A/N: SO sorry that this has taken so bloody long for me to get up! I think that this fic should be finished soon...... LoL, I hope. Might even get a sequel. Think I should? Well, anyhow, on with the show! Oh, and I just accidentally deleted the whole darn thing, so if all of you could review again.... and tell others about this ficcie? Pretty please? Thanky!

Among Other Things

Chapter Seven: Admitting It

The next morning, Ginny was humming on her way to breakfast. She felt more at peace this morning than she had since her dreams started. She opened the door to the dining hall, and immediatly spotted Draco.

He looked towards her, and she smiled at him, making her way to her usual seat. His lips quirked up in some semblance of a smile, and he winked at her. When she blushed, he grinned outright.

Pansy glared at Ginny, and when she saw this, Ginny started laughing. Draco slid his eyes to what Ginny was laughing at, and smirked when he saw Pansy so mad. /Well, at least Ginny has some backbone./ he thought.

Ginny finished her food, and got up again with 10 more minutes until classes started. She left the dining hall, jumping when she felt someone's hand at the small of her back.

"Hi," came the deep voice next to her ear. She smiled and felt a shiver go down her spine.

"Hi Draco. Why'd you sneak up on me like that?" she asked, a smile still evident in her voice and on her face. He went up next to her, and was about to take his arm from her waist when she put her arm around his, as they walked.

Draco warmed at the contact. /Okay, time to admit it to myself, at least. I like her..... a lot./he finished the thought hesitantly. He then remembered her question.

"I didn't sneak up on you..... on purpose at least." he finished, putting his arm more securly around her waist.

Ginny felt her cheeks tinge pink. /Good grief. All he's doing is walking with me....... with his arm around my waist./ she finished the thought with excitement.

She let her heart guide her, and since the hall was empty, which, she figured, was why he let himself walk with her practically attached to him, she leaned into him, letting her head fall onto his shoulder..... or as close to his shoulder as she could get. Since she was 5 inches shorter than he was, it was more like the side of his chest.

Draco frowned to himself as they walked in a companionable silence. /What happens if people see us like this? Oh, fuck them./ he thought.

When Ginny stopped in front of a classroom, her arm slid from his waist. Draco kept his arm where it was, but moved to stand in front of her.

Ginny felt butterflies lift off in her tummy, as she looked up into his icy eyes, now more like warm silver.

He looked at her for a minute, and then bent down, brushing her lips with his. As he stood up, he gave his usual smirk, although it was softened slightly for her.

"I like you Ginny," he said softly. Ginny gave him a smile so sweet that it made his stomach tie in knots.

"I like you too Draco," she replied, just as softly. She went to her tip-toes, and gave him a peck on the mouth, which he made last a moment longer by bringing his other hand up to her neck.

He quirked his lips again, into a quick smile, and brushed her cheek with his thumb. "I'll see you later," he said, and vanished quickly down the hallway.

Ginny fell against the wall, her fingers to her lips, and slid down to wait for her class to start.

Okay, sorry if this is too short..... I'll try and write the next chapter quickly. Really, I will! There's a bunch of crap going on where I am tonite, which is WHY this is so short. So, I'll get more up in a few days or so. ^_^ Oh, and Draco is supposed to be kinda OOC. Sorry!

Thanks to EVERYONE who reviewed!!!!!! I love you all! PLZ REVIEW THIS CHAPPY TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanky!