Dani and Chrissy arrived in Vegas, it was going to be a vacation for them to get away from their lives in New York City. "Wow this place is amazing," Dani said as they arrived at the Luxor.

"Uh...yeah," Chrissy said not paying attention.

Dani looked at her best friend and laughed, "You can't stop staring at those pictures of him can you? Maybe we can run into him here and you guys can talk."

Chrissy shook her head, "Dan he's a famous magician. Why would talking to me be any different than those other fans he has?"

"Uhhh how about the fact that you are actually into magic," Dani said.

"Look let's just enjoy our week here alright. We need this break and I don't know about you but I intend on relaxing while we're here."

"Well don't forget we're going to his show tonight," Dani said.

"How could I forget," Chrissy laughed. "Why don't you go to the room and I'll pick up the tickets."

Chrissy had gone to pick up the tickets to Criss Angel's show and was heading back to the room. Not paying attention she didn't see him until she almost fell to the ground.

"Hey there! You alright?" the guy said as he helped her up.

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you..." she began to say when she looked up. "Umm...I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry."

Criss looked at her and smiled, "No really it's alright. I wasn't looking either. I'm Criss."

Chrissy laughed, "Yea...I well...my best friend and I we're going to your show tonight actually."

"Well then maybe I can see you guys after," he smiled.

"Yea maybe..."" she smiled.

The two started to walk away when Criss stopped, "Wait what your's name?"

Chrissy smiled, "Chrissy," she said before going to her room. "Dani! You're never going to guess what happened!"

Remember I will only post a new update if I get a review. Also readers, please let me know what you would like to see happen in the story.