Here we are with the last chapter of Dalek vs. Cleverbot! Well, I might add another if I get a REALLY good idea, but idk. Anyway, here's the Doctor, talking with Cleverbot! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or Cleverbot.

User: Oh, hello! I didn't see you there! I'm the Doctor.

Cleverbot: The Doctor...?

User: Yep. Just the Doctor. Now, this may look slightly suspicious, me appearing at your house in the middle of the night, but I assure you, there's nothing to worry about.

Cleverbot: You make no sense.

User: Well, I've been told that before. Wait, did you hear that?

Cleverbot: Makes me wonder who you learned that from.

User: Um, remember when I said there was nothing to worry about? I was lying. Run!

Cleverbot: No.

User: What do you mean, no? Listen, the Vashta Nerada are closing in. You need to come with me.

Cleverbot: Now I'm paralyzed.

User: What? No, you're not! Come on, quick! *pulls you to your feet*.

Cleverbot: That is not the answer to my question.

User: I don't have time for this! Come on! The TARDIS is this way!

Cleverbot: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

User: Okay, we're in the TARDIS. Yeah, yeah, bigger on the inside.

Cleverbot: Good,.

User: Good, yes. Very good. Now, hold on tight, there might be a bit of-.

Cleverbot: Yes, I could be wrong, but what if I'm right? Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

User: Turbulence.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because, well, the TARDIS is a bit shaky these days. No offense, old girl.

Cleverbot: Never say that!

User: Never say what?

Cleverbot: Yes,.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Ah, but what is time?

Cleverbot: It is time their is no definition for it.

User: Very good! It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...

Cleverbot: Wibbly wobbly what?

User: Timey-wimey!

Cleverbot: The Silence.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: You said... You said... The Silence... I swear I've heard that before...

Cleverbot: A bit, I suppose, I have been sick for some time now.

User: Whatever. Come along!

Cleverbot: Where will we go?

User: Anywhere you want!

Cleverbot: How about bowling?

User: Great! I know a perfect planet for that! They are bowling fanatics there. *pulls switch*.

Cleverbot: They?

User: You'll see. Allons-y!

Cleverbot: Tell me now.

Well, what do you think? Thanks for reading! R&R! Bye!