times I wanted to tackle you to the floor and take you hard and fast, right beneath this damned ladder? Or against that wall over there?" She smiled as his eyes widened at what she was suggesting. She loved the way he looked, breathing hard, eyes filled with lust and desire. She wanted nothing more than to see this self-controlled man finally lose control because of passion. Because of her.
And she knew just what it would take for that to happen. Still amazed at her boldness, she reached up and ran her hands across his chest, scraping her nails over his small nipples, earning another mix of a growl and groan as his breathing and heartbeat, sped up.
"You can't tell me you haven't thought about it, can you?" she whispered, letting her hands roam lower. "I know why you always have Digg train me," she continued, letting her lips run over his chest before she continued. "Because you've imagined what could happen if I let you pin me to the floor, your body hard on top of mine." She looked up to see his eyes were nearly black his jaw clenched so tightly she was pretty sure it had to physically hurt.
But she wasn't stopping now. "I know I've imagined it. In fact, sometimes, when I watch you work out, I picture you pinning me to the floor, taking me hard and fast until I'm screaming your name, completely lost in you." Her breath hitched as the images played out in her mind.
"Do you know I can get so aroused that I nearly lose it right there at my desk?" She saw his pupils were blown and knew she had him. She was pretty damn turned on herself by this point as well. "Do you realize what you can do to my body without even touching me? Or how many times I have to stop myself from coming as I watch you? How many times you've nearly caught me?" She hadn't intended to reveal that little fact to him, but somehow, her inhibitions, like her common sense, had gone out the window tonight. Besides, his reaction was worth it.
Oliver knew he was lost the instant she started whispering his darkest fantasies to him. How could she have known the number of times he'd pictured exactly what she'd just described, what she was now offering him? Her lithe body, moving beneath him as he pounded into her, on the floor, against the wall, hell, even the salmon ladder had possibilities. The images were right out of his darkest dreams and there was no way he could resist them or her. He didn't even want to try.
She'd set out to seduce him and she'd damn well succeeded. But now it was his turn to show he could give as good as he got. With another low growl, he was on her, pressing his body against hers, walking her back until they hit the wall, his hand behind her head to cushion the blow.
He saw her eyes flame with passion and triumph as he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, thrusting her hips up to his, begging him to take her with broken words and frantic touches. His hands tore the silk from her body, burying his head against her breasts, taking one hardened nipple into his mouth, nipping it with his teeth then soothing the sting with his tongue. One hand stroked and pulled at her other breast, giving it the same attention his mouth was paying to its twin. His other hand slid over her stomach, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and the way her stomach muscles jumped at his touch.
Her cry of pleasure echoed through the room as with a twist of his wrist, he ripped away the thin scrap of material covering her center, his hand sliding between her legs. He was past the point of patience as he pushed two fingers deep into her body. She was so wet, so hot, for him. It staggered him to know she wanted him so desperately. He experimented with strokes, long and hard then short and swift, learning what made her gasp and what made her scream. Finding a particularly sensitive spot, he twisted his fingers inside her, feeling his own desire ache unbearably as she shrieked and clenched her muscles tightly around him.
He was so involved in watching her pleasure that it came as a complete shock to suddenly feel her hand grasping him.
Felicity was lost in a sensual ecstasy she'd never before known. As she'd suspected, none of her previous experiences compared to what she was feeling now, with Oliver's hands and lips all over her. But it wasn't enough. She needed to feel him, to know she could bring him to the writhing state of ecstasy he'd helped her achieve.
Knowing he was distracted by her pleasure, she took the opportunity to slide her hand between them, hearing his harsh gasp as she finally closed her fingers around him. She stroked him lightly, delighted with the way he cried out her name and pushed himself into her hand. Bringing her other hand into play, she stroked him from base to tip, moaning in delight as he thrust against her.
Oliver knew he'd never felt anything quite like Felicity's soft fingers wrapped tightly around him. Unconsciously, he arched into her hand, moaning her name as she began to stroke him quick and hard, exactly the way he liked it. For a brief moment, he wondered where she had learned this skill. He groaned as he felt her hands suddenly leave his flesh, reaching to bring them back, only to find they had locked on his hips and she was pulling him between her thighs.
"Oliver, please, I need to feel you inside me, now," she moaned, pulling his body into perfect alignment with hers. The need to have him buried deep inside her, just like in her dreams, was almost unbearable.
"Felicity," he whispered, unable to deny her plea. Holding himself back however, he turned his gaze to hers, an almost pleading expression in his eyes. "Do we need-"
"It's covered," she panted, moaning as he groaned and pushed gently against her.
Oliver could barely control his movements as he forced himself to slide slowly inside her tight passage, nearly consumed by the heat and wetness that closed around his aching member.
"Oliver!" she cried out, arching hard against him, forcing him as deep as he could go. She was in no mood for slow tonight. She needed him hard and fast and now.
He muttered a curse as he felt himself buried to the hilt in her warm, willing body. His breath hitched at the rightness of this situation. For a moment, he remained still, simply savoring the connection. But as he felt her writhe against him, he allowed his desire to take control. He began a series of quick, hard thrusts, sensing this was how she wanted to be taken. He was rewarded with cries and pants of his name as she wrapped her legs even tighter around his waist, pulling him deeper and deeper into her until he swore he couldn't tell where he started and she began.
Felicity was lost in the feeling of him pounding into her, his powerful body pressing her against the concrete wall with a delicious friction that aroused her even more. She could feel herself building to a peak she'd never climbed before, sensing instinctively that he was right there with her.
Oliver knew he couldn't hold out much longer, the desire building inside him almost too much to bear.
"Felicity!" he cried out desperately as he slammed into her, rejoicing in the way she was meeting his every thrust and moaning his name in wild abandon. He felt the wave building, cresting then breaking inside him as she tightened around him.
Felicity screamed as his final, hard thrust sent her flying over the edge, ecstasy like she'd never felt before shooting through her. She felt him shudder against her, releasing into her with several short sharp thrusts as he moaned her name, his face buried against her throat as he shuddered in her arms.
Slowly, she felt her body begin to calm, rejoicing in the fact that she had accomplished
her mission. She had seduced Oliver Queen, and she had done it with a passion that surprised even herself. She'd known she had a sensual side, but she hadn't realized how much she'd enjoyed using it until tonight. She only hoped Oliver felt the same.
Oliver was slowly returning to consciousness, extremely aware of the beautiful woman panting against him, the warmth of her body surrounding him as she held him tightly to her, refusing to let him go. He had never felt so content, so relaxed in his life. And it was all thanks to the beautiful woman now smiling up at him as her breathing returned to normal. Much to his surprise, and hers, he found himself gracing her with a rare, heartfelt smile.
Felicity caught her breath as she saw the grin break over Oliver's features, amazed at the difference it made. If he smiled like that more often, she had a feeling opinions of the playboy billionaire would quickly change. Then again, she really didn't want him to smile like that at anyone but her. She couldn't help but smile back glad to see he hadn't pulled away from her yet.
"You seem pleased with yourself Felicity," he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips across her flushed cheeks.
Felicity smiled as she allowed her arms to clasp loosely around his waist. "I am, I managed to seduce Oliver Queen," she replied with a grin, amazed to feel his chest vibrate with laughter against hers.
"Yet another reason that I say you are truly remarkable, Felicity Smoak," he replied, smiling as she registered the familiarity of his words.
"Thank you, again, for remarking on it," she replied with a grin. "And can I just say you were pretty remarkable yourself?"
He laughed, his tone low and sexy, making her toes curl as he reached to brush a strand of hair off her forehead. "Don't let it get around," he said with a small laugh.
"Your secret's safe with me, on one condition," she said, pulling his head up so his eyes met hers.
"You are in no position to make conditions Felicity," he teased, drawing out her name in a sensual whisper as he ran a hand down her side and moved his hips against hers, feeling himself stir again.
She shuddered, trying to find words to answer as fresh desire sparked in her body at his touch. "I think you'll like this condition," she managed, her voice turning breathless as his fingers closed around her breast.
"And what would that be?" He growled as he leaned down to brush his tongue over the point of her nipple.
She moaned, pulling his head closer, arching against him with a renewed passion. "That you allow me to continue to seduce you, on a regular basis," she whispered, feeling a slight tremor of fear, wondering if she'd assumed too much as his mouth stilled, then pulled back so he was gazing up at her face.
Oliver looked at her for a moment, clearly reading the worry in her eyes. For a moment, he considered ending it all here and now. One night that they would have to forget, for all their sakes, but most importantly, their safety. But one look at her naked body, still wrapped around his, and he knew he would do whatever she wanted if only she would continue to allow him the pleasure of her body. He had her now and come hell or high water, he wasn't going to let her go. Not when he'd never felt more alive in his life. And it was all because of her.
"I think that can be arranged," he finally replied, hiding his smile as he saw the worry disappear, to be replaced by a happiness that should have surprised him, but didn't. "But I have a condition of my own," he whispered silkily, letting his hand trail over her stomach and to the top of her thighs.
"Name it, anything you want, it's yours," she whispered, trying to keep her eyes open as his fingers danced between her thighs.
"That you allow me to seduce you some of the time as well," he said, nipping lightly at her earlobe. "I have quite a few fantasies about taking you on your desk, upstairs in the club, and don't even get me started on the office," he whispered, planting kisses against her neck as he felt her shudder against him.
Felicity groaned, white-hot desire flowing through her again as she moaned into his touch. "I think I can live with that." She felt him smile against her neck.
"Good, then prepare yourself Felicity, because I'm going to do things to you you've never even dreamed of, and you're going to love every single one of them," he growled, leaning down to capture her lips in another bruising kiss, already feeling his desire begin to rise again.
Felicity whimpered as she gave herself to his kiss, knowing that they still had a lot to talk about, but feeling that for the first time in months, it was going to be all right. Plus, she had been having some crazy fantasies about that salmon ladder that she realized she just might be able to make come true. Things were looking up indeed.
More Notes: So there you have it. I think it feels like it ends here, but I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want any type of continuation with this. Either way, thanks for reading and commenting and enjoying. Olicity forever!