A/N: Another part for you guys. There's some mentions of sex here, it's nothing too explicit, but I marked the parts off with / in case anyone wants to skip that bit.

This is the official "end" to the story, so it'll be marked "complete" after this update, but I might be uploading another chapter that is just more explicit lovemaking, if anyone's interested.

When Feliciano returned to the fluffy warmth of heavenly clouds and golden arches and pearly buildings, he felt so at home again. He felt safe, warm, in a familiar place with familiar sights and smells and sounds and people.

He wandered back to his home, and curled up in his nest of cotton and feathers, inhaling the scent of home that he'd forgotten. Even his little cat Gino was there to greet him, fussily rubbing all over him and meowing in delighted greeting to see Feliciano again after so long.

The little house in heaven was just as he'd left it, save for a few things moved around. Someone had come to care for his home in his absence.

"Feliciano?" He heard a familiar voice from the next room over, and he lifted his head from the nest.


Lovino flew into Feliciano's bedroom in such a hurry that the gust knocked over plenty of things and scared the cat, but he didn't care right now. What he cared about was clinging to Feliciano after a year of the angel having been missing without a word of notice- and everyone had known, know that he'd died, been stabbed and betrayed and killed and feathered, and yet he was here, here and looking sleepy and tired and ready to cry.

Lovino clung to him and let Feliciano weep into his chest. He wrapped strong, large wings around his baby brother's form, and kissed his temples, his cheeks, forehead, even nose and lips and chin and covered his face in kisses of relief and comfort and reassurance.

"I thought he'd killed you."

Feliciano wept.

"He did."

Arthur spent another long week in silence, and on his way home after a rainy day, he felt energy.

Masses, and masses of energy, and they were approaching fast- and then from the sky came two great blasts of light. Arthur had been travelling on the lone and nearly forgotten path through the forest to his secluded home, when he became pinned and trapped in a clearing as those lights landed.

Those lights blasted into the earth in a trap formation around him, two craters each about ten meters from where he'd been standing- and from those craters, stood two very dangerous looking angels wielding blades and shields. One landed behind him, the other in front of him, and Arthur quickly shifted stance so that he could watch both craters cautiously.

The angels' wings unfurled as they both stood, and Arthur was struck with awe. The largest angel's wings had feathers tipped in gold, and his build was bulky and strong, scarred, showing that he'd fought many battles before, while the younger angel's wings were tipped with crimson.

This must be…

"You're Feliciano's grandfather," Arthur said slowly, cautiously, before turning his head to look at the other angel, one with flashing hazel eyes and a scowl that threatened death. "And you must be Lovino."

"Tch. You're awfully calm for someone who's about to die," Lovino growled, and Arthur felt every instinct he had telling him to run- but every thought reminding him that he wouldn't make it even two feet.

So he lifted his hands and made use of his restored magic, and tried to defend himself as long as he could.

"Roderich?" Feliciano murmured to the heavenly musician.

"Yes, Feliciano?" Roderich replied with a hum, still plucking at the strands of a harp and penning a new melody.

"Where is my family?"

"Ah… they…"


"Valente is in the art room. As for Lovino and your grandfather… They went to handle the matter of… your murderer," Roderich said, eyeing Feliciano carefully.

Feliciano turned pale at first, out of fear- and then red with rage. His family had gone to slaughter Arthur without even telling him first and- and-!

Arthur couldn't fight against two angels, even with his level of magic. He could hold them off a good while, yes- but his brother, his grandfather- they were murderously furious, not to mention powerful angels with a strong bloodline and even stronger magic.

Feliciano was gone in a flurry of feathers before Roderich could even stop him, and the musician gave an exasperated sigh before sitting back down to his work.

It wasn't his business, and Feliciano was an adult now. A full-fledged angel of his own.

Feliciano was no longer the toddling little fledgling that used to follow him around his music room and listen to him play. He was no longer that child he'd mistaken for a girl, nor the child with innocence in his eyes or a bounce in his step.

Feliciano had learned of pain, of betrayal.

He'd grown up.

He could make his own choices.

An hour had gone by of fighting, and Arthur felt himself already so drained, so exhausted.

So this was it.

He was on his knees now, struggling to stand again but always falling back to the earth, using whatever magic he had left to try and fend off his attackers a moment longer. His left arm had a slash wound across the forearm, his leg slashed along the calf to keep him from moving. He was losing blood fast, and he had no doubt that he might die here.

Romulus and Lovino were both stepping closer and lifting their blades, ready to make the final strike.

Arthur shut his eyes and waited for the blow, but he felt a massive gust of wind and another flash of light, and suddenly there were arms around his neck and wings around his body, and the feeling of a protective and powerful aura all around him.

He caught the scent of cotton and basil and tomato vines, and opened his eyes to see reddish-auburn hair and amber eyes, and he let himself give up and slump forward into those arms and wings and torso, and relax.

Arthur was so very tired.

The same wings he'd plucked clean of feathers were now the ones protecting him, wrapping him up in warmth and security.

"Don't," came the low threat from the angel holding him, as Feliciano stared down his family with carefully suppressed rage. "How could you do this? Without even consulting me first?! Don't you think I should have some say in this matter? What this human does for harming me is my decision!" Feliciano hissed sternly, body trembling as he kept from outright shouting.

Arthur felt Feliciano's gentle and steady hand gently running over his forearm, mending skin and muscle and sinew as if it were clay to be sculpted, leaving his arm healed and unblemished, no longer spilling blood. Feliciano's hands were on his calf next, healing him, allowing him to stand.

Feliciano had come to protect him. To heal him, to keep him alive.

Even after everything Arthur had done.

"Feliciano, move out of the way. You've always been like this- you refused to raise a sword against a single creature, and look what 's happened now! Even when someone kills you, you can't even properly punish him!" Lovino shouted, angry and protective, frustrated with how his little brother was being so seemingly careless.

"Lovino is right, Feliciano. To kill an angel is an unforgiveable thing, and if you aren't willing to kill him, it's best for us to," Romulus said, more calm than his eldest grandson, firm of voice and strong in stance, serious and not ready to back down.

Arthur could hear Feliciano growl before he spat, "I said not to touch him! He's my responsibility! You've both become so caught up in your battles and pride that you've forgotten something so important!"

Lovino scowled. "Don't even dare, Feliciano. We're doing this to protect you! Do you think we want to lose you? Not again! Last time we couldn't catch the danger in time, but this time- no, no, we won't let this bastard have another chance to hurt you!"

"People change, 'Vino!" Feliciano snapped back, and hearing the old childhood nickname caught Lovino off guard and silenced him. Feliciano calmed after that, and turned a softer gaze to his grandfather now.

"Forgive him, Nonno," Feliciano pleaded softly, wrapping his wings tightly around Arthur and protecting him, defensive and unwilling to back down. "I've forgiven. Don't tell me you've forgotten how to do that. Ti prego," he murmured softly.

Arthur nearly forgot to breathe. He snapped out of it after a moment, and in that silence, his hand moved and reached out- and he could feel every angel's eyes on him, except for Feliciano. Feliciano's gaze remained pinned on his grandfather, unwavering.

Arthur reached and took Feliciano's hand, gently and loosely, and Feliciano intertwined their fingers gently, never once looking at Arthur himself. Just his grandfather.

Feliciano was proving a point now, Arthur could tell.

"I won't trust him," Lovino said, to break the silence.

"Then trust me," Feliciano pleaded, turning to look at Lovino instead, when Romulus refused to answer him.

The old, scarred angel was staring Arthur down, looking straight past his grandson and watching the human instead. This was the being that had killed his beloved grandson, struck him down with a blade and then stripped his lifeless body of every beautiful feather on Feliciano's wings.

But it was also the human to feel such remorse and regret that he would go through a year's worth of journey and struggle, just to get the ingredients he so desperately needed to give this angel back the life he'd stolen. The one who incubated the angel's egg and let Feliciano scream and punish him as he saw fit, without protest or fighting back, the one who regardless of the pain Feliciano had caused him, had left his front door open to welcome the angel into his home.

He'd been watching so carefully.

Arthur was the human that had stolen a kiss before Feliciano flew back to heaven, instead of stealing something else.

Arthur was still behind Feliciano, glancing between both Romulus and Lovino, wary and unsure of what turn events would take. Would they still try to strike him down? Even by moving Feliciano out of the way?

"Fine. I pass responsibility for his judgment to you," Romulus finally decided, folding his arms over his chest and giving a firm nod. "But I will say right now- should Arthur Kirkland lay a harmful finger on you even once more, I will not hold back," he said next, his voice holding fierce and vicious promise, eyes flashing with a clear threat, before his stance eased and his expression softened. "Do not waste this second chance, Kirkland."

Arthur was stunned, and he gave a short nod, still a bit too surprised by the mercy to think of what to say besides a steady, "Yes, sir."

Lovino, however, whipped around to face his grandfather, looking greatly displeased, snapping, "Nonno, you can't be serious! You're just going to let him go? Just like that? He's hunted our kind before, don't think I didn't research him!"

Romulus shook his head. "I am just as aware as you are, Lovino. But Feliciano has a point. People can change. Let's give him a chance."

"And if he kills Feliciano again?"

"He won't," Feliciano interrupted, adamant and trusting, finally tucking his wings close against his back now that he no longer felt the need to shield his human friend. He squeezed Arthur's hand, and perked up when Arthur moved from being slightly behind him, to stepping beside him and pulling Feliciano close against his side.

Feliciano was startled, and bristled for a second, before he relaxed and let himself lean against Arthur's side, just how he used to over a year ago. "He won't," he repeated, before looking up at Arthur with nervous, pleading eyes.

You won't, will you?

Arthur met his gaze and gave a tiny shake of his head. "No, never," he murmured aloud in response, gaze gentle and reassuring, as he gave Feliciano's hand a squeeze.

And Feliciano's worried expression melted into a brilliant smile, one that he hadn't seen in so, so long.

Seeing Feliciano smile like that broke Lovino's resolve, and the older of the two brothers sighed and smoothed down his bristling feathers.

"You're lucky, you murderous bastard," Lovino growled in a threat, although he seemed to be sulking now. "One hair out of line and you're dead, don't forget."

"I won't," Arthur replied, almost snapping- how could he forget that he had several angels who would most certainly be after his head if he ever hurt Feliciano? These were only two- but Feliciano had mentioned many more loved ones that lived up in the heavens, and he had no doubt that next time, he might be facing a small horde of them.

No, he said, stopping himself.

There will be no "next time."

"You came to protect me."

"Of course I did. You protected me," Feliciano murmured, as they walked back slowly to Arthur's home. "Not that I needed it. That dragon was ready to run away."

Arthur chuckled. "You keep telling yourself that."



"When we first met, in that dragon's cave… You were meant to hunt me. So why didn't you kill me then, while I was weak?"

Arthur hummed. "I didn't realize you were my target yet. At the time, you just looked like an angel in trouble."

"I wasn't in trouble."

"If you say so, Feliciano."

Feliciano pouted, before his lips pursed. "So if I had been any other angel, you wouldn't have harmed me?"

"Not a feather."

"So it was really just for pay."

"I don't go around hunting angels on a whim. Er, didn't. I don't hunt, now."

"So you've said. I guess that's a relief. You didn't just kill things for fun."

"I'm not heartless, Feliciano."

Arthur had said it without thinking, before he realized the significance of his words, and Feliciano stopped dead halfway up the path to Arthur's home, letting go of Arthur's hand and clenching his hands into fists.

"S-So why would you believe you were, when you killed me?" Feliciano asked in a soft voice, frustration seeping through in the way his voice trembled and his fists shook. "That it would be easy to just get it over with?"

"I was a fool," Arthur said softly. "And I lied to myself. It had never been easy to kill. And it- it wasn't easy to kill you. I regretted what I did, Feliciano- I couldn't… just walk away from you. I could say I'm sorry a million times over and mean it more every time- but it's worthless if you won't accept the apologies," he said softly.

Feliciano rushed forward and hugged him, burying a now tear-stained face into Arthur's chest, clinging tightly to the back of Arthur's shirt.

He wept for his betrayal, but this time, he let Arthur hold him through it, melting as Arthur's fingers ran through his hair and stroked it, as a hand massaged gently at the small of his back, soft lips brushing against his temple and cheek and murmuring loving words of comfort into his ear.

He was wrapped up in his murderer's everything, and Feliciano let it go.

After a while, Feliciano's knees buckled, and Arthur quickly knelt to catch him and support him, before altogether scooping him up in his arms. He was careful to hold Feliciano in a way that didn't put strain on his wings as much, and carried him home, setting the angel down in bed, and letting him make a nest of blankets and sheets for himself.

Feliciano tugged at Arthur's clothes and managed to coax him out of most of them, before pulling the other man right down into the nest, determined and forceful but still playful.

Feliciano felt better.

With a weight off his heart, and betrayal put behind him to try and forgive and move on, Feliciano set to rebuilding the relationship they'd had so long ago.

Feliciano felt that it was best to start with cuddling in a blanket nest, and Arthur would humor him with faux reluctance, and hold him close as night drew closer.

"I never did understand why it was you choose to wear such a small scrap of cloth on you. Your family wears perfectly respectable togas, and yet you fly around with this odd little miniskirt on," Arthur commented, somewhere into their third hour in the nest, as he idly fingered the cloth in question between his fingers.

"It's comfier. I can feel the sun more, and less clothes means I can move more freely," Feliciano replied with a little shrug, although his cheeks were a bit pink, betraying his slight embarrassment over the way Arthur's fingers were slowly but surely lifting the back hem of the cloth just a bit higher- and higher still.



"Quit fiddling with it!"

"You're not wearing anything under it, are you." It was an amused statement more than a question, and Feliciano colored a deep red.

"You shouldn't be thinking about it!" the angel huffed in reply, and Arthur only chuckled. "Besides, bodies aren't a thing to be ashamed of. Back home, lots of people don't really wear clothes- we just wear them around humans so they don't freak out so much."

"Is that so?"

"It is! You humans are way too fixated on sex!"

"Well, we do need to reproduce to keep our species alive. Unlike some."

"Angels reproduce too, you know. We just don't have kids that often. Once a century or every couple of them. And even still, most of us are created rather than born," he hummed, wings fluttering slightly as he shifted and made himself more comfortable.

"You were born, then?"


"You have a grandfather, and brothers. So, you have a blood-linked family, and must have been born, correct?"

"Ah, si… si. My mother was beautiful and gentle, and my papa was strong like Nonno."

"Where are they now?"

"Mama's a guardian angel, so she spends most of her life tending to her human charges. I only get to see her between their deaths, so I miss her a lot."

"Your father?"

"A messenger. He's always flying all over the world and skies, sending messages between home and other angels. I don't get to see him much, either."

Arthur mulled over the information with a hum, and then gently stroked Feliciano's hair. "But you have your grandfather and brothers still. I hope it's not lonely."

"I have you, too," Feliciano murmured softly, wrapping Arthur up in his wings protectively again.

Arthur was startled, to find Feliciano this affectionate again. For Feliciano to be cuddled up right to his chest, sitting in his lap, wrapping him up in his wings and hugging him tightly, murmuring that he had Arthur, that he wanted Arthur's company and friendship… it was stunning, to him.

After everything, he'd been forgiven.

Arthur held Feliciano tighter and murmured, "Yes… you have me too."

And Feliciano smiled.

It was only after dinner that Feliciano acknowledged the kiss Arthur stole from him just over a week ago.

"Kiss me again," Feliciano whispered softly, once they were curled up in the darkness together under the sheets.

Arthur hummed, eyes closed as he was on the verge of sleep, before they shot back open and he perched himself a bit more upright in surprise. "Pardon?"

"Kiss me again. Like you did last time," Feliciano asked next, cheeks pink, eyes imploring, lips parted ever so slightly.

Arthur blinked a few times, as if making sure he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating, before he leaned down and pressed his lips against Feliciano's, wrapping an arm tighter around his waist, not wanting to let go for the fear of Feliciano slipping out of his grasp again.

When he pulled back, he kept their faces close, eyes searching Feliciano's for any signs of distress or regret- and he found nothing but happiness.


And Arthur obliged.


Once more.


Arthur smiled into the next kiss and didn't wait for permission next time, simply giving the angel kiss, after kiss, after kiss, and Feliciano was returning them in kind, eager and loving, growing steadily more passionate. Arthur slowly shifted, rolling over and pressing Feliciano down into the sheets, still pressing kiss after kiss onto those soft lips and loving the way the angel was simply melting beneath him.

When Arthur pulled back, Feliciano's lips chased his for a moment before Feliciano realized that Arthur had stopped the kisses, and the angel protested. His wings flapped slightly from where they were spread over the sheets, and his lips were in a pout. "Arthur…"

"If you get a request, I want to make one, as well," Arthur hummed, gaze soft but curious as he regarded Feliciano beneath him. "You got a kiss, but… I want something from further back. That night in the rain, you said something before you quieted," he murmured.

Feliciano faltered.

He remembered- the night Arthur had killed him, he'd clung to his friend in shock and weakened disbelief, asking why they couldn't be together, why Arthur had done that to him.

But last of all…

"I… love…"

He bit his lip.

"What was it you tried to say?" Arthur asked softly, a hand cupping Feliciano's cheek, his thumb gently stroking over the cheekbone. He watched as tears welled up in Feliciano's eyes, and he leaned down, pressing feather-light kisses over Feliciano's face and brushing away a tear as it rolled down Feliciano's cheek. "Won't you tell me?" he coaxed softly, feeling his own heart pounding in his chest. He didn't say anything after that, not wanting to push Feliciano too much.

He knew that night was a nightmare for the angel- he didn't want to make remembering it worse.

"I can't…" Feliciano whispered softly, shutting his eyes and turning his head to the side.

Arthur felt his heart sink, and he pulled back slightly, giving Feliciano space. He tried to keep his expression neutral, unsure of if he was angry, or simply heartbroken- maybe just still feeling guilt over his actions from so long ago. He shut his eyes, and turned his head away, and his fingers were curling into the sheets and forming shaking fists.

Feliciano could feel how tense Arthur had become above him, and it made his heart ache. He wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck and pulled him down, clinging to him, and Arthur clung to him back, silent, burying his face into Feliciano's shoulder.

There was a painful silence for several moments, until Feliciano whispered.

"One more."

And Arthur kissed Feliciano so lovingly, pleadingly, that Feliciano felt his heart break. His hands were cupping Feliciano's face so tenderly, gently, that Feliciano couldn't help but melt into his touch, shutting his eyes and holding still as he felt Arthur's other hand moving down along his side, firmly running along unmarred, soft skin until he reached a hip and held it, fingers fiddling with the hem of the cloth wound around his hips, slipping beneath it and rubbing the cloth between his fingers, brushing against the skin and lightly tugging but never hard enough to actually move it.

Feliciano kissed Arthur first this time, and held on tighter, lifting his hips a little and breathing out a soft, "Go ahead."

Arthur had the angel stripped bare in seconds, and his hands moved over Feliciano's body gently, as his eyes really looked at him for the first time. Yes, Feliciano had run about naked before, but he'd never paid real attention to his form.

But now…

He could see every curve and bend of the bones and muscles beneath that lovely skin. He caught sight of a little birthmark on Feliciano's left hipbone, small scars along Feliciano's upper arms from snares he must've no doubt been caught in before, and odd scar on his left wrist that looked like an old bite wound- maybe from some magical creature or other that Feliciano had tended to before. He lifted Feliciano's left hand and kissed the underside of his wrist, where the scar was, and Feliciano's cheeks colored pink in pleasant surprise.

A kiss to his wrist, then his fingertips, then his lips brushing along a shoulder and collarbone, pressing kisses all over the lightly tanned skin. Lips pressed down Feliciano's jawbone and then neck, making him shiver and squirm, only to give another soft gasp of surprise as the kisses started to run down his chest, and then stomach, abdomen- and they stopped, only briefly, to press kisses to the hipbones and that one little birthmark.


Strong hands moved to press along Feliciano's inner thighs, spreading his legs slightly before kisses ran along the muscle there, making Feliciano's legs quiver as he felt Arthur's teeth starting to teasingly nip along the sensitive skin, on top of all the kisses he was already being spoiled rotten with. Both thighs met such treatment until Arthur suddenly started intently making marks there, causing Feliciano's back to arch as he gave a low moan of encouragement.

Heat rushed south and before Feliciano knew it, Arthur's very enticing mouth was around him and he was tangling a hand into the Englishman's hair, moaning and struggling not to buck up into the wet heat of his mouth as Arthur proceeded to lavish pleasure on him, tongue and mouth both at work.

It felt amazing, and Feliciano felt dizzy- and goodness, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had carnal pleasure like this and- oh, oh that felt wonderful and please don't stop-

I'm going to be in so much trouble, was a thought nagging at the back of Feliciano's mind, but it was quickly and rather easily shoved aside by the sensation of Arthur sucking him off and bringing him to a climax.

Feliciano's wings flapped involuntarily and threw off most of the sheets as he came, and Arthur swallowed his seed down easily before slowly and teasingly pulling that surprisingly talented mouth off of him, only to start pressing kisses all over his skin again, giving the softest laugh of amusement against his skin at the way Feliciano's wings gave away his ecstasy more than anything else.

Feliciano was still coming down from his high when he felt Arthur's lips on his again, and he returned the affection just like before, the kiss still slow and sweet and simmering with building heat and passion. Arthur had undressed himself and pressed between his legs, the weight of him surprisingly comforting more than stifling as it pressed Feliciano against the bed.

The fluffy white wings rose from where they were spread flat on the bed, only to clumsily wrap around Arthur's hips and his own knees, to provide a bit of warmth for both of them. Arthur kissed Feliciano again, a hand reaching out to thread through soft feathers, stroking them, and Feliciano relaxed, letting him touch what had been very explicitly forbidden to him before.

His lips ran along Feliciano's neck again, and he was pleasantly surprised to feel Feliciano reciprocating the attention, even giving Arthur's neck a few playful nips as encouragement and making him shiver. Arthur paused after all the kissing and teasing affection, pressing his forehead to the angel's and looking at him with half-lidded eyes, before murmuring for permission.

"May I…?"

And against better judgment, Feliciano said yes.

Sometime later after fumbling with lube and pleasuring Feliciano with his fingers until Feliciano's abdomen was painted with his own seed, Arthur slowly pressed inside, still holding tight to his lover, and Feliciano clung to him just as tightly, fingers curling against Arthur's upper back and nails digging slightly into the skin from feeling the strain of someone inside him like this, so deep and full and warm, with a comforting weight of a person he loved on top of him.

He just wished he could say the words aloud.

Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo- the words rang like a mantra in Feliciano's head with each slow and careful thrust Arthur gave him, their bodies uniting in the most blissful way and making Feliciano's wanton moans fill the otherwise empty and silent room.

Feliciano was laying himself bare and exposed and vulnerable to Arthur, and the other man only spoiled him with slow, passionate kisses and kisses to his neck and the tight, secure hold of his arms, never once abusing the trust that had tentatively been placed back in him.

Every movement and thrust and kiss was for Feliciano's pleasure and enjoyment, not his own- and Arthur gave and gave in the hopes that he could even begin to make up for all the ways he'd wronged the beautiful man beneath him.

Feliciano rewarded him with cries and whimpers of bliss, and arches of his back, calls of his name and the way his ankles locked behind Arthur's hips as Feliciano wrapped his legs tightly around them, keeping them close and together and making it more.


Arthur discovered that angels have impressive stamina and insatiable libidos and suddenly understood why they were called such amazing lovers, and he spoiled Feliciano rotten for four rounds until they were both finally too tired to move, reduced to soft pants for breath and soft, fleeting kisses, nuzzles and brushes of their noses and lips against each other's hair and skin, before they finally just settled, Arthur pressing his forehead down against Feliciano's.

"Ti amo," the angel finally said, voice soft and uncertain with a little quiver to it that meant either Feliciano was completely and utterly sated and weak from bliss, or that he was still afraid to say the words. (Perhaps it was a bit of both.)

The honey-amber eyes looked up at Arthur, gaze betraying his anxiety.

After so much, Feliciano didn't want to fight any more. The rage and aggression had long ago faded, his gentle demeanor returning as Arthur worked to earn back his warmth. Now, Feliciano just wanted to hold, and kiss, and love.

But he didn't want to be betrayed again, and the fear would likely stay for years.

Arthur took Feliciano's hand and laced their fingers together, before giving him yet another kiss.

His gaze was warm and loving, hopeful, and he murmured against Feliciano's lips, "I love you, too," before kissing him again, patient and understanding and willing to work to earn back every bit of Feliciano's time and trust.

He would prove that Feliciano didn't need to fear betrayal from him again.

The angel squeezed Arthur's hand and shut his eyes, overwhelmed, before he opened his eyes, giving a smile and a weak laugh.

"What is it?" Arthur asked in a hum, still brushing his lips over Feliciano's neck gently.

"My feathers are all over you."

"Are they?" Arthur said, shifting and looking at himself, trying to dust himself off- and indeed, Feliciano's feathers had come to rest on his hair and shoulders and back, thanks to the way Feliciano's flapping wings would end up shedding the feathers every time Feliciano reached a peak of pleasure. "Ah. They are. Messy, aren't you," he said with a deceivingly neutral tone, making Feliciano turn red as he caught the double entendre.

"All of the mess was your fault," he huffed in return, feeling his tensions melt away as he started to feel that comfortable amiability and warmth return to their interactions, playful and at ease.

Things were peaceful, again.

Feliciano rolled them over so that he could rest atop Arthur, head resting over his heart so he could hear Arthur's heartbeat. Arthur's fingers found their way to his hair again, gently stroking and running through it, as Feliciano's wings moved and settled in a way that both of them were covered by the soft, warm down of them.

Arthur had a second chance, and he wasn't about to waste it.

"What will you do?" Arthur murmured, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Nn… I want to stay with you a bit longer," Feliciano murmured.

And it was a vague answer. A "bit" could mean days, it could also mean years. With the infinite lifespan an angel had, it was all a matter of perspective.

Feliciano moved to rest his head on Arthur's shoulder, and Arthur wrapped an arm around his waist and beneath his wings, holding on tight.

"Alright. You're always welcome here," Arthur murmured softly.

Feliciano smiled into Arthur's shoulder, cheeks pink and eyes warm.

"Don't worry. I'll remember to always come to this home once in a while, too."

Arthur smiled and watched a stray feather float down onto Feliciano's hair, and he relaxed.

"Then… I'll be here to welcome you home."