AN: A story that I have been meaning to post for a while. ;u; Hope you like.

It was a dark, cold, misty night on the streets of London, England as Arthur Kirkland sat alone at his study desk in his library, his head bent over a mountain of paperwork. The queen of his country had really been piling work onto the English nation but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He had been through workloads before and he always got them done before they were due, unlike a certain loud-mouthed American nation, who always waited until the last minute to finish his work. This way he could just get it out the way and then relax. Besides, working was the only he knew how to keep himself busy during times of stress.

The golden blonde had just finished scribbling down his thoughts on England's economic situation when his stomach gave a lurching growl. Blushing embarrassedly, even thought there was no one else in the room to hear his stomach growl, Arthur stood up and stretched, cracking his back as he did so.

"Might as well take a break for a while and find something to eat," he said sighing. He walked swiftly out of his study, snapping the door shut behind him, and walked briskly down the hallway.

The dark corridor was empty as it usually was. The green-eyed Brit didn't usually have any company over, and this was something he was used to, unfortunately. Arthur really didn't have anyone for him ever since the last of his colonies won their independence from him. Well, all except for Sealand, but that really didn't matter.

Then Francis left him again, but he was used to that to. That bloody frog could never make up his mind… It's either you love someone or you don't, there's no grey area there. Or at least that's what Arthur thought.

His stomach gave another loud growl as he trudged downstairs to the kitchen. When he reached the bottom step, a curious aroma filled his nose. Strawberry…with a hint of chocolate? Arthur furrowed his brow in curiosity, subconsciously reaching into his pants' pocket where he kept his wand, just in case.

When he entered the kitchen, the aroma intensified and the first thing he laid his eyes on was a batch of freshly baked strawberry and chocolate cupcakes on sitting on the stove…decorated with bright pink frosting.

Arthur's eyes widened when he saw this and he quickly whipped out his wand and slowly walked into the center of the kitchen, holding his wand at the ready. He was here?! Arthur thought in a panic. But how?! And when?!

"Come out now!" he demanded, keeping his wand raised as he turned slowly on the spot. "I know that you're here, Oliver!"

Following his word was a manic giggle that sent chills up Arthur's spine, making him nearly cringe in fear. Then out the darkest corner of the kitchen came a man that Arthur was all too familiar with: his Second Player, Oliver Kirkland.

Arthur kept his wand aimed directly at Oliver's heart as he approached him with his hands behind his back and wearing his signature grin on his face. He had a reason to keep his guard up with Oliver too: those pink-blue swirled eyes never boded well for the golden haired Brit. Every time the strawberry blonde came close to Arthur, his mood was either murderous or he just wanted to be close to him. Arthur really hoped it was the latter because he did not feel like fighting for his life at that present moment.

"How nice for you to recognize me, love," Oliver said cheerily, stopping a few inches in front Arthur's outstretched arm. The strawberry blonde then spotted Arthur's wand and tsked. "Put that away, Arthur! Don't you know you could poke someone's eye out with that bit of wood?"

"How the bloody hell did you get in my house?" Arthur demanded of his counterpart, his hand holding the wand shaking slightly. He knew very well that he locked all of his doors as soon at the evening hit. So how did Oliver get in?

Oliver frowned when he heard Arthur's choice of words. "What did I say about swearing in front of me, love?" he asked in a sing-song voice, taking another step towards Arthur, causing the man to back away a little. "You know I don't like it."

Arthur glared at him, tightening his grip on his outstretched wand. "Since when do I care?! I want to know how you got into my house!"

Oliver's smile appeared on his lips again, his crazed eyes shining excitedly. "The usual way, love! Through the basement window!"

Arthur groaned to himself, mentally slapping himself. He always forgot to lock that window. Always. Now he was going to regret it.

"So what do want with me Oliver?" Arthur asked, raising his wand a little higher so that it had a clear shot in between Oliver's eyes. "Why are you here?"

Oliver then smiled with a sweetness that did not reach his eyes and said "Why else would I come here? I want to be with you, love! Do you know what tomorrow is at all?"

Arthur's eyes narrowed in confusion and thought, trying to remember the 'importance' of tomorrow. Then the answer hit him and the Brit scowled at the thought of that holiday that Francis loved so much.

"February 14th," Arthur mumbled angrily. "St. Valentine's Day."

"Correct, love!" Oliver chirped, now skipping towards the stove, his hands brought quickly in front of him as he did so. "A day to show affection for someone you truly care about! Of course, everyday can be like that, but it seems to be heightened at the time of tomorrow!"

He then turned to face Arthur again, one hand behind his back and the other holding one of the cupcakes, his smile now stretching from ear to ear. "So, I thought that I should come over and bake you your favorite cupcakes! I know that you like chocolate and strawberry together!"

The freckled man then extended the hand with the cupcake towards Arthur who still had his wand aimed at him. Arthur eyed the cupcake suspiciously and for good reason: last time Oliver fed Arthur a cupcake, he couldn't move for hours allowing Oliver to do whatever he pleased with him. He still couldn't get the blood out of his favorite green dress shirt today.

"No thank you Oliver, I have enough experience with your cupcakes to last me a lifetime," Arthur said coldly.

Apparently, this was not what Oliver wanted to hear, because the look in his eyes suddenly became malicious, causing Arthur to gulp hard. Before he could even blink, Oliver grabbed Arthur's outstretched arm, twisted it behind his back and slammed him face first into a wall, pressing his body against Arthur's back.

Arthur let out wheeze due to the crushing pressure between Oliver and the wall, squirming to try to get away. Somehow, Oliver was stronger than he was, so it was hard for Arthur to get away. Arthur supposed that Oliver having such violent sons and an abusive France must've toughened him and made him strong.

Suddenly, something cold and slightly sharp was pressed up against his neck, and Arthur realized in horror that Oliver had his knife behind his back the whole time. Oliver then leaned in until his lips were barely touching Arthur's ear and whispered, "If you won't eat it willingly, then I'm going to have to persuade you, love."

Then, before Arthur could say or do anything, Oliver bit down sharply on Arthur's ear, hard enough to draw blood. Arthur screamed out in pain and that gave his counterpart the opportunity to shove the cupcake into his mouth, causing the golden blonde to choke.

"Chew it and swallow or you'll be breathing out of a hole in your neck," Oliver threatened in his sweetest voice, pressing his knife slightly harder to the skin on Arthur's neck, causing a small trickle of blood to come out. Really not wanting to be hurt any further and having no way to fight Oliver off, Arthur chewed the cupcake in his mouth and swallowed hard, getting a sinking feeling that he was going to regret it later.

"That's a good boy, Arthur," Oliver cooed into his ear, before licking up the blood on Arthur's ear teasingly, causing said man to shiver. Suddenly, a wave of drowsiness hit Arthur like a turn of bricks, causing his knees to begin to give in. When he dropped to his knees, he lifted his head to see Oliver smirking down at him.

"Wh-what…did you…put in that…cupcake?!" Arthur panted, beginning to feel his body go numb and see the room begin to spin. He never heard the answer however for his world soon gave way to blackness.

Oliver smirked at Arthur's unconscious body on the kitchen floor. The strawberry blonde then walked over to the kitchen table, grabbed a napkin, and walked quickly back over to him. After wiping Arthur's mouth clean of the cupcake residue, he bent over him and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

"You won't be alone anymore, love," he murmured, brushing Arthur's hair out of his eyes. "And you won't be the only one to be 'rescued' either." He then pulled out his phone and began to dial his Canadian son, Michael's phone number.

AN: Please review! More chapters to come!
