Just warning you that this scene will have sex in it, quite a lot of it actually. Don't read if you're too innocent.

Sinbad's age: 29 years old

Ja'far's age: 25 years old

Masrur's age: 20 years old

May's age: 19 years old

Judar's age: 18 years old

Kassim's age: 18 years old

Alibaba Salujas age: 18 years old

Morgianas age: 14 years old

Aladin's age: 11 years old

Pride of the Fanalis Clan



By Angelbloodlover


~ "When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable."

Jess C. Scott, The Intern



Chapter 25: King Vessels


I groaned pitifully, my throat hoarse and dry and lips chapped. Before I could call out to someone, I felt the cold touch of freshness and gulped the water eagerly down. "W-what happened?"

"After you fainted, we met with the princess from the Kou Empire."

I stiffened. "And then...?"

The soft, feminine voice of Morgiana made me sigh in relief. I didn't hear any particular bad thing, which was a good sign. To top it off, I had also prevented Ugo's death by a hair's breadth. These facts made me smile slightly and look at my little sister as she replied to my question, "Sinbad talked to her and afterwards she had left with the rest of her small army."

Sinbad had done what I had asked of him-good. I should thank him for that, he had stopped an unnecessary fight and with it guaranteed Masrur and Morgiana's safety. "Sinbad has a way with people." From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Morgiana's sudden wariness, "Mor-chan, is something the matter?"

I could see the doubt in her eyes and reaching for her hands, I urged her to continue, "You can tell me anything, imouto, you know that right?"

She nodded hesitantly and opened her mouth, "There is something with Sinbad that I don't quite like, onee-chan..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the way he looks at you and Aladin, especially you, it scares me..." She trailed off and I noticed the meaning underneath her words. She was afraid of losing me again, this time by Sinbad.

Chuckling softly, I ignored her cute pout and stroked her cheek fondly. "Nothing and no one can break our bond, Mor-chan, especially not an obnoxious man as Sinbad."

Her cheeks took a red hue and I smiled in contentment when she hugged me tightly, "I love you, Mor-chan, I love you so much."

"As do I, onee-chan."



I sighed tiredly and walked down the final steps of the stairs. Seriously if I had known that I would become this weak after depleting most of my Magoi, I would have done it in a totally different way. "Tch." So annoying.

Morgiana was tending to the injured people, although most of them had been able to escape without any harm, some of them weren't that lucky. I had slept for three days, three damn days and while I was recuperating in my sleep, a lot of things happened; Alibaba wanted to become King of Balbadd and save his country and citizens and to reach that goal, he had to be stronger. Which is also the reason why he was training under Sinbad's tutelage to utilize his Metal Vessel efficiently.

And here I was, breathing harshly and out of shape.

It was infuriating and brought forth shame on my persona. I had trained for so much and yet it wasn't enough, it never was. Clenching my fists, I glared at the stairs that made me puff loudly. There was no questioning it, I had to train even more...after my body had rested well enough. There was no use in destroying my body, I'd become useless and vulnerable to all attacks, which wasn't something I was keen on becoming.

To become a liability was truthfully one of my darkest fears.

I had always been a liability to my parents, family, friends... and I certainly didn't plan on becoming one again. To lose this freedom would be frightening and I wouldn't even know what would become of me if that disaster even happened. Shaking my head, I continued on my path towards Sinbad and Alibaba. I wanted to see them train, well more like seeing Alibaba getting his ass beat up by Sinbad.

Then, my eyes widened and a sudden revelation popped in my mind.

Sinbad's Metal Vessels! That's right! I knew where they were. If I had thought of it sooner than we wouldn't have been in such a mess. With a smile, I finished the final steps and walked towards the place where I could feel and see all the Rukh fluttering in tranquility. Smiling softly, I appeared in the giant room, which had a hole in the ceiling. How did that even happen? I couldn't quite remember anything about it. Meh. Oh well.

The moment Sinbad and Alibaba saw me, they smiled towards me.

"I see the Sleeping Beauty finally decided to grace us with her presence." Sinbad quipped up, a devilish handsome grin on his face.

He really was a handsome man, even too much for his own good. Deciding to ignore the fast beating of my heart, I chuckled softly, "Sinbad, I have good news for you." Nodding in acknowledgement towards Alibaba, I continued when the King of Sindria arched his elegant aristocratic eyebrow. "I know where your Metal Vessels might be."

Before I could utter another word, Sinbad was in front of me, his hands clasped around mine. "Err..Sinbad..?"

"Tell me the whereabouts of my Metal Vessels, May!" He sounded desperate, which I didn't blame him for. I would be even more desperate if I had lost my Metal Vessels too-all that hard work, all that pain, all that effort...for naught.

I smirked, allowing a small laugh to escape my blood-red lips. "Fine, follow me, Sinbad. But you'll owe me for this."

He nodded, too transfixed at this revelation to think straight.




Alibaba had followed us as I led Sinbad to the people who were hiding his Metal Vessels. Smirking I caught sight of the SML Brothers and beckoned Sinbad closer to me, whispering. "See those three." He nodded and I continued gleefully, knowing that I was destroying the so-called plot of this story. But nothing was a story anymore, everything had become reality and my connections with Morgiana and Masrur were too real to be otherwise. "They have stolen your Metal Vessels and your clothes while you were sleeping off in the middle of nowhere."

He frowned and a permanent glare was etched on his face. Before he could pounce on them, I stopped him, smiling softly. "How about we have a little fun. After all, it's also their fault I'm crippled like this."

His lips curled upwards, an action that made goosebumps appear on my arms. Man, Sinbad could be scary.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well..." I started and leaned closer, ignoring the confused looks from the people around us, "How about..."




Once Sinbad gathered the brothers in one of the deserted rooms, I smiled sultry at them, "Now, now, you three, don't be ashamed. This is your time to shine."

The trio were shocked at my sudden change of attitude, afraid I might change from sickening sweet to demonically evil. S Nando spoke up, his boisterous voice resonating through the room. "What was so urgent that we had to come here?"

Sinbad exchanged a look with me and smirked, standing next to me, arms crossed. "Simple, really. May, will you take the honour of doing this? I'll have to decline the offer since at the moment my Metal Vessels were stolen, all seven of them."

This made the boss from the SML Brothers frown in uncertainty while the other two were just staring questioningly. "What is the meaning of this?"

I looked them in the eyes, all traces of humor gone and instead an ominous glint appeared in them. "The reason as to why you three were summoned is simple." Glaring ferociously, I walked towards them, twirling my sword expertly. "Not too long ago, a man had fallen asleep in the middle of the desert. With it he became vulnerable for theft. You see, this person had indeed been robbed from his most prized possession." I could see that S Nando was starting to piece the story and Sinbad's stolen Metal Vessels together, fear flashing in his eyes. "Because of this, the poor, weak man had been unable to save his friends in an important fight. Because of this a woman had to use all her Magoi to ensure the lives of her precious people and many innocent people, which also included those thieves. Those scumbags didn't deserve the protection because of their insolent crimes." Peeking at them through my long lashes, a cruel smile lit up my face, "Now, tell me, thieves, who would be dumb enough to steal from a King?"

A predatory smirk appeared on my face and I chuckled darkly. "Now, you'll face our wrath." Their eyes widened when I stuck my sword in the ground.

Cracking my fists, I stalked towards my preys, intent on beating them to a pulp, and next to me I could see a gleefully Sinbad doing the same.

"Clearly there was some kind of misunderstanding here! We were only keeping it safe from others! We didn't mean any harm!" S Nando exclaimed hurriedly, hands flailing around like a chicken and fear shining in his orbs. "We were only safekeeping it!"

His brothers were nodding along, hiding behind their big brother.

But none of that mattered and they surely suffered tremendously.





"Stop complaining or I'll cut off that tongue of yours, L Nando." I scoffed in annoyance, my patience running to non-existence.

That did the trick and none of the injured brothers dared to utter another word for fear that they would, once again, feel my wrath. I didn't know whether to feel insulted or not. But who cared, at least it made the baboon shut up. After Sinbad and I beat them up for stealing the Metal Vessels, I had forced them to run outside the tower naked. It had been funny until Ja'far had ruined it with his serious expression. He could be so boring at times...

And now they were heading to the place where the SML Brothers had hidden Sinbad's Metal Vessels.

As for the reason why I was doing this was because with the aid of Sinbad, things would go much smoother than original. I wasn't going to risk Masrur and Morgiana's life for something trivial such as 'the plot'. Besides, Sinbad would have found the whereabouts of his Metal Vessels. Getting in his good grace wouldn't hurt in the way.

Before I knew it, we had arrived in a deserted alley and I looked pointedly at the brothers. "Hurry up and dig it out." I murmured impatiently, "We don't have time for this. We have to rescue a country and whatnot." I crossed my arms and huffed in annoyance, tapping my feet as I watched them take out their shades and started digging. Glancing towards Sinbad I found him watching me intently, "Is something the matter?"

"How did you know they had my Metal Vessels?" He questioned firmly, eyes narrowed as he stalked towards me. So graceful and deadly.

I shrugged slightly, "I had heard rumours about these three."

He nodded and I took that as a sign that he dropped the conversation, but I could see that he didn't believe me entirely. I didn't really want more of Sinbad's attention, but this was necessary. Afterwards, we watched in silence as the brothers were digging fast, probably to get rid of us. Their sweat glistened in the sunlight and I could see them huffing and puffing for breath. I pitied them slightly but that didn't mean I was going to be compassionate such as Aladin. If he would have been here, he would have helped them but he wasn't.

Finally, they finished and I stared at Sinbad who was rejoicing with his Metal Vessels. Shaking my head, I walked towards the three brothers, "Now, now, you three did a good job, but if I ever find you three stealing, I won't be as merciful as I was today." Darker, "Now scram."

The three thieves squeaked and happily obliged to my demand, uttering a fearful, "Yes, ma'am!"




"How is the training going with Alibaba?" I asked softly, eyeing him as he redressed himself in his usual clothes, along with his many Metal Vessels strapped to their rightful place. When he was done, he sat next to me and downed his entire cup empty.

He didn't look at me and kept his gaze on the starry sky, "He won't be able to learn it all in one day, but his progress is going good, considering everything."

I chuckled and poked him in his cheek, "Don't take this the wrong way, idiot, but you kinda suck at teaching. I'll help you tomorrow and show Alibaba what he could possibly attain if he worked hard enough. That'll motivate him enough, perhaps..?" Sighing, I took another gulp of my sake and once again I was attracted to the mystery of the universe. The view was really magnificent and literally took your breath away. I had hoped I could enjoy this moment with Morgiana or Masrur, but Sinbad had wanted to talk to me. Alone.

"You never answer me when I asked you about your Metal Vessels?" He changed the subject and I glared at him for asking it again.

Frowning in displeasure, I deadpanned, "Why do you want to know that so badly. Are you planning something?" Suspicion crawled over my skin and I had to, once again, remind myself that this man wasn't someone to be played with. Not that he would let it happen anyway. He was dangerous and I kept forgetting that small fact.

He raised his hands in defense and smiled sheepishly, "No, nothing like that. I'm just curious. You know how many Metal Vessels I have but I don't know yours. It would only be fair to say it, so..." He trailed off, obviously waiting for an answer.

Was he really that confident that I would say it?

He could be so annoying, but without that trait of his, he wouldn't be Sinbad. "Five."


I facepalmed, muttering obscenities to his intelligence, "Are you idiotic and deaf at the same time?"

I ignored his cute expression and looked away, not wanting to fall for his charm. There wasn't anything I could do about the fact that I was a woman and felt a certain attraction to attractive men, which Sinbad surely was one. Damn hormonal body, damn Sinbad for looking too good. I was sure that he could easily sway me with his charm since it obviously had happened before. Just who was this man to have such a charismatic aura that even made me succumb to his every will?

My breath hitched in my throat when Sinbad grabbed my chin tenderly and made me face him, "May, there is something about you but I haven't figured out what it is." Another handsome grin lit up his face and I cursed myself for blushing like a teenage, hormonal girl. I thought I had long passed the stage of puberty. Clearly, I was not. "But I'm sure that I would find the answers soon." He chuckled quietly, his golden eyes never leaving mine, "Besides, you seem to be Aladin's King Vessel along with Alibaba. You keep surprising me, really."

I was sure that the bastard had noticed my flustered expression. I felt the erratic beating of my heart when Sinbad's face came closer, the smell of alcohol making me dizzy. "And all these times you were riling me up, which clearly wasn't a good thing." His lips moved towards her ear, whispering, "Riling up a man who feels certain attraction to you isn't a smart plan, May-chan."

My body went rigid at his confession. Sure, it wasn't a confession of dying love, but it was clear that he felt attracted to me.

"You see, May," I shivered in pleasure when my name rolled off his tongue and I had the sudden urge to make him scream out my name, "I like independent, strong women, nothing arouses me more than that. I would like to dominate that strength and fire within them, I want to dominate them in every way. That is my little secret to you, May."

I felt myself pale at his random revelation and this dirty secret made me fear of what he would do next. Since when did I become so inferior to him? I could easily break his entire body with my herculean strength. So why wasn't I doing anything to stop him? Why was I so pitiful, listening to his words as I if I wanted to drink him up? To say that I felt ashamed of myself was an understatement.

Before I could even finish my doubtful thoughts, I felt warm lips on mine and experienced hands roaming my body. I stiffened at this foreign touch and cursed myself for letting out a pleased moan that made me blush a fierce red. My stomach churned in a way that made long for more-I was craving for his touch and yet I wanted him to stop, I was afraid of this May. Just what the hell was going on?

Trying to clear my thoughts, I wanted to push him away and to my horror I found that I didn't want to push him away. I panted when his experienced lips moved to suck my throat and I wanted to bash my head in for letting him do whatever he desired. I was starting to like the way he was touching me. He was making me feel so good and I was itching for more.

I felt light-headed and my body tingled in desire and lust for Sinbad. Eyes clouded, I craned my neck so he could reach me better. My fingers grabbed a handful of his spiky, purple hair and I tugged harshly, moaning rather loud in impatience. "S-Sinbad..."

"What was that May?"

He stopped his wonderful touches and I glared at him, tugging even harsher than normal. A feral smirk appeared on my face when he winced, "I said continue."

His face morphed into the same expression, his eyes glinting with that challenge and then he was pinning me to the stony floor. The fire in my body grew more as Sinbad trailed kisses on my cheek to my jaw to my throat, leaving marks behind. I circled my legs around his waist, wanting to feel every inch of his body. Something hard poked my inner thigh and I moaned even louder when Sinbad grinded his pelvis against my clothed womanhood. His eyes moved to my sinful, revealing flesh and with one strong pull, he lifted me upwards and walked away from prying eyes to a secluded, deserted room. And all the while his lips hadn't left mine. He ravished me like an uncontrolled animal, lusting for more and more.

For a moment I felt myself doubting my choice, but that small protesting voice was ushered into the deepest corner of my mind. Suddenly, I felt something soft underneath me and wondered where we were. "Wha-?" But that measly question died down when Sinbad locked his soft, alluring lips with mine once again. His eager hands cupped my breasts and I felt myself drown in pleasure as his lips continued with the ferocious, dominating kiss. I growled like an animal and fought for dominance as our tongues fought tooth and nail. I felt myself smirk in anticipation as Sinbad's touches became hungry-like and demanding.

I blinked my eyes twice when he undressed me in one swift move and saw his lust-filled eyes seize me up and down, obviously pleased by what he saw.

When he moved to strap my bra open, I felt awkward and insecure of this decision. Was it really smart to associate myself with Sinbad? If I slept with him it would bring forth problems, problems I didn't want to face. But with the many problems I would be getting a lot of advantages. One major advantage would be protection for my precious people. Then again, Sinbad had said that he felt attracted to me, which didn't guarantee me nothing but a one-nightstand.

My toes curled upwards when his hot mouth sucked my nipple and his free hand was twirling and fumbling with my breast.

Another loud gasp tore through my throat and I snaked my hands around his neck, feeling my control slip away completely. I didn't want him to stop, for once I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to feel good, I wanted to forget everything that was happening around us. For once, I wanted to feel like a normal person. My eyes widened slightly when Sinbad pushed me against the mattress and felt his skilled fingers move downwards to the only clothing that hid my womanhood from prying eyes and I stiffened, my body going rigid. The moment he rubbed my clitoris, I felt the same hot sensation drape over me and gasped in pleasure, my body shivering and fingers grabbing his purple mane tightly. "S-sinba-ad..."

He grunted and inserted one finger inside of my wet cavern and shifted at the weird sensation. It felt awfully unnatural and yet natural at the same time. Another finger came inside of me and I groaned at the sudden, forced intrusion but didn't stop Sinbad. In fact, I urged him to move faster once the uncomfortable feeling disappeared slowly on and became an annoying sting, yet pleasurable at the same time.

I huffed in annoyance when I saw that he was still clothed and clumsily fumbled with his clothes, blushing when Sinbad chuckled in amusement, leading my hands gently. Once he was stark naked I drunk him in-he really was the most handsome man I had ever met. This felt so deliciously wrong and I couldn't help but smile sultry at the look he was giving me.

I cupped his face and kissed him softly as I felt a sudden breeze on my body. When I felt his hard member poking my entrance, I tightened my grip on his waist and nudged him to continue. His lust-filled eyes didn't leave my eyes as he penetrated my slowly on, and inch by inch I felt his throbbing member envelop me inside. I winced when he pushed all the way until his sheath was completely inside. I closed my eyes and heard him groan in desire, his strong, calloused hands grabbing my waist tighter. I was sure that was going to leave a nasty bruise.

Whoever said Sinbad was a wimp was idiotically wrong.

"Damn May, you feel...too good for you own...good." He grunted and pulled his member out, only to forcefully push it inside again.

I gasped, my fingers clutching the blanket as I felt black spots invade my eyes. To feel this much pleasure from having sex was unbelievable. I squeaked in surprise when Sinbad changed our position and I was straddling him. "S-sinbad..?" Before I would fall on his face, I settled my hands next to his head. And then he plunged his member inside of me and I heard myself moaning louder with each thrust.

All the while he kept his mesmerizing golden gaze fixed on my face. I flushed at the look he gave me and listened to his ragged breathing and the sound of sinful flesh pounding against each other. Leaning closer towards him, I started kissing his throat, biting his tender flesh until blood flowed out. The way he flinched at the rough-handling of his skin made me even more horny. He grabbed my butt cheeks in a bruising grip and pounded even harder inside of me until I screamed out his name in ecstasy and blinding pleasure as Sinbad came inside of me.

Then, everything was over and I felt myself return to the earthly plane.

Sinbad pulled his limp member out and laid flush next to me, a pleased smile on his face, "That was amazing, May..."

I only stared at the ceiling filled with cracks, "What the hell just happened...?"

"We had amazing sex." He stated as a matter of fact.

Annoyance replaced my conflicted mind, "I know, you idiot, but that was my first time..."

He pulled me flush against him, "And you were simply wonderful." Once again, his lips locked with mine and somehow I could feel his limp member go rigid. His hot breath tickled my ear and I blushed like a madman, "How about round two?"

And once again, I felt myself dive into that wonderful feeling.


The dark room was soon filled with pleasurable moans and hard grunts.



The moment I fluttered my eyes open, I felt sore all over my body and wondered what kind of training I had done.

...until I remembered last night's activities.

I almost let out a squeak when I felt warm, big hands around my naked waist. Peeking my eyes open, I yelped in surprise when my eyes locked with Sinbad's amused ones. "Morning my Queen."

Fighting down a blush, I mumbled a quiet greeting, wondering what would happen next.

"I knew you were attracted to me." Sinbad stated smugly and shamefully ogled my body. "I mean who would resist this bo-Ouch!" He glared at me and pinned my hands above my head, his cocky smirk never leaving his lips. God, he was infuriating. "That was really mean, May-chan. Guess we have to make it up, don't we?"

Wide-eyed, I stared at his glinting eyes and gasped when his member entered me swiftly. "You asshole.." I panted, clutching my fingers around his muscled arms as he thrust deeper inside of me. I let out sinful moans as his thrusts became rough and his kisses became dominant.






If someone were to tell him that he would feel attracted to a female body, he would believe that person immediately. Hell, he was known as the Lady Killer of the Seven Seas.

Now, if someone were to tell him that he would feel attracted to a female, he wouldn't believe that person. He'd think that the person's sanity had left him long ago. He didn't want to settle down and yet Fate seemed to have other plans for him. To settle down with one woman was frightening and inwardly he wondered if he had relationship issues.

Looking at the flustered woman next to him, he couldn't help but admire her beauty and the way she was glowing after their make-up sex.


He hummed softly, nuzzling his nose in her neck and inhaling her alluring jasmine smell.

Her voice seemed to waver for a tiny bit, "I don't want Morgiana to find out about this. She is already afraid of losin-" He silenced her by ravishing her plump and bruised lips, his fingers itching to fondle her proportionate breasts. He didn't know why he was becoming a sex-craving man in the vicinity of the infuriating red-head, but he quite liked it.

In fact, he wanted nothing more than keeping her in this room and fucking her senseless.

She mewled softly when he bit her tender throat, leaving purple marks behind. To his utmost annoyance, May pushed him away, breathing loudly and eyes entranced with him. "S-sinbad, we n-need to find the others before they'd get suspicious..."

A sly smirk appeared on his face, "Fine, after we get rid of one small problem..well, not so small actually..." Her eyes widened as saucers, a cute blush overtaking her cheeks and he had to force himself not to attack her on the spot.



Sinbad smirked as he eyed May's slight limp, but she was trying very hard to hide it. He hadn't felt this sexually satisfied in ever. He found it very cute that May kept shooting his nasty glares that would have burned him to ashes.

"Hurry up, old man!" May shouted in irritation as she noticed his satisfied smirk. That blasted man was sick, that was all she could say about him. To think that his libido was that high was a scary thought. Her lips curled upwards in satisfaction when his smirk dropped and a menacing glare took over. "If you'll glare too much, you'll get even more wrinkles."

She dodged the small electric ball that been shot towards her and laughed at his expression. Not even blinking her eyes when Sinbad appeared in front of her, "I don't think an old man could have made you feel that good." He pulled the squeaking girl to his side and enjoyed her red face when she felt his throbbing member poking her stomach.

"Sinbad?" Masrur's voice came from behind him and he released May from his vice-like grip, cursing himself for losing control like that.

Smiling brightly towards one of his trusted companion, he spoke up, "I found all my Metal Vessels back."

"I see."

He knew about Masrur's crush for May. Now, he felt quite guilty for taking away any chance with her, but he couldn't help himself. He felt attracted to May, in more ways than one. He was sure that she could beat him in a fight, along with her herculean strength. To have such a valuable asset for him would be a huge advantage towards Sindria. Mind settled, he would convince May to become the Queen of Sindria. This way he would get May's utmost loyalty towards himself, and with her he'll get Morgiana and Aladin's loyalty too, which meant that Sindria would get its Magi.

At last, everything was going smoothly.

He was doing this for Sindria-he was ensuring its survival and this way he could get an heir for his country. Ignoring Masrur's questioning gaze, his thoughts wandered to the fact that two King Vessels would create an amazing heir. And with the amount of sex they had, the chance of her becoming pregnant was high.

He glanced towards May but to his confusion, he didn't find her. Frowning in displeasure, he looked at Masrur, "Masrur, let's go."

Masrur nodded in compliance but he couldn't help but wonder what was going on between Sinbad and May. Somehow, he had a bad feeling about this. He would have to talk to Sinbad before he would do something idiotic and atrocious. He couldn't let someone hurt his best friend.