Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING

Jan Di's anger flared and she felt her face become hot. What made him think that he could do this and there was nothing wrong with it? Oh, it just made her so irate that he always did things without thinking about others.

"Stop! Stop it, what's wrong with you?" Jun Pyo threw punch after punch at the man for absolutely no reason whatsoever. How Jan Di saw it, it just had to do with his short temper and tendency to overreact. This happened so often that she could not stand it any longer.

They collapsed on the cold ground, the falling snow becoming stained by the blood falling from the man's nose and split lip.

Jun Pyo grabbed the man by his collar and shouted in his face with rage, "Say it again!" He shook him, "I dare you to say it again!"

"Please stop!" Jan Di attempted once again to break up the fight, to no affect. She was seriously worried for this man.

"Gu Jun Pyo!" she ran over to the dueling men and began to claw Jun Pyo off of the stranger, "Please," she mumbled quietly as she felt Jun Pyo calm. He stopped hitting the guy and exhaled loudly. He stood and walked away.

"Hey, wait a minute!" she sped off after him, shouting, "I'm so sorry!" over her shoulder as she went.

She caught up to him, "What the hell was that?" she shrieked at him, "Tell me, tell me right now! What did he do? Not much, right? Maybe he sneezed on you? Or maybe ran into on accident? Why do you do these things? Do you realize how badly you could have hurt him over something so small? You know, you probably gave him a broken nose and at least one black eye." When he didn't answer, she stepped in front of him, putting his quick pace to a halt.

"Tell me!" she demanded. He wouldn't look at her and it only made her even more annoyed.

"I don't want to say." He said flatly.

"Oh, well if that's the case then it's probably not even worth beating him over. It's something as small as he sneezed near you rather than on you, right?" This time he looked directly at her.

"Don't jump to your own conclusions. You have no idea what happened." He started walking again. And again, she chased after him.

"If you would tell me, I wouldn't jump to any conclusions." Jan Di stated in frustration.

"I don't want to. Just know that it's not what you're thinking."

"I don't have to deal with this!" she felt like ripping her hair out, "If you don't tell me why you did that then…" she didn't want to finish the sentence.

"Then what?" he was testing her.

"Then I'm done!" she finally gained the courage to say it, "If there's not a good enough reason for you to have done what you did back there, then I'll leave. This happens so often that it makes me sick!" he didn't answer, just stared straight ahead.

"Last chance." Jan Di stopped chasing after him. After a few more paces he turned around just to say,

"I have nothing to say." Jun Pyo was stubborn and Jan Di knew that, but this time it was different. He had taken it too far and now he wasn't telling her what's wrong.

"Okay. Don't act like you know me from now on." She stalked off in the opposite direction, raging about what had happened. She was also sure that she couldn't stand Jun Pyo in that moment. She found herself out of breath as she ran in the direction of her family's dry cleaning business. The whole time she replayed the argument, thinking about how she'd reacted. Had she overreacted? She really didn't know why Jun Pyo was beating that man, and perhaps there had actually been a good reason? She regretted what she'd said.

A few blocks from home, she stopped at the park to swing and think some more. She analyzed his and her words carefully, she wondered if things would work themselves out.

"I'm such an idiot. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She cursed herself quietly for jumping to conclusions. She suddenly was peeved again.

"Why am I stupid? If he won't tell me then that's his problem and he has to have some kind of consequence… right?" she closed her eyes and hung her head in despair, "Ugh,".

"Boyfriend problems?" She spun around, jumping out of her skin. There stood a man which she was sure she did not know.

"Who are you?" she asked, a little freaked out.

"Jung Hoon… I live," he turned and pointed to a house across the street, "just there." He came to sit on the swing next to Jan Di.

"I've never seen you around here before." She pointed out. The guy was creeping her out as he concealed his face in the shadows.

"Yeah, I just moved in."

"Oh, okay." She sat there awkwardly. After a minute, she mumbled, "Uhm, I should go now." She smiled, feeling small, "Yeah, I have to go. Bye." She got up and ambled down the park to the sidewalk.

"Wait." She stopped shortly, "Do you need a ride? It's pretty cold and getting late. There are a lot of strangers out there just waiting to steal away pretty girls like you." What he said rubbed her the wrong way and it made her body go rigid.

"No, no thank you. I don't have too far to go. She heard him get up from the swing, "Bye," she said again. As she heard snow crunch behind her, she took off again, pacing herself quicker than normal. The footfalls became quicker as well, falling in step with her.

She turned around to see that the man was following her. She became faster with each footfall and soon she found herself sprinting.

She reached into her pocket for her phone, because if she called someone then maybe he'd stop following her.


She panicked and began to shout to anyone that might hear her, though she was sure there was a good chance that no one would.

"Help!" the man picked up speed, "Help me!" she felt him coming closer, her legs becoming like jelly, she began to breathe heavily.

Right when her speed would have mattered she hit a patch of black ice and slipped, screaming as she fell. Flat on her back, she landed.

As the man gained even more distance, she attempted to get up as quickly as she could, though she was tackled before she could take another step.

"Hel—!" she tried to scream again and the stranger put his hand over her mouth. Yet still, she screamed as loudly as she could, struggling to get out of his hold. She bit his finger with all of her strength. He let go of her, but only for a second as she cried out again.

"Help me! Someone—" he covered her mouth again, this time with a slightly wet cloth in hand. She knew what was coming as she fell into unconsciousness.