Chapter 1: Kai Raizen

Kai sat in his room on his bed playing video games and listening to music with his headphones on. His name is Kai and he is 21 years old. He's an at home video game tester for a major corporation Hueco Mundo. It's rare he actually goes to the base operation, since he gets to stay at home and test out games and toys for the fun division. That's what he calls it, but the division is called Reitsu. Every month he receives new video and computer games to test out. After each one he sends his review back to the company.

After each game is finished he received half a year's worth of salary within that month. Basically, he makes a pretty penny. Along with the money he receives gifts. Last month he received a basket of pastries, a new watch, a stuffed animal, and some candy.

He was so into the game that he didn't hear the knock on the door. He jumped when his phone vibrated in his lap. The phone was also a gift from the company, even though he already had a phone. He decided to use the new phone as a company phone. The house also happened to belong to the company. They insisted that he move out to the house. He never understood why since it was in the middle of a forest and he had no neighbors. The house was made of cement and glass.

He looked at the caller ID and it said Szayel. He was the head of the science department and rarely talked to or called him, so he must have something for him. He paused the game and his music to answer. "Hello?"

"I've been knocking on your door for ten minutes. Open the door it's freezing out here. I have your new assignment" He hangs up and leaves his room. As he walks down the hall he passes a mirror, so he stops and looks at his image in the mirror. The image had messy black hair that stopped at his waist, hazel eyes with blue around the pupil. His ivory skin was clean with no bruise or scarring. He wore a slender man t shirt, and black sweat pants.

'I should remember to brush my hair when I wake up.' He ran a hand through his tangled hair and frowned when it got stuck. 'Aw man.' He headed down the stairs trying to untangle his hand. When he got to the door his hand was untangled. He opened the door smiling at his not so happy coworker. He glared at Kai with amber eyes behind a pair of white glasses. He wore a closed white trench coat that stopped at his knees, white pants, black boots, white gloves, and a white skull cap that covered his ears and held most of his pink hair.

"Hi, Szayel_kun." He still glared at him. "I could hear those video games from down here and your window's closed. Do you always listen to such loud noise?" He nodded and moved out the way to let him in. He walked in and did an about face as Kai closed the door. "You look horrible." The pinkette said looking him up and down. "When was the last time you washed your hair?"

"Two days ago?" He eyed Kai suspiciously. "Why did you question your answer? Do you even remember?" Kai laughed nervously and shrugged. Szayel rolled his eyes and looked at Kai with disgust. "If you don't take care yourself, including your hair you might as well cut it off." Kai scratched the back of his head and looked down. "Your hair is too pretty to cut off. Take care of it, that's an order. Don't dare pick up that controller for the rest of the day."

Kai pouted and folded his arms like a child. Sometimes he hated being scolded by his superiors. He might be the youngest in the company, but he had a lot more power than most. The only ones he didn't have power over was the Espada, and of course the CEO and COO. Kai was not a part of Espada, in fact he was right below them. Originally, the Espada consisted of ten members, but they all died. That's what they were told at least. They are now recruiting members to fill those positions.

"Why? I didn't do anything." He whined to his superior. "Because, you need to clean up for one, and two you won't be testing games for a while anyway." Kai tilted his head in confusion. "But why?" His job was to test games and toys, so he couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to do his job. "You don't mind being in the dark, right?" Kai shook his head no. "Good, now go take a shower." Szayel pointed upstairs and Kai stomped his foot and shook his head. "Not until you tell me why you came." He rolled his eyes. "I don't have time to explain. So I've written up a file explaining everything you need to know. Go take your shower and I'll bring in the equipment." He pushed his glasses back up.

He quickly walked up the stairs and headed to his room. He cut everything off and grabbed clean clothes. As soon as he reached the bathroom doors all of the lights went out. "Szayel_kun?" He called out and the lights turned back on. "Just trying something out. Hurry up and take a shower."

He turned on the bathroom light and set his clothes on the back of the toilet. He turns on the shower and tests the water. When he was comfortable with the temperature he stepped in. About twenty minutes later there was a crash down stairs. By this time Kai was out and getting dressed. He opened the bathroom noticing all the lights were still on. "Szayel_kun?" There was no answer.

He walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen first to see a black folder with a white box that had a sticky note on it. 'Put on these contacts and turn off the lights in the house. Then go to the living room and read the file.' Kai walked to the closest mirror, which was in the first floor hallway bathroom. He put the contacts in and blinked twice focusing. He turned off the bathroom light. The contacts made him see as if the light was still on. "Cool." He then turned off all the lights in the house except for the living room. 'I wonder what's in the living room.' He walked further into the living room and looked around to see nothing out of the ordinary except for the black cases stacked up by the sofa.

Kai reached the light switch by the fireplace and turned it off. "What are these cases for? I guess I'll find out when I read that file." Kai left the living room and went to the kitchen to retrieve the folder. He noticed that there was a name written on it. He grabbed the folder and headed back to the living room. But right in the door way was a pair of floating orbs.