Teaching Steve
Summary: Tony likes Steve but doesn't know how to show him he does. Steve fries a computer one day and Tony steps in, hoping he can help. STONY!
Review at the end please and thank you!
Tony was walking down the halls of SHIELD. He was thinking pretty hard to himself, wondering what he should do next. He had broken up with Pepper after catching her sleeping with some guy. He hadn't fired her, but he had dropped her level and pay. Pepper still stayed, however knowing that the company needed her.
Screw her, Tony thought bitterly. She wasn't good enough for me.
A blond walked past him then, "Good morning Tony!"
Maybe someone however…is…. Tony watched as Steve waved at him, smiling his cute smile and then he was off into his office. "Hey…"
Right then and there, Tony wanted to make Steve Rogers his.
Okay so it's been almost 2 months and still NOTHING. Maybe Steve doesn't like me…he did grow up in a time where being gay or lesbian was wrong…Hmm…. Tony was sitting in the meeting room, slightly watching Steve as he went on and on about the new world. It was very cute, and Tony couldn't say it wasn't. Steve wascute.
The blond was chatting with Bruce, which made Tony a little jealous but everyone knew that Bruce was totally into someone else; Betty. "Earth to Tony!" the brunette turned from staring at the blond to find Clint Barton.
"Why are you staring at Steve?" Clint asked.
He wouldn't be shy, and let the agent find out his dark secret. He liked Steve Rogers. "I'm not, I'm thinking of a new suit idea."
"Oh cool!" Clint grinned widely, now. "Would you think about making me a new bow?"
"Uh….maybe," Tony replied.
Once Clint was gone, Tony went back to 'thinking about a new suit'. He didn't notice however till…. "You like him." It was Natasha.
Tony turned around, to raise an eyebrow. "Who would I like?"
She gave him the look. "You like Steve."
"No I don't," Tony said, trying to cover the stuff up. "I like women. You can ask so many people, I'm a playboy."
"You're still human." Natasha replied, "You still want love. You can't just be all about sex."
He rolled his eyes. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am all about sex."
Tony and Natasha didn't even notice till everyone was staring at them. "Why are you two talking about sex?" Bruce asked.
"No reason," Tony said a little too quickly. They left it at that, however.
"Oh no, not again!" came a groan from across the room. Tony turned around in his awesome wheelie chair- just to see what was up. He liked talking. He found that it was Steve who was sitting in front of a computer, looking sad, upset and a little pissed off.
Tony got to his feet and went over to the blond. "What seems to be the problem, Capsicle?"
Steve pouted as he faced Tony. "I fried the computer again! Gosh, I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang over this whole computer thing!"
He's just so cute, Tony thought for a moment. "Do you want any help?"
"I'd love that, thank you Tony!" Steve smiled at him.
That smile is to DIE for! And it's for me! Tony thought with a smile forming. He sat down in a nearby wheelie chair (though it wasn't as good as his own) and started trying to explain what the computer was- using small words so he would understand. They tried the computer again, in less than 7 minutes, Steve fried it again. He blushed brightly.
This went on for at least another hour…
"Steve, you've killed I don't know how many computers already!" Tony groaned.
Steve looked down, chewing his lip. "I'm sorry!"
And they began to fight, before Tony threw his arms in the air. "I don't know what I can do anymore!"
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm flirting with you, Steve! I'm trying to show you I like you but nothing is working!"