Karneval Fanfiction
This will be my first Karneval Fanfiction!
I've read the manga and seen the anime, and this story will be based off the manga. It is a future fic, and is about Gareki's past.
Chapter 1
The team was excited. A little sad, but excited too. After all, Gareki was going back into Kuronomei. Well, not exactly. Since Gareki had run off and lost his privilege to go into the Circus program, he was going back into the Mechanics program like his roommate.
Gareki would be reregistered into the school the next morning, so for now, the team was walking through the town enjoying the sights. Karoku, Tsukumo and Nai walked a little ahead of the group. Yogi and Hirato walked along side each other behind them. Jiki and Eva were along with Akari had come as well, wanting to keep an eye on Nai since Nai might still be weak. Gareki himself walked a little a ways from the group, staring into the distance, lost in thought.
Gareki was excited, very much so, but he was nervous too. He had technically run away and broken the rules, and disappeared without anyone knowing where or why he had gone. Now he was just going to pop in again. Gareki winced thinking about how Tsubame might react to that. Yogi noticed the wince and ran over to try and tackle Gareki.
"Garkei! Are you ok?" Yogi wrapped Gareki in a tight hug. The group stopped to watch, all knowing what was about to happen. Gareki's eyes narrowed and he thrust his elbow into Yogi's stomach. As Yogi gasped and leaned over, Gareki brought his knee up to send the older blonde man backwards onto his rear.
"Ow! Gareki! That hurt!" Yogi rubbed his midsection coughing slightly. Gareki scoffed and just walked off when Nai made a small noise in his throat. Karoku looked down at the young boy.
"What is it Nai?" He asked pleasantly, his face full of affection. Nai looked confused though. "Nai?" Karoku repeated.
"Somebody's laughing." Nai said. Karoku looked over at Eva and Jiki who were laughing, and Hirato, Akari and Tsukumo were smirking.
"Yes, our friends have found Gareki's reactions to Yogi's affections amusing." Karoku said. Nai looked more confused.
"Yeah, but they don't laugh so deeply." Nai was looking around the plaza. A lot of people had slowed down to observe the situation. Many people recognized the formal attire of Hirato's as belonging to circus. These people would stop and stare, maybe take a picture, or just wave and walk on. No one worried about the blonde man who was grabbing his stomach in pain.
"Idiot! Don't touch me!" Gareki snarled. Yogi looked up, tears in his eyes as if he was about to cry. Jiki snickered and walked closer to Gareki.
"Why can't he touch you?" Jiki whispered into Gareki's ear. Gareki didn't hesitate. He grabbed Jiki's arm and flipped the other ravenette over. Jiki hit the ground with an 'oof!'
"Let's continue." Tsukumo suggested. Eva had moved and was trying to drag the more slender, stunningly beautiful blonde girl into a lingerie store. Hirato caught Karoku's worried glances at Nai, who seemed to be trying to hear something better.
"Yes, let's keep moving." Akari agreed, rubbing his temples as if fighting a headache. The group followed Yogi, who was now restored, into a child's toy store.
"Why here?" Gareki growled, standing near the exit with Akari and Hirato.
"I do believe Yogi deserves some sort of reward, he has been through a lot recently." Hirato said. Gareki yawned and rolled his shoulders, glad he didn't have to wear a uniform today. Gareki liked having bare shoulders, though he had never figured out why. He got cold easily, and bare shoulders would make him colder usually.
Today, Gareki was wearing a black shirt that had very stylized sleeves. Dark red straps reached over his shoulders and sleeves that stared under the shoulder, and were connected to the body of the shirt, were black with red vine designs down the arm. Black jeans and black combat boots finished his slightly punk look. Of course, Gareki went no where without his goggles.
Hirato wore his usual suit, and Akari wore a light pink button up shirt and kakis. Yogi was running around in a green shirt with the cat logo, and worn blue jeans that were a tan/yellow color. Tsukumo had a pink mini-dress with light blue legging and knee high boots. Lace edged every edge of her dress. Eva had a purple body suit that was skin tight on, with a black leather jacket over he shoulders. Black boots up to her knees and a large black belt finished her look. Karoku had his favorite blue sweatshirt and blue jeans on. Nai was wear a red sweater under white overalls. The overalls were short and he wore red sock-leggings that ended a few inches under his overalls. He also wore white shoes. Jiki was wearing a simple black shirt with the 1 logo and black jeans. The group was very fashionable and caught many stares.
"Are you excited?" Hirato suddenly asked Gareki. Gareki looked over at the leader.
"For what?"
"To return to school." Hirato was watching Karoku, Tsukumo and Nai goggling over a plushie. Nai kept looking up and around as if a fly was buzzing around his head. Gareki was watching them too.
"It would be bad if you got too stressed about it." Akari suggested. Gareki sighed.
"I'm ready to make myself useful." Gareki said. Akari nodded approvingly, while Hirato gave Gareki a bemused smile.
"And you think you haven't been useful already?" he muttered to himself. Akari, hearing just barely what was said, gave Hirato an accusing glare. The group made their purchases and left the store.
"We need to get Gareki a gift!" Yogi declared to the group in the next store, a hobby shop. Jiki had been held back, but Gareki had been aloud to run off and examine some metal scraps and model building sets. Everyone gave Yogi a suspicious look.
"That's great!" Nai shouted. Other shoppers looked over confused. Gareki had slipped down some aisles and was so used to his companion's outburst that Nai's shout of joy didn't even register to him.
"Why, Yogi?" Eva asked, hugging Tsukumo. Yogi's face somehow smiled bigger now with the evidence that the others would help him.
"Well, last time he just left and we gave him the stuffed animals. But we know Gareki likes metal things, and tinkering, so let's get him some tools or a set…" Yogi trailed off, hoping someone would assist his idea some more.
"He can get that himself." Jiki complained, looking longingly at the gardening section. Yogi frowned.
"I think it is a good idea." Nai assured Yogi as the group disbanded and began wondering the store. Tsukumo found herself and Eva at the sewing section.
"I think I'll try to make Gareki a nice shirt." Tsukumo muttered to herself. Eva heard and remembered Tsukumo's less than professional sewing skills.
"I'll help," Eva offered. Tsukumo gave her a grateful smile. Eva squealed and tackled Tsukumo in a hug.
Jiki was in the gardening section with Akari.
"I might give him cold medicine." Akari muttered. Jiki looked over his shoulder and snickered. He himself was thinking that maybe and easy to take care of, beautiful plant might be nice if the dorms were still as he remembered them.
Hirato and Karoku were browsing the aisles when Karoku stopped. Hirato stopped as well.
"I feel I should thank Gareki for taking care of Nai. I said thank you, but that can't have been enough." Hirato thought a minute.
"Maybe a nice card?" Hirato found himself answering. He wasn't quite sure how to respond though. He didn't often thank people for doing something for him that he felt was sentimental, or could change his life. Karoku thought a minute then agreed. The two headed to the card section.
Yogi and Nai were in the crafts section. Nai was fascinated by the sketch art that was shimmering. He picked up one and held onto to it with fierce passion.
"What do you have, Nai?" Yogi asked. Gareki walked past the aisle at just that moment and looked at Yogi's cart.
"What do you not have, Yogi?" He asked. Yogi squeaked and ran around trying to put everything back. Gareki walked up to Nai.
"Let me see it." He demanded, but his voice was soft. Nai showed Gareki the picture. It was a scratch art template that would leave a shimmering rainbow picture. The suggested picture was of a family of puppies rolling over each other. Gareki observed it for a minute.
"This would take a long time to finish." Gareki said, handing it back. Nai looked crestfallen.
"The nit won't be ready…" Nai sniffled. Gareki was confused. He looked at the racks. He picked up another sketch art. It showed a butterfly, and was also a rainbow shimmer.
"I think you should start with this one. Once you master it, you'll be able to finish the puppy one quickly." Gareki put both templates into Yogi's now empty cart. Nai tackled Gareki from behind and held Gareki in a tight hug.
"Nai!" Gareki gasped in shock. He turned just to get Nai's face buried in his stomach. Nai didn't let go, and Gareki would never hit Nai like he would Yogi or Jiki. Yogi walked around the corner and jumped with excitement.
"Group hug!" He shouted, but Gareki took a step backwards, pulling Nai with him and knocking the cart into another person's. He turned to apologize as Yogi sailed past him. Nai still held onto Gareki tightly. Gareki's voice caught when he recognized the other shopper.
"Headmaster…" The two stared each other, then the Headmaster chuckled heartily.
"It is good to have friends in powerful places, isn't it, Gareki?" The Headmaster continued on. Nai let go and watched to Headmaster leave with Gareki.
"Ow, Gareki! Why are you so mean?!" Yogi shouted. Gareki turned and snarled.
"Have some decency! You're and adult!"
After leaving the hobby shop, the group returned to the ship. Gareki enjoyed the silence of the ship. He was shocked that, even though everyone was in the same, large, recreation room, it was quiet. He could hear clicking of pins as Eva and Tsukumo were sewing something, the scratching of a pen as Karoku was writing, the shifting of paper as Akari got some work done and Jiki read a large book with a picture of plants on it, and the soft sound that was similar to pen scratching as Nai worked on his sketch-scratch art. Yogi was also quiet which seriously surprised Gareki. The blonde was napping on the couch. Gareki shrugged and continued to read his own book about mechanics. He wanted to be ready for the new courses he was about to take.
The closer someone got to the school, the more deserted the area became. The school was an intimidating fortress surrounded by a forest of unused buildings.
Nai was clutching Gareki's sleeve as they walked up to the school. Everyone could feel something in the air that was slightly threatening. They were almost to the school when Nai squeaked in fear and pulled Gareki closer to him.
It was a good thing Nai had yanked Gareki, because a loud crack followed Nai's squeaked and a black shaped whipped by Gareki's head. From everyone's large eyes, it was evident no one had expected the bullet. Akari turned to Gareki to ask if he was alright, but by looking at Gareki's face he could tell. On the right side of Gareki's face, a deep cut had been made, following his cheekbone up. The cut was ragged and bleeding a lot as head wounds do.
The group was in battle mode instantly. Alarms from the school were heard.
"Come out and you shall not be harmed." Hirato shouted in a commanding tone. It was a required statement, but from the sirens floating around Hirato's head where his hat had been, it was obvious he wasn't going to let the armed person off without a scratch. Then again, if the person hadn't been sensed by the circus members, the person wasn't human.
Kagiri and Kiharu stepped out and smiled predator smiles. A black cloud of Varugas blocked off the safest path to the school.
Akari was next to Gareki who was standing protectively over Nai. Blood from his cut made a disturbing design down his face as it continued to bleed and mix with his sweat.
"You need to get that treated." Akari said.
"Where?" Gareki retorted. They could hear the backup from the school on the other side of the varugas, and it wasn't sounding good.
"I'm ordering that the school defenders retreat into the school and call the 1st ship." Hirato said, pressing a few quick buttons on his cell. The sounds from the other side of the black cloud quickly disappeared.
"Ha! You might of saved a few lives, but in my momentum, I'm gonna take yours! And you cutey, you're gonna be my first." Kiharu, gesturing at Tsukumo, salivated slightly. Jiki and Eva stepped forward, their faces angry.
"How dare you say that tom my beloved Tsukumo!" They both shouted. Weapons were drawn in an instant. Kagiri and Kiharu smiled as if they had just one and jumped to attack.
"Wait." A voice caused both boys to drop and look around themselves in fear. Uro walked out of the varuga cloud and smiled at the group. Human Varugas walked out behind him, including the cat girl, Peka.
"We're willing to negotiate first." Uro explained calmly, causing Kiharu and Kagiri to pout.
"We'll never give you Karoku or Nai!" Yogi shouted in defiance. Uro laughed.
"We don't need those two. My boss is actually interested in someone else. A Special Child of the Second Ship, is what he called him." Tsukumo and Eva glanced at Yogi. Yogi crossed his swords in front of him. Yogi thought that might be him, but it sounded like Uro was still just playing with them.
"You may tell your boss to give up on that quest. He really should just turn himself in!" Eva laughed.
"We would never hand over anyone, stand down." Hirato ordered. Uro shrugged. He lifted his hand and the Varugas poised, ready to attack. The Circus members raised their weapons as well. Uro shook his head sadly. There was no way the five fighting Circus members could win against over two-hundred varuga without someone getting seriously hurt before the 1st ship arrived. Uro's hand fell.
The black cloud of varuga surrounded the group. Many were taken out immediately from a barrage of powerful attacks from the Circus members. Karuko, Akari, Nai and Gareki were busy dodging the ferocious varuga. Gareki shoved Karoku into Akari so hard, both fell over and multiple varuga flew over them. Gareki then grabbed Nai and ran towards a wall. He dodged to the side just in front of the wall. The varuga chasing them slammed into the wall. Gareki rolled under it, wrapping Nai in his arms so the small boy wouldn't be hurt by the brickwork beneath them. Varuga screams echoed as they were taken down.
Gareki somehow dragged Nai to an alley. He found a window that was open and shoved Nai through it. Nai turned around and grabbed Gareki's face.
"Karoku! Akari!" Nai cried. Gareki nodded.
"Stay here. Stay quiet." Gareki told Nai, pulling away. Nai sank toe the floor and shivered. He could hear everything. It terrified him, he squeezed his ears shut, but he could still here them…
Gareki jumped off a varuga and skidded under the next one. He found Akari nursing Karoku while Jiki defended them. But Jiki was having a hard time defending and attacking at the same time.
"I got them." Gareki shouted. Jiki just nodded. Akari threw Karoku on his back and Gareki started leading the doctor to the house Nai was hidden in.
Gareki's face burned, but he didn't stop to check his right cheek. A drop of blood hit his lip. Gareki's tongue licked it up and Gareki couched at the taste. Tasting blood always reminded him of Her death, and his time on the slave ship. It always brought bad memories.
Yanking Akari just enough to get into the alley, Gareki kept watch while Akari, with Nai's help, got Karoku into the house. Gareki ran to the window and assisted Akari through. Gareki grabbed the shutters and was about to close them. Akari grabbed his wrist.
"Get in." Akari ordered. Gareki looked around. The window reached his chest. Jumping up would be hard, but he could do it. Taking a step back, Gareki was about to take a quick running start to jump higher, when he heard Akari's shout of warning. Turning, Gareki just caught the gun that was swinging towards his head, on his wrist. Gareki felt pain explode in his wrist. His right arm hadn't completely recovered from his last varuga fight. Uro sneered as Gareki stumbled back a few steps.
"Gareki!" Nai screamed. Gareki turned and shoved Akari and Nai backwards. The two toppled back and watched in horror as the shutters were slammed closed.
Gareki winced, and held his right arm protectively as he faced Uro. Shoving Akari and Nai had really hurt.
"Aren't you on the run? You took all the blame; I'm shocked by this bold appearance." Gareki said, trying to by time. He could still here heavy fighting. He could also hear the shutters being opened. Spinning to get more power, Gareki aimed a roundhouse at Uro. Uro grabbed Gareki's leg and threw the boy down the alley. Gareki struggled to get up. His arm was burning, and now his knee hurt. A foot came out of nowhere, and slammed into Gareki's gut. Gareki curled into a ball, coughing, gasping for air. Black spots danced over his eyes.
"My boss wants the Special Child of the Second Ship. You, Gareki, don't realize how special you are, do you?" Gareki coughed and tried to catch his breath as he was kicked in the stomach again. "Yes, I might have had a set back in public, but I'm rising again, my Master has his plan, and you shall set it in motion, Gareki." Uro laughed, kicking Gareki in the stomach as hard as he could one more time. Gareki let out a gasping shout, then curled tighter into a ball. He didn't move anymore. Uro bent down and lifted an eyelid. Gareki's eyeball rolled down. Uro smiled and threw Gareki over his shoulder. He turned to meet the barrel of a gun. Akari stood there with Nai leaning out the window.
"Put him down." Akari's voice was cold. Uro sensed that Akari was the type of person that really would fire. Uro frowned, working out a plan to get out of this. He smiled as he saw Nai over Akari's shoulder.
"I'd pay more attention to the children." Akari, as Uro expected spun around to see Nai falling out of the window, just from leaning out to much. Uro's own gun slammed into the back of Akari's head and Akari was out cold. Nai screamed and was crying heavily. Uro snarled and jumped right in front of Nai. Nai stopped crying and stared up at Uro. Uro sighed, feeling pity for the innocent young boy who really didn't have anything to do with what w as happening.
"This isn't your fault." Uro assured Nai, placing a large hand on Nai's head. Nai stiffened, but Uro's hand was truly gentle. Nai felt like this was a hand that often comforted children, or at least had a history of being comforting.
"Give back Gareki!" Nai cried. Uro sighed.
"I can't do that. Here, have this to remember him by." Uro said, pulling Gareki's goggles off his head and dropping them in Nai's lap. Nai was crying again, but as Uro began walking away, Nai grabbed his leg. Uro took a step dragging Nai, but stopped quickly.
"Both My Master and I would prefer you not be hurt. I request you let go, or I might have to do what is necessary to complete my mission." Nai didn't let go. Uro didn't hesitate. He shook his leg and kicked Nai away.
"GAREKI!" Nai screamed, reaching out and trying to catch Uro, but Uro jumped away, leaving Nai grasping at air. As Uro disappeared into the cloud of Varuga, all the varugas fighting with Circus ran off.
In minutes, the sky was clear and sunny. It was a beautiful morning.
Well, How is it? Please review! This is the first story I've written that isn't from this other show.
I'd like to see something more about Gareki's past in the manga. I mean, he was sold to a slave ship Hirato and Tsukumo took down for a reason. We just don't know what that reason is yet. They keep alluding to it, so I'm hopeful!
Burning Bright