So this will be a rather lengthy story, and will eventually be Pietro-centric. It will be a blend of different universes as well as my own ideas, and will most likely follow beyond the X-Men Evolution story (unless I decide to make it two stories instead of one). It will definitely be angsty, and may contain a few triggers (I'm not entirely sure at this point). The chapters will center around a particular character, though the story will be told from an omniscient 3rd person perspective. Also, Magda, Django, and Marya will always refer to Magneto as Magnus.
Pairings will be: Magneto / Magda, Django / Marya, Kurt / Wanda, Pietro / Crystal, as well as other minor pairings. Enjoy!
Chapter One
They had agreed not to have any children after Anya. And why would they want to? Magnus was always concerned with his 'cause,' and Magda couldn't bear the thought that she might lose yet another child. She'd always wondered how people could continue after the death of a child, but she learned, albeit she learned the hard way. There was much discussion after the loss of Anya as to whether or not they should try again. And their plan had worked just fine until that point.
She didn't know how to bring up the subject. Even a few years after the event, they couldn't speak of it without becoming too emotional to function. Magda knew many people thought her husband to be a cruel, heartless man, but she knew better. They had met in the concentration camp during World War II, shared in each other's pain, and eventually shared in each other's love. She had seen first hand how devastated he had been when he learned of the death of their daughter, and she hoped to see that joy return when she told him the news.
She was pulled from her thoughts when the door opened. "I'm home," Magnus declared. He closed the door and hung his coat up on the wall.
"How was work?" Magda asked. Their evening conversations always followed the same routine.
"Fine," Magnus replied, just as he always did. He pulled her close and kissed her forehead in the gentle manner he only used around her. "How was your day?"
Magda smiled slightly. "Great," she answered. "Marya was over earlier this morning." They had met Django and Marya Maximoff soon after moving to the Ukraine. The two couples had quickly become friends, and a day rarely went by when Magda and Marya didn't speak.
"Don't you two ever run out of things to say?" Magnus laughed slightly. He broke the embrace to take a seat at the table. Magda moved to sit across from him.
"I doubt we ever will," Magda smiled. If she was going to tell him, she figured she had better do it soon.
"Something's bothering you," Magnus said. It wasn't a question.
Magda shook her head. "The opposite, actually," she corrected.
"What is it then?"
Magda took a deep breath, stood, and walked over to him. "I'm pregnant," she said in a single breath. She would have been a liar if she said she wasn't nervous about how her husband would react.
Magnus looked into her eyes. "You're certain?" he asked, wanting to be sure. Magda nodded. "That's wonderful!" he exclaimed. He stood and pulled her back into his arms. "But what will we do? We can't stay here can we?"
"Why not?" Magda frowned.
"People are starting to talk," Magnus answered. "They're beginning to suspect I'm not quite human."
"So let them talk," Magda sighed. She hated that they constantly had to move. "Where would we go? What about the Maximoffs?"
"Django said he and Marya are moving to Transia," Magnus answered. "I was thinking we would go along with them."
"Very well," Magda agreed. At least there would be something familiar about the situation she was being forced into. At least she wouldn't be leaving her best friend behind.
"Have you thought about names?" Magnus asked, abruptly changing the subject.
"I have, actually," Magda answered. "I was thinking Pietro for a boy or Wanda for a girl."
Magnus thought it over for a moment. "They're perfect," he smiled. He placed a hand on her still-flat stomach. "Just like he or she will be."
The pregnancy had gone smoothly, even with the move to Transia, and Magda was soon in her ninth month. She was constantly glowing, but something was not quite right with the family. Magnus had gotten too concerned with his mutant cause. He was away from home longer, and gave her more brusque answers regarding what he was up to. Still, she chose not to worry. It was better for her unborn child. Children, she had to constantly remind herself. It had been months, but she still couldn't believe she would soon have twins.
Yet Magda constantly feared something was going to happen. She feared something would go wrong in the birthing process. Only this time she did not foresee her children dying, she saw herself. Marya tried to convince her that it was nothing, that she was worrying too much. But what did Marya know? The woman wasn't able to have children of her own. That, however, was precisely why she and Magnus had decided that if something terrible were to happen to themselves, Django and Marya would raise the children. The other couple had agreed with much enthusiasm.
Magda suddenly felt a sharp contraction. They had been getting closer together throughout the day. There was no doubt in her mind the twins would come soon, if not that day itself. Magnus wrapped an arm around her. "Are you all right?" he asked.
Magda nodded. "I'm fine," she assured. "Just a contraction."
"They haven't been far apart," Magnus commented. "Should we see your doctor?"
Magda shook her head. "I'll know when it's time." Her husband was much too worried about everything, though she figured he had good reason. The last time she had given birth, the child had died. "Magnus!" she shouted as another contraction came. He looked at her, concern evident across his features. "It's time."
Magda was in labor 21 hours before the first twin came. It was a girl who, even as a newborn, resembled her mother. She had Magda's dark hair and facial shape, but her father's blue eyes. The midwife looked to Magda for a name. "Wanda," she said, cut off as another contraction came.
It would be another two hours before the second twin was born. This one was a boy with his father's silver hair, blue eyes, and profile. "Pietro," Magda said. She had not done well in the birthing process, not well at all. Magnus placed a hand on her shoulder as she held the newborns.
"They're beautiful," Magnus said, smiling down at his son and daughter. He felt Magda's breathing hitch. "Magda?" he asked quickly, looking down at her. She didn't respond as her breathing and heart rate escalated far too quickly. The midwife handed Magnus the children and shooed him out of the room.
Magnus tried to calm his screaming children, the ones who wanted their mother, but it was to no avail. Finally, the midwife emerged. Her face was solemn, her steps slow. "No," Magnus breathed, reading between the lines.
"Magnus…" Django said gently. He and Marya had been at the house the entire time as a gesture of support for their friends.
"Don't," Magnus responded. He glared down at the children, though he focused more on the boy. Magda had been fine after having Wanda. It was that… That thing that had killed her. He tried to tell himself his following actions were what would have been best for the both of him, but he knew that would be a lie. Without warning, he forced the twins into Django's arms. "Take them," he said before making his way to pay his respects to his now late wife.
"What names should go on the certificates?" the midwife asked. She didn't want to push any boundaries, at least not any more than necessary.
"Maximoff," Django answered after a moment. "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff."