AN ~ Hello lovelies! This chapter is thanks to a wonderful person called as they gave me the kick up the backside I needed to write it. I thought this up just before going to sleep the other day and just HAD to write it.

Thank you ever so much for your support and I will see if I can write another chapter :)
Kelly-Ann x
P.S. Sorry for any mistakes!

The Peacock Accident

Albus had now arrived at Hogwarts for his first year and was sorted into the noble house of Slytherin. From what Snape could tell, Slytherin had gained a very talented student. A couple of weeks after the start of term, Albus already had a multitude of friends including Scorpius Malfoy. The two had struck up a companionship of sorts when they both fell into the lake before the Sorting Feast. After the sorting, both of them were in Slytherin and were dormed together, so the companionship grew into friendship and they fast became best friends. Scorpius had his Fathers talent for potions and was helping Albus when he found them hard. Albus had Lily's talent for charms and his Fathers talent for DADA, although he was very good in his other subjects, these were the ones he excelled in. They both had their Fathers love for trouble as it seemed and never gave up an opportunity to cause it or join it. Many pranks had already occurred even though term started two weeks ago and most of them somehow involved Scorpius and Albus. Because of this, Albus found himself once again in the headmistress's office, though this time he was the one in trouble.

'Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy, would one of you care to explain why the whole school is walking around with weather diagrams above their head including little rain clouds that actually rain on the person underneath?'
Albus and Scorpius shared a look and both tried to stifle giggles that threatened to explode.
'Well Headmistress, we find it hard to read people sometimes like judging their moods, so we thought if we found it hard, how does everyone else cope? And then it came to us. We thought we'd make it easier for people to understand other's moods for a day by using weather diagrams. Sunny if their happy, rainy if their sad see?'

Professor McGonagall was proud of her ability to keep a mask in most situations, including the most strenuous, but on this occasion it fell, leaving her laughing like a rosy cheeked Santa at Christmas. The two young children stared, mouths agape for a couple of seconds before joining the laughing session. A few minutes later, they had all calmed down for the most part apart from the occasional giggle.
Professor McGonagall once again turned to the boys, this time with a straight face.
'Did you put safety measures in place?'
'What do you mean Professor?'
'Say for example, someone was in a really bad mood, such a bad mood that their little weather diagram turned into a thunderstorm and shot bolts of lightning onto their heads?'
Scorpius paled slightly and shook his head turning to Albus for confirmation.
'Yes professor, I limited the weather diagrams to sunny, cloudy and raining. I did not allow snow storms, thunderstorms or tornados.'
Professor McGonagall nodded at him and studied them both for a couple of seconds, this caused the boys to become extremely uncomfortable and they both started shifting in their chairs. Finally the Headmistress let them go with an hour's detention the coming Saturday. Just before they were about to leave Scorpius noticed a couple of figurines on the desk. One was a proud stag, and the other was big, black dog.
'Professor?' Scorpius said cautiously.
'Yes Mr Malfoy?'
'Why do you have a stag and a dog on your desk?'
McGonagall stared at the boy before glancing at Albus who shook his head slightly.
'They are a representation of two students who were incredibly brave, stubborn, smart and loyal. They, like you were lovers of pranks but the stag always kept the dog in check, never allowing another person to get seriously hurt. They both died at a young age but thanks to them, we are now able to live in the light instead of the dark.'

Albus nodded at the headmistress, thankful that she hadn't told Scorpius who they were. Obviously, Albus knew who they were but he didn't want Scorpius to know just yet. Knowing Scorpius, he would want to become illegal Animagi just like them. Walking towards the door, Albus noticed a familiar portrait hanging on the wall.
'Headmistress, do you mind if I talk with this Professor for a minute?'
'No of course not, he doesn't get very many visitors.' With a wave of her wand, McGonagall summoned a pair of armchairs for the two boys and drew a curtain across the archway which split her office in two thus giving the boys some privacy.

'Professor?' Albus called quietly.
Severus, who was pretending to be asleep again, dramatised his waking up (I mean come on, Snape is a drama queen, but I do love him :3) and turned to face the boys.
'Oh hello young Albus, finally at Hogwarts are we?' Severus asked, even though he knew full well that the young Potter boy was at Hogwarts. Seeing as he was one of the only Hogwarts Headmasters to have a portrait in their old house's common room, he was able to come and go from the office. He was surprised the boy hadn't seen him in there. He had observed the friendship between Albus and Scorpius and was proud of him for pushing past the Malfoy/Potter rivalry, even if they didn't know of it.
'Hello professor, I would like you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy.'
'Ah another Malfoy aye? You look a lot like your Father you know. Blonde hair, clear grey eyes, yep definitely a Malfoy.' Scorpius grinned at Severus, apparently not deterred from Severus's comments.
'I know who you are!' Exclaimed Scorpius suddenly.
'You're my Fathers favourite teacher. What was your name, what was your name, what was your name?' Scorpius started tapping his temple, something he always did when he couldn't remember something and it was frustrating him. Albus just rolled his eyes and turned back to Severus.
'Could you please tell us a story Professor? One with both our Fathers in it?' Severus looked at Albus who was sitting forward on his chair looking up at him earnestly; even Scorpius had stopped his temple tapping and was leaning forward slightly. Severus pretended to sigh and think about it.
'Oh I suppose so.'
Albus beamed at him and Scorpius whooped in excitement, earning him a quick 'shhh!' from Albus.

'Although it may seem crass, I am going to call your Fathers by their first names. It just makes everything run smoother.' Severus explained. The two boys nodded, eagerly awaiting the story.
'Draco was in Slytherin and Harry was in Gryffindor, both very proud and clever, each in their own way. Draco was solitary and Harry was social, leading to many complications when it came to pranks. The Gryffindor vs. Slytherin rivalry goes back many generations but your Fathers took it to a whole new level. They were enemies, no nemeses.' Severus paused there to let that information sink in, thinking it would be somewhat shocking. But to his surprise, the two boys looked at each other and grinned.
'Bet my dad kicked your dad's butt at quidditch.' Said Scorpius. Albus snorted in contempt and replied
'Bet my dad kicked your dad's butt on grades.' Severus laughed at this point which received pointed stares from the boys.
'Actually, Draco was extremely good at studying as he could focus more on the work and Harry was miles better at Quidditch and won many games against Draco.' The boys gaped for a few seconds before turning to each other and saying
'My dad was better at quidditch!'
'My dad was better at studying!'
This turned into a quick scuffle before Snape gave a shrill whistle gaining the boys attention.
'Shall we get on with the story?' Snape asked. Albus and Scorpius nodded, getting back into their seats and getting comfortable.

'Unfortunately for me, they were in the same class for potions. One day, Harry turned up late for his class and the only seat left was next to Draco. They were concocting a very complicated and dangerous potion, one that I am not willing to tell you the name of before you go asking Mr Malfoy.' Scorpius slumped back in his seat disappointed.
'About halfway through the potion, Harry chopped up the wrong feathers for the potion. Instead of using pheasant feathers, he used peacock feathers. He then proceeded to put them into the potion. I noticed this but did not say anything as peacock feathers would have no adverse affects to the potion, it just wouldn't work in the same way. Then, towards the end of the class when everyone was casting the last spell over the potion, Draco said 'Pereina' pronounced 'pree – nah' instead of 'Peh – ree – nah' which is the correct pronunciation. Again, I didn't say anything as this would completely change the way the potion works, meaning it would cause no harm to Draco and Harry. At the end of the class, everyone would sample their own work, only the ones who had made the potion correctly mind, and had their partners cast the mind boggling hex on them. Because of the mistakes they had made, I had both your fathers sample their work. This caused them both to turn into large, white peacocks.'

At this point, even if Snape had continued talking the boys wouldn't have heard, due to the fact that they were leaning on each other for support whilst they laughed their heads off. Severus even cracked a small smile before calling
'Boys if you want me to finish the story you need to calm down!' This resulted in gulping laughs and a couple of hiccups before silence ensued.

'Right, where was I? Oh yes, large white peacocks. Of course everyone in the classroom noticed this and like the two of you, where overtaken with laughter. Someone even ended up rolling on the floor if my memory serves correctly. At this point, unfortunately for your Fathers, a young boy called Colin Creevey came in. He was sent to me by Professor Sprout in search of some pliers as the stock in the Greenhouses had been ransacked by a crowd of Daphnaie's, who mutinied against the Professor and destroyed the pliers responsible for pruning their beloved trees. Mr Creevey always carried a muggle camera with him. Wherever he went, the camera did to and it had a charm placed on it to ensure the pictures it produced moved like wizarding ones. This enabled him to take pictures Draco and Harry when they were peacocks. Whilst all this chaos was happening around them, your Fathers were engaging in a territorial battle that involved raising their tail feathers, walking in circles then flying at each other and trying to tear each other apart with their claws. By the time I had settled the class down and separated the both of them, they were injured quite badly, both as bad as each other. I personally took them up to the infirmary after putting binding spells on their wings to prevent them from flying away. After that I do not know what happened as I had other classes to teach, but from what I can tell, both of your fathers had to spend the whole day as peacocks and only changed back at sunset. They called a temporary truce which lasted two weeks I think before hitting each other with insults again. Whenever they got a little carried away in any of my classes, all I had to say was the word 'peacock' and they both shut up immediately. Thankfully, Harry was friends with Mr. Creevey and so no pictures of the two of them were seen but I'm pretty sure Mr. Creevey kept at least one of them as a memoire.'

As Severus finished his story, he noticed both Scorpius and Albus looking thoughtful. They both turned to each other and started talking in hushed voices. They suddenly turned back to Severus and both asked him the same question at the same time
'Do you think our Fathers would appreciate it if we called them peacocks?'
Snape grinned and said
'I'm sure they wouldn't.' The two boys nodded gleefully and Snape was reminded of the Weasley Twins, although the twins were troublesome, they definitely thought up some good comebacks.

They both stood slowly and thank the Professor for his time.
'Snape! Your name is Snape! And...'Scorpius said stopping his sentence as he realised what Snape's first name was.
'Yes my name is Professor Snape.' Severus said narrowing his eyes slightly at Scorpius and hoping he understood what it meant. He wasn't sure if he wanted Albus to know who he really was as... well, the child was named after him for Merlin's sake!

Waving at Snape, the two boys left through the wooden door and started down the spiral staircase. Severus sighed and called out to Minerva letting her know she could open the curtain again.
'I didn't know you had so much regard for Black and Potter?' Severus said as Minerva came through to look through the door towards the boys.
'I didn't know you cared enough for Harry and Draco not to tell their children about their more... offensive battles.' countered Minerva.
Snape shrugged and sighed again, already thinking of more stories to tell the two boys.