Hi guys, I'm sorry I've been late updating, but I'm finally through to my finals, just have to wait for the results and I'm quite scared actually.

Anyways, what I wanted to tell you is that I am terribly sorry, but I'm not going to continue this story. I lack of inspiration and I decided to throw myself into a different genre and to stop writing fanfictions for now.

Thank you, however for the support you gave me and all the reviews that warmed my heart.

As I promised I would do and because you are the best fans in the world, I'm going to give youthe ideas I could have developped if my lovely imagination had permitted me to.

So, while things seemed to go well between Emma and Killian, he decided to tell her how he felt about her. Nevertheless, and even if the feelings were shared, she didn't want to admit it and announced him she was going back to Boston because of a script offer and Killian never got to tell Emma he loved her.

Two years later, Emma - who had kept contact with Nina (Tink) - hears that she was giving a concert in Boston so, as both her and Henry liked her music , they decided to buy tickets and to surprise her backstage after it. What they didn't know however was that Killian put his acting career on pause to become his best friend manager and that is how Killian and Emma would have met again.

This is where I stopped, but knowing me, I would have written a happy ending, because I love those :)

If it appears that this inspired you to write a one-shot, you can still send it to me and I will post it with your username :)

Or, post it on your own, but please send me a message if you do, those are still my ideas ;)

Love you guys and I, once again, am sorry for not continuing this story and as I said, if that gave you ideas, don't hesitate to send me your work :)

Bye xxxx