A/N So this came into my head hopefully you like it. I don't not own Castle...there would be a lot more kissing.
Light filters through the gaps in the curtains, casting shadows over the bed. She is the first to stir, eyes creeping open adjusting to the sunlight. She rolls over as far as she can and is met by the warm plains of his chest. She looks up, taking in the softness of his features while he sleeps. She lifts a hand to his face, then uses her fingers to caress circles over his cheek and spiky stubble. His eyelids flicker for a second at the movement, she withdraws her hand. Looking over at the clock on the side table she realizes it is only 8am. She wants to just lay here wrapped in his embrace all morning, but there is someone else to see too. She hesitantly untangles herself from him and slides out of bed. She grabs a pair of his boxers and a shirt of his then quickly gets dressed. She gets her dressing gown of the back of the door wrapping it round her body, there is a chill in the air this morning. She tiptoes back to the bed, leaning down to place a feather like kiss to her husband's forehead. He won't be awake for another hour at least, Sunday is his lay in day. Gladly she has the weekend off.
She exits the bedroom and heads for the staircase, trying to be quiet on the way. She makes the mistake of looking out the window at the new day as she crosses the living room. Her big toe connects with the coffee table leg before she can register it is there. She wants to yelp but she suppresses it down, choosing instead to hop around while holding her now injured foot. After a few moments of under breath swearing she carries on up the stairs. She comes to stand in front of the second door along, she puts her ear to it listening for noise. When she doesn't hear any she slowly turns the handle and opens the door. The sight before her eyes makes her smile, their two year old son is curled up under his covers. She just sees the wisps of his golden brown hair sticking out. Making her way over she kneels down at the side of the cot bed. She begins to gently tug on the blanket her son is hiding under.
" Rion, honey time to wake up."
She hates to wake him but she knows he will be grumpy all day if he sleeps to long. He takes after his father for his ability to sleep for ages. The difference is unlike Castle he won't be able to sleep tonight if he doesn't get up soon. For that part he takes after her. She manages to pull the blanket down enough that she can see his adorable face. She runs her fingers along his cheek trying to stir him. Just like his father before him, his eyelids flicker.
"Rion, Rion time to get up honey."
She sings this to him in a sweet tone, that and the fingers running over his cheek seem to work. His eyes crack open then quickly shut again. She lets out a chuckle and his eyes open again. She is met by the beautiful sight of his brilliant blue orbs looking right at her.
"Morning baby."
A hand appears from under the covers, it reaches for her. She grasps his small hand with hers, she gives him the widest smile. She draws the rest of the covers of him with her other hand, he shivers from the blast of cold air. She releases his hand, instead scooping him up into her arms. His head burrows into the gap between her shoulder and neck. His small arms wrap around her neck gently as she comes to standing. She places a kiss on the top of his head, before they both head down to the kitchen.
"Momma, jammie."
He mumbles into her dressing gown as she enters the kitchen.
" Okay if that is what you want for breakfast, sweetie then jam on toast it is."
She places him gently into his high chair, she then pours him some milk into his sippy cup. She places it in front of him, he grabs for it immediately bring the spout to his lips. She ruffles his hair before heading back to make some toast. She makes herself a coffee while she wait. She sips it while watching her son, he is getting so big. He looks so cute in his fluffy dinosaur pyjamas, hair all messy, sleep visible in his eyes. The toaster ping bringing her back to reality, she grabs the bread out burning her fingers as she does. She doesn't curse, well not out loud anyway. She spreads some strawberry jam over the toast before cutting into bite size pieces. She takes it over placing it in front of her son's eager hands. She takes a seat next to him still cradling her first coffee of the day. Jam is being smeared everywhere, up his arms, down his Pj's and even in his hair but at least he is eating some of it. He is going to need a bath this morning anyway she thinks. She meant to give him one last night but he was so tired, that she skipped it, instead spend the time cuddling with him on the couch.
"Rion, do you know what we're going to do today?"
He shakes his head side to side, the milk he is drinking flying in all directions. This kid sometimes she doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, definitely bath time this morning.
"Well today, we could go to the park for a picnic?"
He claps his little hands at this idea.
"Okay so we will go to the park then later we're going to see Alexis at her new apartment."
"Ali, Ali,Ali,Ali."
He starts chanting her name, he loves spending time with his big sister, and she is looking forward to seeing her too.
" That's right sweetie, your big sister Ali, but first you need a bath and we need to wake up daddy."
She decides to clean up the mess in a bit, she takes him out of the chair. His jam covered hands winding into her hair, well looks like she will need a shower too this morning. Once they're in the bathroom she places him on the floor with a toy, while she runs him a bath. Once she does the elbow test to check the water she stands him up and takes off his nightwear. She lifts him in to the bath, once he is settled he begins splashing his hands in and out of the water. Her ears are filled with her son's laughter as he amuses himself.
"Momma look...look!"
He points at something in the water so she leans down to look. She is met by a torrent of water as her son splashes her. She falls for that trick every time, his laughter now louder than before. She can't help but join in as she lifts her head and the water drips down her face.
" Very funny Rion, come on time to wash your hair."
His laughter suddenly stops, his bottom lip trembling. He hates this part, the supposed no tear shampoo is his biggest enemy. She pours a cup of water over his hair while shielding his eyes with the other hand. Then she takes a dob full of shampoo and massages it into his sticky jam smothered hair. Now for the fun part of bath time rinsing it off, she raises the refilled cup and he moves out of the way as she pours it. She moves him back and tries again but once again he bolts. Finally she has to hold him in place and shield his eyes and wash the shampoo out of his hair. That is no mean feat she can tell you, also he still ends up bawling. She hopes one day he will learn that staying still, means he is less likely to get shampoo in his eyes.
" Sweetie it is okay, that bit is over."
"Hurts Momma."
He says on a hiccup between crying.
" I know sweetie, I'm sorry.
She dries his eyes with a towel before, she washes the rest of he sobs and plays with his toy boat. Then she grabs his towel, lifts him out and wraps him up in it. She leans back on to her bottom stretching her legs out, they ache from kneeling for so long. She pulls him into a hug, soothing him by running her hand up and down his back. She hums hush baby don't you cry to him and his sobbing soon stops. Leaning him back so she can see his face she sees him rub at his eyes. She places a kiss on his cheek before standing him up. She makes sure his towel is wrapped up tight before standing herself. Last thing she needs is a naked little boy running amok around the loft.
"Right lets go get you some clothes on."
As soon as she opens the door he is off on a run, she has to work to keep up. She reaches him as he gets to the baby gate, gladly she closed it earlier. She turns him round and redirects him to his bedroom. She picks out what she thinks is a cute outfit, of jeans and a little smart shirt, but he shakes his head. She tries again, instead going for a green lantern shirt and jeans. He smiles at this, the boy is unmistakably Castle's. He does his best to help her get him dressed, arms ending up in the wrong holes. Soon he is ready and they go to wake Castle who is still asleep even though it is now 9.15am.
He is having a pleasant dream, when he feels like someone is jumping on his chest. He slits open a eye and is met by the sight of his son using him as trampoline. Does Kate know he is doing this he wonders. He opens his eyes, grabs his son and tickle attack's him. Soon Rion is giggling in his arms, his wife can be heard laughing too. So that is a yes she does know what their son was up to. He feels the bed dip next to him, his lips enveloped in a delightful kiss. Well that is one way to be woken up, not that he minds. Rion has got down while he was sidetracked and is now tugging his hand.
" Daddy play, come Daddy."
" In a minute son, ummm Kate not that I don't love the morning wake up but can you know..."
She looks confused for a minute, then it hits her, he is naked under the covers. She leans down for another kiss before taking their son's hand off to play.
He appears fifteen minutes later, washed and dressed. He finds them playing with building blocks, making the tallest tower they can.
He takes his wife into his arms while their son is busy, gives her a proper morning kiss. She ends up moaning into his mouth, he pulls back and whispers into her ear.
" Later Kate, I promise."
He gives her a wink as he steps away, the warmth & contact missed almost straight away. Her cheeks flush with red.
" He has had breakfast and bath this morning. Thinking park for picnic then back for nap/relax then obviously Alexis' this evening...sound good?"
" Alright I'm off for a shower then, shame you can't join me."
She grabs his butt as she walks off, a smirk adorning her beautiful face. Payback is a bitch he thinks, he takes a breath before turning to his son.
" So buddy what we making?"
A/N So next chapter continue ? p.s kids are the cutest.