I was prodded by a bunch of my friends about my decision to discontinue this story. So, I have decided that I will indeed try for a reboot! It won't be much different from the original most likely, but there will definitely be a few changes along the way. You can skim through, or you can reread, that's up to you my lovely readers!

Unfortunately, I only have a few of the chapters rewritten so far. Chapters one and two are finished, but the third chapter is only halfway done, and the others haven't begun to be rewritten yet. I'm working on trying to get those finished ASAP, because as I said in the prior author's note to those who read it, I hate to keep you all waiting to read chapters that you may already know the basis of. If you are still interested in reading, I do hope you'll bear with me, as I'm currently trying my very best. I will admit that I developed a fondness of this story while writing it, and so despite the fact that I am currently writing another story alongside this, I am going to work hard to make sure I update Black Ice accordingly.

To all of you who have put up with my crap up until now, I thank you!

As always, I hope you enjoy reading. :)

Summary: 19 year old Sage Lewis is a mage with a dark past that she can't seem to escape from. Hoping to redeem herself and find peace after the murder of her mother, she joins Fairy Tail to try to become stronger. But when her past rears up once more, nearly crushing her for good, will a certain Ice Mage be able to help her before it's too late? Or will she face yet another deadly loss?

As the black-haired mage walked down the cobblestone streets of Magnolia, only one thing continuously swam through her mind. Today would be the day that she took a huge step into her future, and the day that she would take action on this recently made- and might she say quite difficult- decision. After a long time of pondering her options and allowing her mind to be berated by all of the positive and negative possibilities, she had finally come to a firm decision- she was going to join a magical guild. However, not just any wizard guild would be enough to serve the intended purpose. There was one guild in particular that she had in mind, one that she clearly remembered from all of the stories she had been told as a child. Her mother had spoken quite fondly of it, and told her many tales of the adventures that always took place in the life of a wizard. Her mother hadn't personally been a member, but had supposedly been friends with a few of the people there. She admired the guild more than any other, and constantly boasted about their great strength. That is one of the main things that lead Sage to this place; the guild known as Fairy Tail.

As the raven-haired woman continued walking towards her destination, she began to absorb her surroundings. When she had decided to begin her journey here, she had expected to see a variety of things. Mages bustling throughout the streets, shops lined with only the finest magical gear… How was she expected to think of a town she had never seen, one that she had only known as the home of the current strongest magical guild in Fiore? Yet, despite the fact that this town was seemingly quite normal, the people weaving through the streets rarely turning out to be magic users, and the shops owning only the basics of wizardry, her mother had still spoken much too highly of this place for her to give up on it so quickly.

Her mother…

For just a moment, she allowed herself to dwell on some of her deeper thoughts. Because of the age she had lost her, she didn't have many clear memories of her mom. Yet somehow, she still always remembered the littlest things, sometimes a scent or a place, a whisper among a sea of people, or a faint feeling of warmth in the breeze. There were the good things she remembered about her, like how she always used to smile at her as a child even when she herself was sad, or how no matter the hardship her mother always held strong and let nothing completely break her down. Sage admired her back then with all of her being, and she still did, even today. Though, now, a large part of her felt that she no longer had that right. Not since what had happened…

Suddenly, with no warning, a large mass flew not even an inch in front of her face, and she instantly stopped in her tracks. She shoved down any stray thoughts within that very moment, readying herself for the situation, and shifted her eyes over to the cause of her sudden shock.

A glimpse of salmon-colored hair peeked out from behind a large stack of now crushed crates, yet before she got the chance to investigate, the culprit leapt up from the pile, a look of pure irritation on his face.

"Gray!" he roared, his body suddenly igniting into a brilliant flame. She cautiously took a whiff of the air, and as the scent was confirmed, her eyes widened in a mixture of both shock and excitement. This guy…

"I'll beat the snot out of you, you stupid ice bastard!" With that, he charged towards the building across from him, and soon a loud crash emanated from within, along with a startled female shout of, "Natsu!"

The woman shook her head in amusement. He had been so caught up in his brawl that he hadn't even noticed a person right in front of him!

She looked up at the building, taking in the structure until finally, her eyes reached the very familiar guild mark; the mark of Fairy Tail. She let a small smile of excitement ghost across her face for a moment before pushing it back down. She wanted to waste no time, and she also wanted to make sure that she looked professional for first impressions.

Taking a breath to steady herself, she pushed open the doors…

To see a wooden chair flying towards her. Her eyes widened, and she quickly ducked down, placing a steadying hand on the floor as her other reached up and swiftly snagged the chair out of the air. She let out a quick sigh of relief that she had been able to react so quickly, her heart racing at the unexpected "threat." Looking around at the rest of the guild.. Saying she was surprised was merely an understatement.

The entire guild hall was in ruins. Broken furniture was scattered all over the floor, and people all throughout the guild had called upon their magic to aid them in one huge brawl. Tables and chairs were being hurled through the air, bodies flying back and forth as magic surged, and she felt her jaw drop as all previous assumptions melted away.

"Oi!" A loud voice boomed. "Throwing furniture at women is not manly!"

Startled, her head turned to look over and see a gigantic man, his white hair flying in many different directions from the violence. What she had found to be a Fire Dragon Slayer, who she deemed from earlier to be called Natsu, jumped on top of one of the few tables still standing, and threw a wooden stool at him. "Shut the hell up! I didn't do it on purpose!"

The mage simply stood there, her mouth agape, watching in shock as the entire guild plummeted into chaos. She remained standing frozen with the chair in her hand, almost so distracted that she didn't notice the heavy clanking of metal from behind her. She turned her head as the sound neared, and her face quickly paled as the most frightening woman she had ever seen marched up the steps of the guild. The scarlet-haired female gave her a glance but said nothing, instead marching right into the guild hall to stand amidst the rubble. The woman's body trembled in anger as the fighting continued, paying no heed to her presence, and when a beer mug flew towards her head, she grabbed it in her palm and crushed it to splinters. Suddenly, her head shot up, her eyes wide and fierce as her commanding voice rang throughout the building.

"All of you, stop this immediately!"

Everybody instantly froze in their places, the magic that had previously mingled in the air disappearing with an instant. The sounds of various furniture items fell to the floor all at once, sounding like miniature bombs going off in the silence created by the lack of battle. The red-headed woman's brow still twitched in irritation as her back slowly straightened into her normal posture, and her gaze finally rested upon three men.

"Elfman. Natsu. Gray." Three of the male mages suddenly went rigid, their faces paling as the armored woman's glare settled upon them.

"You three were the ones who started this, weren't you?"

Instantly, they all three pointed at each other. "It was him!"

"Enough!" she shouted, and their mouths snapped shut, their hands once again pressed stiffly to their sides.

"It appears you may need another lesson in discipline." She finally looked away, and began to walk towards the back door. "Outside with me. Now."

Fear became apparent on their faces, yet they followed her obediently. Sage stared after her in awe. Just who was that woman?

Letting out a small sigh, she began to walk towards the bar when her eyes widened, suddenly feeling compelled to look back towards that small group of boys. She stared down the line, assessing each of them, until her eyes finally landed on their target.

Dark, blackish hair jetted out in all different directions, tousled and slightly singed from the fight, yet somehow still managing to look presentable. His unkempt bangs framed his face and swept across his forehead, revealing a small scar just above his brow and falling just short of his deep blue eyes, matching the guild mark on his chest…

Wait, his chest?

Her eyes drifted downward, and with a choking noise, she realized that this guy was standing in his underwear. Looking back up, she became aware that he had looked over at her, and her face instantly turned a deep shade of scarlet. What was with this guy? Quickly attempting to cover her embarrassment, her violet eyes narrowed, and she pointed at him angrily. "Put on some clothes, ya damn perv!"

His eyes widened at the sudden outburst, then lowered in what appeared to be irritation. "What the hell did you just call me?"

She opened her mouth to speak when the armored woman from before shouted from outside. "Gray! Where are you?"

"C-coming Erza!" he stuttered out quickly, a barely concealed blush dusting his cheeks as he darted around, hurrying to find his clothes. He gave Sage one last glance and grumbled a complaint before finally exiting through the back door.

Now that the huge brawl had come to an end, the guild hall was filled with both laughter and complaint as everybody worked together to clean up the damages. Though this guild was filled with many strong people, which was exactly what Sage had wanted from the beginning, she wasn't sure if she was quite prepared to deal with all of the chaos that seemed to go on here. Her goal was plain and simple; to become stronger. If by coming here, she couldn't make that happen… If for some reason, being in this guild only helped to stop her from pursuing her goal… She would have no choice but to leave. There was only one thing that she saw in her future, one thing that kept her going all of these years; the reason that she had for increasing her strength to its maximum and beyond even that. She had already come incredibly far, and she wouldn't allow anything to slow her down at this point.

"You there!" a voice shouted from above, startling her out of her thoughts. She looked up to the source of the voice to see a tiny old man sitting on the railing of the second floor balcony, his eyes squinted as he tried to settle his gaze on her.

He lifted his chin, and hopped down from his perch, turning to face the door of his office. "I'm assuming you came here to speak with me. I'm Makarov, this guild's current master. Let's talk in my office."

She nodded, making her way up the stairs, and followed him into a large room, a desk and three chairs spotted among the many different assorted collectibles littering the room. He motioned with his hand for her to take a seat, and after carefully weaving her way through the office, she sat down across from him.

He hopped up on his desk and looked her straight in the eyes, as if to confirm something, then nodded his head. "Pardon me, but you remind me much of somebody I knew quite a while ago."

She looked up quickly. Could he possibly be referring to her mother?

He chuckled a bit and once again cracked that smile of his. "Aside from that, what is it that brings you here today?"

She then cleared her throat awkwardly and sat up a bit straighter, trying to make this as formal as she could. "I was wondering if I could possibly join your magical guild."

"Ah," he said, his smile widening. "Another young mage wishing to join the Fairy Tail family. You seem to be of the good sort. Very well, fill out a form with Mira downstairs, and she will give you your guild mark. She would be the lovely barmaid, though if you tend to read Sorcerer Magazine, you're probably already familiar with that name."

She nodded, waiting for him to say something else, but as they sat in silence, she realized he wasn't planning to say any more. Carefully, she inquired, "So that's it, then? Just fill out the form and I'm in?"

He rubbed his mustache a bit in thought. "Well, yes. Of course, we will be doing an extensive check on your background and history, as a necessary precaution. We do so to make sure we aren't harboring any dark mages, or people who wish to cause harm to the guild. However, I'm sure you understand."

She nodded, satisfied with the answer, and stood up to give a curt bow. "Thank you, Master Makarov."

He chuckled, waving to her as she turned to leave. "It's no trouble. Though, would you mind if I asked your name?"

She smiled, turning around to face him. "Not at all. My name is Sage Lewis."

After she had left his office, she noticed that the three from before were back, sitting rather solemnly with their own groups. She looked around for the red-headed female from before, and soon spotted the intimidating woman seated at the bar. The same bar in which she was to find the woman who would give her the form along with her guild mark.. Fantastic.

As she finally reached the bottom floor again, Sage made her way over to the bar and sat down. The red-headed woman didn't seem to notice her presence, too absorbed into the task of enjoying a slice of strawberry cake. A woman with pale white hair who had been bent under the counter now stood with mead glasses and a small towel. She began to clean them, soon pausing from the task as her eyes landed on the new person now seated at the bar. She gave a friendly grin, the smile reaching her eyes, and Sage had to remind herself not to let her jaw hang open.

The woman before her was absolutely gorgeous. Her pale white hair cascaded down in gentle waves, shining nearly as bright as the smile on her face. Her sky blue eyes stared at her with kindness, yet she could also sense that under all of that, she was a very strong mage. The woman hadn't even spoken yet, but Sage couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious under her gaze.

"Hello there! I'm Mira, the barmaid."

The woman gave a light chuckle, and Sage truly couldn't help but return her smile. "I take it Master sent you to talk to me. Were you interested in joining the guild?"

Luckily, the way she talked made it easier for Sage to ease into the conversation, and letting out a small sigh, she nodded and looked up a bit gratefully. "Yes, actually. He told me I had to come down here and fill out a form, and then you would give me a guild stamp?"

She reached under the counter for a moment, placing a one page form and a pen down onto the smooth wooden surface. The red-haired woman now looked up curiously, assessing the new arrival seated a ways down from her. Sage looked over the form carefully, listening as the woman known as Mira listed the questions and gave a brief explanation. When the barmaid was finished, the black-haired woman thanked her and she soon went back to cleaning the mugs from before. The form was simple; List your name, age and birthdate, magic type, and give a description of yourself. After she was finished writing, Sage politely tapped the bar to capture Mira's attention, and with a smile the angelic woman finished up an order and approached her once more.

After taking back the paper, Mira gave it a brief once-over. Sage noticed at one point that the woman's eyes widened a bit, and she couldn't help but feel a bit curious as to what sparked the reaction, but when Mira set the paper aside her expression was once again normal. She reached under the counter one last time and pulled out what looked like a stamp pad, except it seemed to glow almost translucently with the colors of the rainbow.

"Alrighty," Mira said with a small chuckle. "Last step! Where would you like your guild mark, and what color?"

Sage thought about it for only a moment before replying, "Black, and on the right side of my chest."

"Good choice." Her smile never fading, Mira placed the stamp carefully down on the Sage's skin, and it emitted a faint flash of light before she removed it and placed it back under the counter. Sage now stared at the pitch black stamp on her chest in awe, and felt a grin of her own creep its way onto her face.

Mira held out her arm, gesturing out to the guild hall. "Sage Lewis! Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

There you have it, folks! Chapter one of Black Ice, rebooted and edited. I ended up deciding to instead switch to third person rather than first, as it seemed some people got the wrong idea. This is NOT meant to be a self-insert (not that there is a problem with those) in any way. I created this original character because I enjoy using my inspiration to create things, which is why I love to write and draw so much. (I also love SHIPPING!) The reason it was written in first person before was because, at the time, it was the POV that I enjoyed most. Something about first person made it seem like I was there when I read it. (If that doesn't sound insane.. Crazy bookworm on the loose, guys!)

Anyway, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I really did like this story and where it was going, it was just very difficult for me to continue when the material written before differed so much from the style I currently use. I hope it's as good as the original, and that you find yourselves willing to take another chance on this amateur writer! Heheh!

The next chapter is finished, so expect it within the next few minutes or so!
