Chapter Twenty-Six: Acceptance


''I'm giving up, so just catch me.'' ~ Demi Lovato

I held my pistols aloft as I carefully made my way out of the village. I held a hand to my throat and felt around for my necklace for reassurance. I hadn't really been on my own for quite some time and I had no clue where any of my friends might be. I thought about searching for Faythe, but I knew she was tough and she could handle herself.

I found a dense forest nearby and I rushed into its cover, hearing the angered shouts of rallied men behind me. Torches lit up the night sky as a mob of men split into small groups and proceeded to start a search. Much to my dismay, a group started heading my way. I dove into a small thicket of bushes, only to discover that they were coated in huge thorns. I held back a scream of pain and continued to crouch low, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. In the distance, the guys started to search behind trees, look into bushes and examine the forest path.

''Foot prints! They're fresh.'' A chubby man with short dark hair and a beard exclaimed.

''One of them is around here somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled. We can't let the brides get away.'' Another agreed.

''Check those bushes over there!'' My heart sank. I only had one choice… run FAST. I leapt out of my hiding spot with surprising speed and dashed through the thick trees, pushing branches out of my way furiously. I could hear the screams behind me, all of the men in this group were not in hot pursuit. There was no way I was going to make it out of this! I picked up my pace, ignoring the stinging brought by branches slapping and cutting into my skin. Normally, I would have just turned and shot the bastards, but I felt bad for these guys. Even though I felt bad, I wasn't going to slow down and let them catch me. I had a crew and nakama that needed me.

Gasping for breath, I took a sharp turn and made a snap decision. Thinking quickly, I grabbed onto a thick branch and hauled myself high into a tall tree nearby. I watched in pure silence as the guys lost track of me, and none of them thought to check in the trees. I wasn't complaining, though. The minute they started off in another direction, I hopped down and started to jog way. I really hoped to find a way out of the forest soon. Just when I started to see the moonlight, I felt the ground beneath one of my legs dip down into a deep hole and I lost my balance, twisting my ankle and landing straight on my face in the dirt. The massive pain in my ankle told me it was either a severe sprain, a break or a fracture. Either way, I was screwed. There was no way I could walk in this condition. I forgot my baby transponder snail back on Sunny, and so I couldn't even contact someone. Desperately, I struggled to get to my feet. I can't even describe the burning pain in my ankle when I put weight on it, and I collapsed instantly.

''No, no no! DAMNIT!'' I cried angrily. Suddenly, I heard movement in the bamboo thicket behind me. The moonlight splashed down on it only enough to let me see the bamboo parting. FUCK. I am either dead, or I have to shoot to kill. Those are my only two options.

Fear seeping into my bones I pulled out one of my pistols with a shaking hand and aimed it straight for the figure coming into my view. The throbbing pain in my ankle made my eyes blur, but I did my best focus. Please, don't let it be one of the native men. I don't want their blood on my hands…

''Primula? What the hell are you doing here?'' Wait, I know that voice. Damnit. Please let it be one of the native men….

Roronoa Zoro stepped into the moonlight, looking confused as all hell. I dropped my pistol and smashed my face onto the ground.

''Were you hunting or something? You just going to lay there or are you going to talk to me?'' He snapped.

''I was kidnapped by the local male population. Real charmers, they are. Anyway, I escaped and well… I fell into a hole. I think my ankle might be seriously injured.'' I was glad it was pretty dark, because I did NOT want Zoro to see the red flames creeping up on my cheeks. He didn't say a word, but he got closer to me and lay down on his stomach.

''This isn't helping.'' I sighed.

''Get on my back.''

''What?'' I frowned.

''I will carry you, just crawl onto my back.'' He ordered.

''No way. I can do this myself.'' I lied.

''Just shut the hell up and get on my back or I'm gonna leave you here!'' Zoro shouted. I groaned loudly and started to crawl towards him, being careful not to touch him anymore than I had to. I could barely even crawl with how bad my ankle hurt, but I managed to finally slide my arms under his neck and secure a tight grip. When I was ready, he lifted himself up and swung his arms under my legs, being careful to avoid my ankle. Zoro raised himself to his full height and he carried me towards the moonlight streaming in through a break between the trees. We were silent for a while, and then I decided it was too awkward. I had to say something.

''Did you find any of the others yet?'' I asked curiously, wincing as he almost dropped me from the shock of my actually speaking.

''Sorry. No, I haven't. Luffy was on the transponder snail earlier, talking about how he found Franky and Ero-Cook.'' He replied.

''Oh. I was with Faythe when we landed, but I haven't seen her since we were kidnapped.'' I said, hoping we would run into someone else soon.

''We need to stop for camp before too long. We will go back through the island I landed on, and hopefully we can find a way onto another island.'' Zoro informed me.

''Stop for camp? Why can't we keep going?'' I asked.

''Because I've been walking around all day looking for the others and the only one I found was you! And you're really heavy!'' He criticized.

''Well, if I'm so heavy then why didn't you just leave me back there!?'' I snapped.

''Because I felt bad for you! But then I remembered how much you get on my nerves!'' He growled back, sliding me off his back carefully and sitting me down on a fallen tree nearby.

''So, this is it. You're just going to leave me here.'' I sighed. Zoro was low on patience as always, so of course he couldn't deal with me right now.

''No. This is where we camp for the night. You really think I am that big of an ass to just leave you out here in the middle of nowhere with an injured leg?'' I shrugged and looked away from him, stretching my leg out to avoid more pressure put on it. He left me there for a bit while he gathered up kindling and started up a fire. Instantly I felt my whole body warming up, and I relaxed for a moment.

''I can't believe you really think that I would just dump you here.'' Zoro repeated.

''Well I do, okay? I don't trust you.''

''And why not? I saved your life when those creepy ass sirens came after you!''

''Whatever. Just leave me alone.'' I mumbled. We fell quiet for a while, until Zoro had to go get more kindling for the fire, and he returned with firewood as well as half a case of rum.

''You brought booze?'' I rolled my eyes.

''Relax. It was abandoned in the middle of the woods. Can't let it go to waste.'' Zoro started up the fire and popped the stopper off a bottle. I watched the swordsman guzzle it down like it was nectar from the gods in silence, until he threw me one. It landed next to my bum ankle and I shot him a reproachful look.

''Come on. Drink up.'' He ordered.

''This would be a bad idea.'' I ignored it.

''Proper and perfect little Prim. One day, she's drinking away with her friends, and the next she won't even touch it. What happened to you?''

''I just don't want to risk anything. Plus, drinking doesn't siphon all of my memories, and I still remember all the awkward moments from the last time we got drunk together. And that was without us being alone.'' I sighed, looking away from him.

''I don't understand. As long as you have that necklace on, you're fine, right?'' Zoro frowned questioningly.

''But I am still young. It's hard for me to control my abilities, and I can't conceal my allure either.''

''Allure? Ahahaha!'' He chuckled heartily, sending a wiff of alcohol breath my way.

''Allure as in natural feminine energy, not charm or sexiness or whatever else you're thinking. It's a siren's curse, and the Heart of the Sea cannot contain it. I am a danger to every man around me, especially sailors. I was so eager to get out of where I was living that I didn't think how much danger I put all of you in. Especially you.''

''Hahahaha! Me? I'll be fine.'' Zoro laughed loudly.

''Baka! This isn't funny! It's very serious! My allure already works on you, remember the first time we met in the warehouse?'' I reminded Zoro. A slight pink tint crept into his face, and I knew no matter how hard he would try to deny it, Roronoa Zoro remembered that night very well.

''We are going to be just fine. You've heard the stories from Usopp, haven't you? He exaggerates a lot, but most of what he tells is true. We really have done all of those things, and I can promise you that we can handle ourselves.''

''I know. I'm sorry. It's just strange to me that you are so accepting of…well…me. My mother's crew killed her when they found out what she was. I thought that all of you would do the same.'' I exhaled sharply, picking up the bottle of alcohol from the ground.

''Please. Have you seen Ero-Cook floating around the ship like a love-struck puppy? If we can accept him, I'm pretty sure we don't care what you are.'' Zoro moved in a little closer and clinked his bottle to mine.

''To Luffy and his friendship. He's an idiot, but he's our captain.'' Zoro nodded respectfully before downing the beer. For a moment, I just stared at him. He seemed to have completely different sides… there was the cold and indifferent side, but there was also this thoughtful and loyal side that I admired. I nodded back at him and tipped the bottle up to my lips, drinking deeply. The liquid burned my throat, but not in an unpleasant way. It filled me with adrenaline, and instantly I began to crave more. Before too long, the pain in my ankle had subsided slightly and I was sitting by the fire with Zoro. We were completely drunk off our asses, laughing and talking about our pasts.

''You remind me of my father a little.'' I smirked at the green haired swordsman.

''Really? What was he like?''

''He's a great swordsman, too. He's pretty gloomy, though. I went to find him after my mother died and I escaped my Aunt. It took him a very long time to realize I was his daughter. We haven't talked much, since. He didn't want anything to do with me. My mother used to hold him high on a pedestal, saying how wonderful Dracule Mihawk was-''

''Mihawk? Your father is MIHAWK?'' Zoro yelled incredulously.

''Oops. This is why I shouldn't drink.'' I sighed, taking the bottle in my hand and tossing it backwards. It flung against a tree and smashed. I giggled and lay back on the ground, looking up at the canopy.

''I can't believe this.''

''He wanted me to use a sword, but I refused because he was never there for me. I wanted to learn how to shoot, like my mother.'' I smiled fondly.

''Mihawk talked about you a few times when I was on Gloom Island during our two year training. He never said your name, but he did say that there was a girl claiming to be your daughter. I don't think he will ever accept you.''

''Probably not. But, that's alright. I have all the family I could need with you guys.'' I grinned as I looked over at him. His face flushed red again, and the he scooted a little farther away from me.

''Yeah, well goodnight.'' He said before laying down. I smiled to myself, but rolled over and tried to sleep…. The alcohol was making my brain fuzzing and my ankle's pain was returning.