Date A Live: The black one in December

Prolouge: My Onii-chan is now my Onee-chan…

Black, it was only a figure clad in black that thing was the only thing he can see, even though that figure was black, just like the night, its surroundings could only be described as one thing—Just like the sun's radiance. Shidou didn't know where was he nor he can't remember anything, after going home with a friend he was suddenly put here, a place that he can't describe, the only thing he can see was a black figure very near him, in fact it was very near that he can hear its breathing, on the side note it will be more appropriate to call it, a being and basing from this beings shape one can tell that this being is a woman, a woman clad in black was near Shidou, therefore can smell that sweet smell coming from her, a very hypnotizing smell that dulled his senses together with the unbelievable coldness he's feeling.

"Sleep tight Shidou-sama…or should I call you Shiori from now on?"

A sweet voice put him to sleep, a deep slumber that he might not be able to escape…but to say that he is still going to wake up.

Morning, the sun shone very brightly, but not that brightly since its light was covered off the by the thick clouds, that seemed to be looking and guarding the things below it. If one was to walk around the streets of Tenguu city, one can see large amounts of snow that covered up all sorts of places, making a white winter wonderland that anyone can enjoy while wearing a jacket or something that can keep them warm in this kind of cold weather, even though the weather's cold people didn't have the choice but to continue doing what they needed to do. Children played off, people walked, cars passed, it was a continuous rhythm that one can enjoy if one will listen carefully, above all that's beautiful was the sun shining and that sun made a certain young girl stand and wake up even if she's still a bit drowsy.

Itsuka Kotori rubbed her eyes off, yawning the same time, and of course the commander has her red ribbons on while wearing such cute pajamas that one wouldn't notice. She clasped herself as she felt the cold of this month while wearing off her slippers and making such heavy steps that another person can hear from downstairs. Going down with the same heavy steps Kotori walked off bit smiling as she removed her ribbons and used her white ones, a soft and vague sound of cloth being removed can be heard by her as she did that, and why did she did that? It was very simple it was for her older brother who is now currently cooking for her or rather for both of them, as she walked to the kitchen to greet her older brother a good morning and also maybe to see his face? She put her ribbons on her small pocket as she walked off smiling.

Considering that she woke up a bit late Kotori found his older brother cooking just like the usual but something made her eyes widen when she was about to greet her older brother, Shidou.

"Good morning, Onii-chan! O-oo-onii-ch-chan?!"

"Oh, Kotori –chan, Onee-chan's near to finish ok? Just wait!"

It wasn't her brother who was cooking, it was a woman the same age as Shidou considering her height, and her beautiful face very reminiscent of Shidou, but it was a face of a young maiden, 16 years of age, her hair that flowed freely meaning it wasn't tied in any way and covered her back, it was a bit bluish in color with the shade of black in it, amber eyes that radiate happiness, nothing other than happiness, one could describe it as sisterly love that is why her eyes were like that, a face full of beauty that one couldn't resist it may be possible to say that if one will see her, one's eyes will be naturally attracted to her. She wore a short and bit scant dress that reached her knees, it was also a bit disheveled due to her movements, and over that dress was a very cute apron that will make any male high school student rubbed their eyes due to the surrealism and that was the exact thing that Kotori did as she removed her white ribbons and while trembling got her black ribbons and wore it as she began to glare at the girl.

"Oi, Shidou don't tell me you've got a fetish for crossdressing?!"

"Eh? Who's Shidou? Is he your boyfriend?"

Kotori instantly blushed of as she glared due to this girl's comments, but she instantly shook her head, and again fixed her composure even it was a bit shaken off due to her, seeing her like that the girl smiled off to her while she got more and more annoyed and then tried to hit her with her swift fist, but unlike most of the times that he punched Shidou, she catch her fist then hugged her lovingly, it would seem to be a scene straight from a yuri manga or the likes…but Kotori wasn't that fond of it and tried to resist but this woman's grip was too strong that Kotori can't resist.

"My my Kotori-chan how strong!"

"Shut up who are you?! Why are you here?!"

"I'm your older sister, Shiori! And of course I'm here to take care of you as Kaa-san and Tou-san's away!"

"You're not my sibling!"

"ooohhh…I am of course not your blood related sibling of course!"

Kotori got more annoyed every minute that had passed she got too annoyed that this girl who looked like Shidou crossdresssing, and the same girl proclaimed that she's Kotori's older sister even though she was annoyed she can't explain why but she felt like the same as Shidou, his presence and hers was the same, Kotori can feel that, this girl felt like Shidou and for a glance she seemed like Shidou, Kotori acknowledged that feeling, but this is just so surreal. Having reached her, Kotori didn't groped her breast Knowing the breasts' sensation can be faked by [Ratatoskr]'s technology so she quickly reached for the part where that should be and touched it, it was the only way that she will know if Shidou was just screwing her or in the worst case not but she didn't felt anything in that spot, which instantly made her eyes widen in disbelief but she quickly got a hold of herself, thinking of all possibilities, and slid her hand under her dress, and that exact time Kotori felt like a pervert who did that to an innocent girl.

"Wh-what the heck are you doing Kotori-chan?!"

Shidou or it should be more appropriate to call her Shiori blushed until as if she was to release hot smoke feeling that sensation and thinking that her 'sister' became a pervert, as Kotori slid her very quick in speed small hand and got to the area of the crotch but the result was something she didn't expected 'it' wasn't there. Deducing from that, Kotori swiftly got her hand away from her and took a stance and then as if she was a small animal fleeing from her predator she slid away going to where her phone was, in the top of the small wooden table in the living room then she quickly called the ones who can confirm where Shidou is, the people at [Fraxinus].

"Co-commander Itsuka why have you called s-so early?!"

A surprised voice greeted her, of course since it was the commander of the ship who called earnestly in the early morning. Thankfully someone answered, and that person was Shiizaki whose surprised voice was rare since she was a bit timid girl who's voice was always low when one talked to her.

"Shiizaki! Tell me where Shidou is!"

"E-eh? Itsuka-kun?"

In [Fraxinus] Shiizaki quickly manipulated the console in front of her, confirming where that young man is, Itsuka Shidou who was the only man who can seal spirit mana. Confirming where he is, Shiizaki made a weird expression as she replied to Kotori…

"Co-commande-der Itsuka-kun's there exactly at your house behind you…"

"Eh?! That's impossible Shi—"

"Neh neh let's have fun ok?"

Before Kotori can reply she was now hugged by her Onii-chan who turned into her Onee-chan…