Disclaimer: We don't own Power Rangers, because if we did, things would have been different. Though we wish we owned Billy, but oh well. That's life!
AN: This is a story written by Lilac Moon(author of Silver Hope, The Power of Zeo, and Entwined Destinies: The Meeting of Worlds) and Bleu Woulfe(author of Dark Blue Return). This story takes place mid season 2, with the departure of Jason, Zack, and Trini. And the coming of Rocky, Adam, and Aisha. For the rest, you're going to have to scroll down and read! Enjoy, and please leave a review! Thanks.
Quiet Evil
Chapter 1
By Andrea McPherren and Tanya DePass
[email protected] and [email protected]
The three teenagers wondered why they had been picked for this torture as the snake came closer to them... Aisha was close to fainting, since she was deathly afraid of snakes.
Rocky was doing his best to scoot further away while Adam just stared. When it seemed that they were doomed, the Blue Ranger teleported in and wrestled the snake away from the trapped teens.
The Pink and White Rangers untied the three Stone Canyon students while the Blue Ranger fought with the deadly snake...
"Go on, I can handle the snake, get them to safety!" He said, while trying to hold the reptile at arms length.
Billy struggled with the snake. It began to wrap itself around his arm, and slither towards his neck. The evil snake sunk its fangs into Billy's flesh. Billy cried out and fell to the ground.
Tommy and Kim rushed back into the cave. Tommy pulled the snake off Billy, and tossed it aside. Kim used her blade blaster, and destroyed the snake.
"Billy, Billy, are you okay?" Kim asked. Billy held his neck as he gasped for air. Kimberly removed his helmet, and allowed him to get some air.
*He's was so brave and self-sacrificing. He always puts everyone else before himself. Whoa Kimberly! You love Tommy, not Billy!* she told herself.
Adam, Rocky, and Aisha walked up behind the rangers. They gasped in amazement as they discovered the identity of the blue ranger.
"Billy?!" Rocky exclaimed.
"You're the blue ranger?" Aisha asked.
"Oh no," Billy said. The pink and white rangers removed their helmets, and again Rocky, Adam, and Aisha were surprised.
"Kimberly and Tommy?" Adam asked.
"You guys are power rangers? This is amazing!" Rocky said excitedly.
After that, Tommy didn't ask if Billy was okay, so Billy decided not to say anything about being bit. He felt fine, and seemed to be completely normal.
Zedd stood at his palace balcony deep in thought.
"Master, we have learned that Jason, Zack, and Trini are leaving for a peace conference in Switzerland. Those three that we attempted to turn evil are taking their places. Do you wish me to go and hinder their efforts?" Goldar asked.
"Normally I would say yes Goldar, but there has been an interesting development," Zedd replied.
"What is that master?" Goldar asked.
"My snake bit Billy when he rescued those three," Zedd told him.
"But wouldn't that make him evil?" Goldar asked.
"Yes, normally it would be immediate. But because he was bitten when he was morphed, the venom is slowly turning him evil. Do you realize what this means?" Zedd asked.
"No I don't," Goldar replied.
"He will soon come up here of his own will. And the powers of the blue ranger have fused with the evil venom, which means that Zordon won't be able to take the power away from him once he becomes completely evil. He will also have the power to turn others around him evil, by making acute physical contact," Zedd said.
"Acute physical contact?" Goldar asked.
"Yes, like a kiss, or mixing of blood," Zedd replied.
"With Billy on our side the rangers will be doomed!" Goldar exclaimed.
"Yes, evil shall reign supreme," Zedd laughed.
Meanwhile back on Earth the Rangers past and present bid farewell to their companions who had been selected for the peace conference in Geneva. Billy was quiet, observing three of his four closest friends leaving for another country. He stayed off to himself for a bit, occasionally glancing at Kim. He felt an intense wave of bitter jealousy when Tommy wrapped his arm around Kim to comfort her. Billy stood still, fighting himself not to run over and knock Tommy into the console he was standing next to.
*Where did these feelings come from...I have never been jealous of Kim and Tommy before. It must be the stress of losing...Jase, Zack and Trini for such a long time, I'm not jealous of them.* Billy thought, a frown creasing his brow as he let his mind wander toward darker and darker ways of thinking. Kim noticed the expression on Billy's face and came over to see if he was in need of her help since she was the last of the "old gang" who was still around.
"Billy, do you need to talk about them leaving? Are you ok, you look upset?" Kim asked as she let a hand land on Billy's shoulder and looked him in the eye.
"Kim, I am not ok... I miss them already. I think I should return to my domicile to collect myself, and to attain a calmer sense of being. Thank you for looking out for me, I appreciate your gesture. Perhaps later, once I can reminisce without feeling this way, may I contact you?" Kim smiled at her best friend and hugged him briefly.
"Sure Billy. I'll be at the Juice Bar if you want to talk tonight, otherwise call me at home, ok?"
"I shall take you up on your offer I believe Kim. Now if you will forgive me, I need to be alone for awhile." Billy kisses her on the forehead and teleports to his room, feeling angry, confused and strangely enough jealous over Kim and Tommy's relationship. He flops on the bed, trying to forget about the streak of jealousy that he felt as he saw Kim and Tommy together earlier.
"It's nothing..." Billy muttered to himself as he thumbed through his Physics book, trying to get his mind off of his problems. The book couldn't distract him enough however from thinking about Kim.
"Why am I torturing myself like this, when maybe I should be torturing Tommy instead..." Billy let the words float in the air, wondering what he could possibly do to Tommy that would wound him beyond measure.
Kimberly touched the place on her forehead where Billy had kissed her. She felt something when he kissed her, but she was almost afraid to explore it. The fact was she had felt her body be consumed by passionate flames. She wanted him to kiss her again. No, this time she wanted him to kiss her lips.
*What the hell am I thinking?! This is Billy...Billy Cranston, my best friend. Handsome and caring best friend. Argh...There I go again!* her thoughts screamed at her.
"Hey Kim. Earth to Kimberly!" Tommy called.
"What?" she asked, as she snapped out of her daze.
"You were off in space. What were you thinking about?" Tommy asked.
"Oh nothing, let's go to Ernie's," Kim said.
"Whatever you say beautiful," Tommy said.
Kimberly cringed at him calling her beautiful.
*It should be Billy calling me beautiful,* she thought to herself. And this time she didn't reject the thought.
Zedd chuckled to himself as he witnessed the scenes unfold before him.
"What is it master?" Goldar asked.
"It seems that Kimmy is losing interest in Tommy. Her interest is turning towards my future apprentice, which means that she will inevitably become evil as well," Zedd told him.
"The end of the power rangers is near. And their undoing will be by the cause of their very own," Goldar stated.
"Yes, I couldn't have planned it better myself," Zedd replied.
Billy entered the youth center. Kimberly's chocolate eyes met his emerald ones. The electricity was almost evident between them. Billy approached his friend's table and sat down. It was then that Kimberly noticed a difference in him.
"Billy, where are your glasses?" Kim asked.
"Contacts," Billy replied.
"You cut your hair too Billy, I like it," Aisha replied, as they all noticed Billy's new short, semi-spiked hairstyle.
"I like it too Billy," Kim said.
"Thanks," Billy replied.
"Let's spar Rocky," Tommy said. Rocky agreed, and followed Tommy to the mats.
"I think I'm going to head home," Kimberly said. She flashed an inviting glance to Billy.
"I have some homework to get done, I'll walk home with you Kim," Billy said.
"Bye guys," Adam said.
Kimberly and Billy exited the youth center together. Tommy was too busy sparring, and failed to notice.
As they walked down the street, Billy found himself unable to keep his gaze off of Kim...as they approached his house he turned to her and took her hand.
"Kim, will you come in with me...I would greatly desire to spend some time with you as my...friend," Kim smiled shyly and agreed to join Billy inside. Once they were in, Billy took her book bag and jacket, hanging them in the hall closet. He led her to the couch and sat next to her, taking her hand very gently...he realized that in doing that he was opening a door to things changing between them as friends...Billy just hoped he wouldn't destroy their friendship with his clumsy attempts at telling her how had begun to feel.
"Kim, I don't know why I've begun to feel this way, or how... I do know I have to speak on it regardless of the consequences," Billy sat there, unable to go on for a moment partially from nervousness, partially from a slight twinge in his neck from the snake bite. Kim became concerned when he stopped speaking and a pained grimace crossed his features...
"Billy, you ok? You look like you're in pain," Kim said as she caressed his face gently.
"I...I'm ok. I just felt a slight pain in my neck. I think it's just latent soreness from our encounter with Goldar and that snake. I need a relaxing shower... but I am digressing from my original point. I have started to have more than friendly feelings for you Kimberly. There, it's said and done," Billy sits back, waiting for Kim's reaction to his words as he starts to massage his neck where the snake bite wound should have been. He looks at her, while hoping he hasn't blown it with Kim as a friend. His thoughts are shut down as Kim reaches over and kisses him gently on the lips.
"Thank you Billy, telling me that was very brave of you. I must admit, I've been thinking of you differently since you that day we rescued Rocky, Adam and Aisha. I was thinking how brave and selfless you are to take on that snake and let them escape," Billy smiles, a bemused look on his face.
"So I haven't destroyed our friendship?" He asks her, not allowing his voice to betray the joy in his heart at Kim's words.
"No, you haven't. I don think anything you could say could do that Billy. The problem is what to do now? I am dating Tommy, but I don't feel the same any more. It would kill him know I now love you. Let's play it by ear until we figure out how far this is going to go, ok?" Billy smiles...
"That's much more than I hoped for Kim. Thank you, for this chance," He kisses her on the cheek and stands up to stretch and holds his hand to her.
"Allow me to walk you home? Dad will be home soon and I can't ever hide things from him, despite what people think about us,"
"Okay," she agrees, as she took his hand.
Billy and Kimberly left the Cranston residence, and headed toward the Hart residence.
They reached Kimberly's front door much earlier than either of them wanted to.
"I guess we should say good night," Kim said.
"Yea, unfortunately," Billy replied. They stared at each other through an awkward silence. Each was waiting for the other to make a move. Billy again felt a slight twinge in his neck. Billy Cranston was never known for being bold, in fact he wasn't sure if he had ever done something bold in his life. But there is a first time for everything. Billy pulled Kimberly into a zealous kiss. Kimberly was shocked at first, but then melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and returned the kiss with equal passion. They finally broke the lengthy kiss and said a final good night, before parting ways.
It will only be a matter of time now Goldar. Very soon, both the blue and pink rangers will be completely evil. And there's nothing Zordon and the other rangers can do about it!" Zedd laughed, as he continued to watch the developments on Earth.
AN: Hope you liked it! Reviews make our days! Let us know what you think, and thanks for reading. Chapter 2 should be up soon! Later!