Nagisa never told anyone, only his parents and he knew about his condition. His disease was a bit of a seasonal thing that only ever showed up during winter and usually everyone was on break so no one really notice. He kept Haru and Makoto from finding out about it by telling them that he was going to France to see his parents. Both of his parents lived there while Nagisa stayed in Japan and attended high school. His illnesses wasn't as simple as a cold or a fever and it happened every year so Nagisa couldn't pass it off as such, he had to keep it a secret. Especially from Makoto since he was such a worry wart. The Doctor said that the disease wasn't life threatening as long as Nagisa was careful and didn't do anything radical while he was sick. His parents had both suggested that they should come home for winter to take care of him, but Nagisa had insisted that he could take care of himself and he had been able to all these years.
When Nagisa got sick he was struck with a wave of nausea, dizziness and weakness. Most of the time he could barely move his arms and he got almost everywhere by crawling, he had always counted his blessings that his parents had bought him a one room apartment because stairs would be tricky. As long as he could reach the refrigerator and the toilet he was just fine. Nagisa was on a liquid diet when his illness overcame him, he was unable to eat or keep down solid foods so for the most part he ate pudding, jello, cold instant portage, apple sauce and water; Which is why when Nagisa was healthy he would gulp down every solid food he saw because he knew that come winter he would be missing it. Nagisa got warning signs before he got really sick, he body would begin to feel heavy and slow. He would get a slight dizzy spell periodically throughout that day.
None of the doctors that the Hazuki's had gone to knew exactly what illness Nagisa had, it was something that the Doctors new almost nothing about. The cause that they had suspected was the cold, but they weren't sure why the cold affected Nagisa so much, but they were sure that somehow it did. All of the Doctors, perplexed by the disease, simply wrote it off as a seasonal fever and told them that as long as Nagisa got plenty of rest that he would be okay and it worked for the most part. Usually by the time school started up Nagisa was feeling better and could go, but lately it seemed like the illness was staying longer and longer. Nagisa didn't bother going to the hospital about it because he was more than a 100% sure that they wouldn't be able to help.
Nagisa was helping Rei finish up their cleaning duties that Rei and he had been assigned to do when Nagisa began to feel dizzy. Of course Nagisa had already noticed that his body felt heavy and slow, but that symptom would appear weeks before he got really sick. Dizzy spell, however, appeared when he was about to get sick really soon. The blond cursed his body, why couldn't his body wait until he was home before doing this? Rei was right there. The only good thing was that they were almost done with the cleaning and they didn't have swim club duties because it was the dead of winter. Nagisa paused from cleaning the chalkboard so he could lean against the teacher's desk and try to make the world stop spinning.
"Nagisa are you okay?" Rei asked after he finished stacking the chairs when he noticed that the blond had stopped cleaning.
Nagisa took a deep breath before answering.
"Yeah, I'm just having trouble getting the top part of the chalkboard since I'm so short." Nagisa responded turning around and giving Rei a really bright smile; One that he had perfected so that no one knew that anything was wrong.
"Oh, I can get it for you." Rei said walking over and taking the eraser to finish up the job.
"Thanks Rei." Nagisa said with another smile, gripping the desk as the dizziness intensified.
Rei made quick work of the chalkboard before turning back to Nagisa.
"I'm gonna go clean the erasers okay? Wait for me here." Rei instructed trying desperately to be cool.
"Roger that captain." Nagisa said with a mock salute.
Rei left muttering to himself that captain wasn't a beautiful title. Nagisa kept his usual smile on until Rei had left the room. After Rei was gone Nagisa braced himself on the desk with both of his hands, head down, eyes close trying to will the wooziness to go away at least until he was home. Tomorrow was the first day of winter break, he could be sick all he wanted then but right now he needed to stay upright. Soon Nagisa had slunk to the ground, the spinning not going away anytime soon. He hadn't noticed that Rei had returned to the room.
"Nagisa, are you okay?! What happened?!" Rei exclaimed dropping the erasers and moving to kneel down next to the blond.
"I'm okay, I just felt a little dizzy, and I'm probably just hungry." Nagisa said hoping that Rei would believe it.
To his relief the other teen bought it hook, line and sinker.
"You and your stomach." Rei scoffed shaking his head.
Nagisa let out the fakest laugh that he had probably ever produced and willed himself to stand up. Rei put the erasers away and soon the two teens were making their way out of school. It took all Nagisa had to keep up with Rei, trying desperately to make sure he didn't suspect anything. The stairs were a tough one, he took them one at a time, and one hand on the rail holding onto it like it was his life. When Rei asked him about it Nagisa just told him that he had fallen down the stairs earlier and he didn't want the same thing to happen again. Rei laughed at this calling out how unbeautiful that was and ridiculous to which Nagisa quickly reminded Rei about the day-diving experience he had had. Rei was quick to shut up, turning completely red and mumbling something quietly to himself.
Everything was going so well until they reached the front entrance, Rei was walking in front of Nagisa, the blond's legs felt so heavy and he felt like he was walking through molasses. They had been talking about something when Nagisa felt his knees begin to buckle.
"Rei, catch me." Nagisa blurted out because he knew that he was seconds from blacking out.
Rei turned around and thanks to his quick reflexes was able to catch Nagisa before he hit the ground, Nagisa felt Rei's strong arms wrap themselves around his waist before the blacked out completely. Rei's eyes widened as his brain caught up with his body and he noticed how limp Nagisa felt in his grasp, the rise and fall of his chest letting Rei know that he was alive.
"N-Nagisa?" Rei called out almost like a whisper, he shook Nagisa a bit to see if he could rouse him.
"Nagisa?" Rei asked a little louder shaking him a bit rougher.