
throw it into the air, watch it crash and burn.

When he was a kid, the Team Rocket boss loved making paper airplanes.

This was unknown even among the closest to him, but it was true. Back during the days of his innocent childhood, when he had not yet become the monster he was today, he would fold countless pieces of paper, concentrating hard and making sure not to wrinkle the thin sheets, into the shape of a plane. Various types of them, too—big ones, small ones, thin ones with wide wings.

His favorite part was throwing them into the air, watching them soar across the room. But that only lasted for a few seconds, and then the plane would finally crash, sliding to a halt across the carpeted floor.

And while all the other kids groaned and hurried over to fetch their fallen paper planes, Giovanni would simply stand there, too irate to move. His fists curled with anger and his muscles were taut with tension. With each second, his face darkened with fury. Sometimes, he'd even throw a temper tantrum, screaming and kicking wildly until the teachers had to take him away.

Why couldn't his airplane fly away, rise through the sky forever? Why did it always have to crash?

He watched the paper objects bump into each other in midair, and plummet to the ground. He would imagine fires springing up at the scenes of collision, flames dancing across the room and smoke rising. And all the young boy would do seethe in anger.

Years later, he still hadn't changed.

He started his own organization, and became the leader of Team Rocket. He felt important, in command of a vast army. He'd send planes to bomb carefully targeted areas and laugh at all the damage being done. He murdered Pokémon and people alike, stealing the creatures, selling them for money on the black market. A new Pokemon, Mewtwo, was even created by his own calloused hands.

He felt powerful, indomitable.

But when his perfect organization finally crashed, destroyed by a ten-year-old boy the name of Red, Giovanni witnessed the decimation of his own army. All his years of planning, building, deliberate scheming and calculating, was gone. His world was annihilated. The wailing police sirens split the air, red and blue lights flashed everywhere, and he was handcuffed, taken away forever. He later watched the Rocket Headquarters being bombed, and experienced a feeling of loss unlike any he'd ever felt.

The former Team Rocket boss couldn't bring himself to believe what had happened.

Even when he was taken to the jail cell he was still in denial, fists drawn and ready to fight something, anything. He was willing to fight the world. Even as the door with the iron bars slammed shut on him, he punched the concrete wall and ended up with blood all over his knuckles.

Blood. Crimson the color of Red's eyes. He hungered for the boy's blood.

But if Giovanni was truly honest to himself...

All that time, some part in him had already known that one day his organization would crash and fall like the paper airplanes he used to throw, because what goes up must always come down.

a/n: whoa, what is this?

to be honest, i really don't know, just an idea that came to me. Giovanni is such an...interesting character. anyway, reviews are always appreciated!