A/N: So I wrote this forever ago, I think I actually started it back in 2003. If you haven't read the first crossover "Where Walls Once Stood", you should probably read it first, but you don't have too. Sorry for any errors but this one wasn't beta'd and I am just putting out there for your entertainment. Disclaimers available in the first chapter of "Where Walls Once Stood"

Truth or Dare

Alex wasn't sure why she had invited Olivia and Dana to dinner at her place. She sighed nervously as she looked over the table setting. Strong hands entwined around her waist and pulled her in for a hug from behind. "Everything will be fine."

Alex melted in her arms. Abbie had that effect on her, at times. At other times she seemed to be distant and detached. Alex wasn't sure what it was. The minute she started thinking there was someone else; the old Abbie would plant a kiss in the small of her neck. "It's just, I've only hung out with Dana once since the night Olivia locked us in her office. Even then it was to grab a celebratory drink at O'Malley's with the entire SVU, after I finished the Cradley case."

"It'll be fine." Abbie assured, nuzzling her nose into the hair flowing down the back of Alex's neck. "Besides, you two haven't argued in over a week."

"I haven't seen her in over a week." Alex pulled away as the timer in the kitchen went off. "I just hope dinner isn't a disaster."

"I love your lasagna."

"I know, but this is the first time I have tried my hand at a vegetarian dish."

"She's not a vegetarian you know?"

"I know." Alex was pulling the lasagna out when the doorbell sounded. "Will you get that?"

"Of course." Abbie headed out to the living room.

The white wine Dana had brought along finished off the meal perfectly. It was a good thing no one had to work the next day, since between the four of them they had almost finished off both bottles. Of course it didn't take much to get any of them giddy. Despite Alex's drunken stupor the night she came to apologize, the young ADA was not one to normally drink more than the occasional glass of wine with dinner. Olivia knew Alex was particularly stressed whenever she would find Coronas in her fridge. Dana rarely drank and Olivia was known to have the sporadic beer with the guys at O'Malley's. As for Abbie, no one was really sure, not even Alex. Lately it seemed more and more often Alex could taste the remnants of Scotch on her lips.

The dinner conversation mingled with wine carried on for an hour after they had finished the lasagna, which Dana raved about. Once they moved to the living room, the conversation seemed to turn a little more risqué. It all started when Alex mentioned a game of Truth or Dare from her childhood. The first time she had ever kissed another female had been on a dare. It had been innocent enough, but you never could have convinced Mrs. Cabot of that. She had walked into the living room, where the slumber party was taking place and started screaming. With in an hour every child had been ushered out the door to return to her own bed. It was the first and last slumber party for Alexandra Cabot.

"We could change that you know?" Abbie grinned. "You've got enough pajamas to go around, and these two ladies have had too much to drink to go home on their own."

Olivia shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you think, Dana?" Alex didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, and found it hard to believe what Abbie was suggesting.

The redhead giggled gaily, and raised her almost empty wine glass. "Here's to reliving childhood."

"Hear, hear." Olivia bellowed as they all clinked glasses together.

While Alex retrieved pajamas for everyone, Abbie, Olivia, and Dana made short work of the dishes. The dishes were spared any mishaps, but the silverware wasn't as lucky. Abbie some how managed to scatter it all over the floor, which sent them into hysterics.

With the kitchen as clean as three partially inebriated women could get it, Dana and Olivia slipped into Alex's spare room to change. Olivia came out wearing a pair of blue satin bottoms and a white tank top. Dana was wearing a black tank top, with gray and black plaid bottoms that she had to roll the cuffs up on several times to keep from tripping. Abbie was situated on the couch in an oversized navy blue t-shirt. And Alex was "Pretty in Pink," wearing satin bottoms and a pink tank top.

"Bet you didn't wear that to your slumber party as a kid." Abbie laughed at Alex.

"Are you kidding? Mom would still flip out if she saw me in something like this without a robe over it." Alex watched Dana plop down on a floor pillow. "You know, there's plenty of room up here."

Dana smiled as Alex patted the couch. "I'm reliving my childhood. We always sat around in a circle on the floor when we'd stay with friends. I guess it was kind of like gathering around a campfire to tell ghost stories."

Olivia pulled a cushion off of the couch and joined Dana on the hardwood floor. When Alex gave her a funny look, she merely replied; "My butt isn't fourteen anymore."

Alex and Abbie moved the coffee table out of the way and quickly joined them, cushions and all. "So? Who is going to start?"

"Start what?" Alex looked curiously at Abbie.

"Truth or dare, silly." Abbie smiled.

"What are the rules?"

"First person asks every one a truth or dare, and then we go to the next person."

"It is my living room so, I'll ask first. And since you brought it up, you get to be the first one on the chopping block." Alex grinned. "So what'll it be, Ms. Carmichael?"


Alex thought for a minute. "Why Scotch?"

"Jack's choice after a hard day of work."

"Olivia, truth or dare?" Alex turned to face her.


"What was you're initial reaction to Dana?"

"My very first thought was, oh shit. Of course that was before I saw her, and then my second thought was OH, shit!" They all laughed at Olivia's facial expressions, which only proved to animate the memory.


"Might as well stick with truth."

"Who is the last guy you kissed?"

"Mulder, and it wasn't sexual in nature."

"My turn." Abbie got onto her knees like an excited child. "Alex, truth or dare?"


"How old were you, when you first kissed a guy?"




"First guy you kissed?"

"Captain of the football team. I was a freshman, he was a senior."



"Has Agent Mulder ever probed you?" Abbie grinned.

"I'm sure he has, but only in his dreams."

Olivia went next, followed by Dana. They stuck with simple questions, when did you last wet the bed? What's your most memorable moment to date? Most embarrassing? Then it was Alex's turn again, and she decided to spice things up and ask Abbie one of her own questions. Not realizing she may be opening a can of worms. "Who was the last guy you kissed?"



"One question at a time Alex, I believe it's Olivia's turn."

"I'll stick with truth." Olivia didn't want them to dwell on whatever Abbie was trying to hide.

"Fine. If Elliot wasn't married and Dana wasn't in the picture, would you sleep with him?"

"We are really good friends, and anything would be possible. But if I were presented with that opportunity right this second, probably not."

"Fair enough. Dana, if you could sleep with anyone in the world who would it be? And it can't be Olivia."

Dana looked at Alex for a second with the hint of a sparkle in her eyes.

"Or anyone in this room." Alex cleared her throat.

Dana nodded. "Anyone? That's easy, Richard Greer."

"Good choice." Olivia smiled.

When they finished the second round Abbie was getting bored. "Let's make this a little more random."

Alex looked at Abbie who was hugging a pillow to her chest. She wasn't sure if she really was bored, or just avoiding the question of when she kissed Jack. "What do you suggest?"

"We've got an empty wine bottle." Abbie placed one of the empty bottles in the center of their little circle. "Spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on gets to ask you the question."

"Fine." Alex waited for everyone to agree, before spinning the bottle. When it landed on Abbie, she couldn't miss the evil grin that flashed across Abbie's lips.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Alex decided to turn things around, thinking Abbie was expecting her to say truth.

Abbie smiled and looked at Dana. "Kiss Dana, full on the lips for thirty seconds."

Alex shook her head.

"Oh come on Alex, it's all in good fun." Abbie looked at Dana and her grin got even bigger. "Or you could always strip naked, go next door and ask old Mr. Hawkins if he has any whipped cream you could borrow."

Dana leaned over and quietly whispered in Olivia's ear. "I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy."

Olivia replied in hushed tones. "So, save her. It won't bother me."

"You sure?"

Olivia nodded.

"Alex?" Dana stood up and pulled her to her feet. "Under the circumstance, I'll let you kiss me."

"A knight in shining armor?" Alex asked nervously.

"I wouldn't go that far. If Mr. Hawkins saw you naked he'd probably go into cardiac arrest."

"Oh, so you don't want to perform CPR tonight?"

"You might have an interesting time telling the police what happened. Besides I'd rather kiss you, than give him mouth to mouth any day."

"I second that thought." Olivia shuddered, remembering seeing Mr. Hawkins on their way in that evening.

Before Dana could say another word she felt Alex's soft lips on hers. To Olivia's surprise, she wasn't the slightest bit jealous of Dana kissing Alex. In fact if she were completely honest, it was somewhat of a turn on.

Alex was shocked when halfway through the kiss she thought she felt the satin wetness of Dana's tongue lightly touch her lips. It took every ounce of will power she had to not ravish the smaller woman's mouth. Instead she tried desperately to convince herself it was just her imagination, and maybe it was.

When Abbie called time they pulled away. Dana wasn't sure what the feeling was in the room, but she quickly cleared it. "I guess I'll spin."

The bottle landed on Abbie. "Must be my lucky night. What'll it be, Dana?"


"Who kisses better, Alex or Olivia?"

Dana took a deep breath. "You're asking me to compare apples and oranges."

"So, who is the apple and who is the orange? More importantly, do you like apples or oranges better?" Abbie was on a roll.

"What I meant, was Alex and I did not kiss in the same way Olivia and I have kissed. So it would be impossible to compare them."

"You're treading water Dana."

"I think her answer was honest, and acceptable." Alex defended.

"I have to agree." Olivia spun the bottle, which again landed on Abbie. "Truth."

"How did you feel watching Alex and Dana kiss?"

"It's getting late." Alex picked up the bottle.

"I think Olivia should answer the question." Abbie argued.

"How about you answer the question of when you last kissed Jack?" Alex shot back.

"You're right." Abbie stood up and threw her cushion back on the couch. "It's getting late. So are we keeping up to slumber party standards and all sleeping in the same bed?"

"I think we are all a little big, for sleeping in one bed." Dana observed.

"No, we're all just the right size for Alex's king. I think it will accommodate us nicely."

"As long as I get the outside."

"Olivia Benson is claustrophobic?" Abbie raised her eyebrows.

"Just a little."

"Me too." Abbie laughed as she led the way to Alex's room.

"Guess you and I are stuck in the middle." Alex offered in way of condolences over the situation.

"As long as you don't bite, Counselor."

"Not at all, Agent." Though there was a bit of a bite to her current tone.

The following morning Abbie was sleeping on the opposite side of Alex with her back toward them. Dana could feel two arms draped over her body. Some time in the night her shirt had slid up some, and she could feel a hand just under the fabric. Before opening her eyes, she had a pretty good guess it didn't belong to Olivia. The other arm lay a little lower across her hips, until it moved away. She felt feather light fingers brush her hair off her forehead.

Rays of pink and yellow shone through the window, and in the early morning dawn blue eyes met brown amused ones. Dana's gaze went from Olivia's eyes to the upward turn of her lips. A quite chuckle escaped Olivia's throat as her eyes dropped to the trespassing hand, which in sleep caressed Dana's belly.

Olivia slipped quietly out of bed, and Dana carefully followed. She figured it was best to save Alex any embarrassment of waking up with her hand inside her shirt, instead of Abbie's. Olivia was in the spare room pulling her clothes from the night before on. "Let's leave a note and go get some coffee."

They sat across from each other, eyes gazing across steam clouds rising from gourmet coffee. Olivia was the first to break the silence. "So, apples or oranges?"

Dana tilted her head slightly. "You can't compare a closed mouth kiss with an open mouthed one."

"Try. Besides, your first kiss with Alex wasn't closed."

"Olivia, I like apples and oranges. But you are by far the best kisser. The first time Alex and I kissed, we both lacked passion."

"And last night?"

"I thought you were ok with it?" Dana paused, but continued before Olivia could answer. "It wasn't even a kiss Olivia. It was a dare."

"Ok." Olivia shrugged.

"Do I hear a tone of disappointment?"


"Turn about is fair play." Dana smiled slightly. "What did you feel when Alex and I kissed?"

"I don't know." Olivia stared into her mocha-chino.

"Sure you do." Dana lifted her mug in both hands. "Did you feel jealously? Desire? Indifference?"

Olivia shrugged. "Maybe a hint of desire. But I know how you feel about Alex."

"And how is that?" Dana asked curiously taking a cautious sip of her coffee.

"You would just as soon slap her as talk to her."

"I wouldn't go that far." She sat her cup back down. It was still too hot to comfortably drink.

Olivia's right eyebrow arched in a questioning look, as she remembered the way Dana had looked at Alex last night. When asked if she could sleep with anyone, who would it be? Olivia now recognized the hint of intrigue that had shone in Dana's eyes. Olivia continued her questioning gaze of Dana until she spoke again.

"We are all entitled to our fantasies, Olivia."

"And just who are you fantasizing about?"

Dana broke into a wide grin. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I sure would." Olivia nudged her foot against Dana's under the table.

"Don't worry Olivia, I've been dreaming of you for years. You'll always be a part of my fantasies." Dana took another sip of her coffee. It had cooled enough to be tolerable.

"But you don't have to fantasize about me." Olivia pointed out.

"No, but you are still a part of my fantasies." She made a face.

"Is it that bad?"

"No." She took another sip before feigning horror. "You, me and Alex?"

"She's got Abbie. Besides, it would never happen."

Dana raised both eyebrows, "We can dream."

Olivia smiled at her with curiosity pooling in her eyes. "That we can."