Hello! I'm really happy that people read this story. It started as a story for myself and developed into something bigger; much bigger than anything I have ever written. Thank you for the reviews, be it good or bad. While I'm reading it again, I see your point and try to change it or mend it somehow.

Also, thanks for sticking with my English. Even when I mistype or something, I don't realize I did it until later on. About my grammar mistakes, sorry but English is not my first language. I may make some mistakes unconsciously.

I've seen a lot of questions about my character, about the story, etc. Feel free to ask me anything you want. It can be related to the story or whatever you want. I don't bite.

Ok, so someone asked me how does Yvonne look and someone asked me the difference between Kaira and Yvonne. They are the same person but in different bodies...Yvonne looks kind of like Miranda Kerr? She's tall and very skinny and people in the police force were making jokes because she was pretty and didn't seem to fit in. I originally imagined Miranda Kerr, truthfully. Her eyes are awesome. As Kaira, I think maybe Keira Knightley.

About her relationship with L and their past, that can actually become a story itself. I don't think that Wammy suddenly found a child and decided to make him into the greatest detective ever. I think he actually loved him and took him in, as it shows in the anime. I wanted D to meet L when he wasn't a phenomenon yet. He was still a kid in training. And D was there before B and A, that's what I wanted to tell people. I might have not highlighted this.

Also, no real relationship between D and B. They were just friends supporting each other. Since B had the Shinigami Eyes, he figured there was something wrong with D's lifespan and name. Above D's head the lifespan was 000 and the name was Kaira Brooke. That was why Misa was confused too.

No love relationship between D and L, from my point of view. They didn't necessarily love each other with passion. I wanted to show how much it meant for them the past. They were childhood friends, but D got mad when she got taken out of there and she started to call L an acquaintance. Does that make sense? I don't know how to explain it well. D saw B as a human anchor, who was always there to keep her feel human. After he died, she turned to L. I think there is a possibility to develop some slight feelings for someone whom you know well and you spend a lot of time with.

About that sex scene. I think people misunderstand this whole thing. L is a man and even if he wants to or not, I don't think he would be able to stop the body. He's a human, in the end. Think about Sherlock Holmes. He got swept off by a woman, too. Besides, it's not like L jumped D. I made it look like she manipulated him. I think a woman cam manipulate any man she wants, the intellect doesn't matter. I tried to make it realistic.

My character is suffering of superiority issues, trust issues, commitment issues, etc. That's exactly how I am so believe me, I made it very realistic. Just because D acts superior towards everyone and seems to know everything, it doesn't mean she does. She has the Shinigami Eyes so she knows who is Kira and who has a Death Note. She doesn't know exactly what is going to happen, what Light thinks, what anyone thinks; she's only guessing. She sees Light as a pupil. She does know how L works so that's why she can guess what he may or may not do. That happened to B, too. She knew because she could see what he was seeing.

Any question, any bad thing you want to tell me, tell me.

PS: I may or may not write something regarding her relationship with B and things about past but I am not sure. Exams start soon and I have a lot to learn for japanese. Now, I try to write how much I can for my Genesis Fiction. I love Genesis :D