Disclaimer: I do not... this is getting really boring...

I do NOT own Sonic or other characters mentioned in this story EXCEPT Metal Sonic 2, Garion, Rolm, and Zeon.


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I woke up to find myself on the beach. I looked around and saw a familiar looking shrine in the distance. I recognized the faint green glow of the Master Emerald inside. But no, it couldn't be...

I looked down at my chest where Zeon's orb had nailed me. There wasn't even a mark. What was going on? I looked up to see Tails' plane flying above me. But didn't that plane crash when we escaped from Angel Island's tidal wave? What WAS going on? Tails landed the craft and got out along with Sonic, Rolm, and Garion.

"Sonic," I said. "What's going on? What happened with Zeon?"

"Knuckles, we were just about to ask you the same question!" Sonic stated as he scratched his head. "It's almost as if we got caught in a time warp or something.

"The force of the explosion might've disrupted the flow of time..." Tails explained.

I looked at Sonic, and then Tails. "What explosion?"

"Metal Sonic 2 stayed behind to finish off Zeon while we tried to escape. As soon as Zeon fell, the whole dimension went with him. We are lucky to even be standing here right now," Tails said.

"So, you guys beat him, then?" I asked. Sonic nodded.

"What about Metal Sonic 2?" I questioned. "Don't you guys want to head over to his island and pick him up?"

"That's the weirdest part about it. His island doesn't seem to exist," Garion replied.

"We flew over where it was before, but it's not there! It doesn't help that it wasn't on the map to begin with," Rolm said.

"I even hacked into Eggman's list of facilities. None of the ones listed are even relatively close," Tails added.

"Man, this is weird," I replied. "It's as if it never existed..."

"Well, maybe we should have my gray emerald touch the Master Emerald again," Rolm suggested. I nearly decked him one.

"How would you like to fall down all those stairs?!" I shouted.

"Ok, ok. It was only an idea," he said quietly.

"That Metal Sonic 2 sure was brave," Tails stated.

"Yeah," Sonic said. "But I'm sure that if he is still alive we are bound to run into him again at one time or another."

"Well, Rolm and I really should get going," Garion interrupted. "We still have to return all those emeralds that you stole," he said as he looked at Rolm. Rolm only sighed.

"Will you ever come back to visit?" Sonic asked.

"To visit, no. Rolm and I have a lot of intense training to do yet. But if it's an adventure, count me in. I don't live too far away. Give me a call sometime, I'm in the phone book," Garion said with a grin.

I suddenly remembered something. "What are you going to do with the green Chaos Emerald? Are you going to give it back to Eggman?" I asked as they all got into the plane.

"Hell no! I'm gonna use it to power up my broken microwave," Garion said.

I laughed as they took off and headed towards the horizon.

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I have been feeling depressed lately because of lack of reviews... Cheer me up! If you read this far, review and make my day! :-)

If really enjoyed this story, check out my other stories as well! I have two other Sonic Fanfics on this website, so go and check them out! They are called A True Ending and The Mysterious Satil.

Keep an eye out for my future stories!

They'll be here soon...