The Wild, Wild West

Disclaimer: I do not own Metal Gear Solid or any of the characters.

Summary: "You're kidding me, right? You've never seen a John Wayne movie!?" [ParaOcelot.]

Author's Note: Just a little bit of fun between Para-Medic and Ocelot in the early days of the Patriots. Can be considered part of the First Impressions universe.

"You're kidding me, right? You've never seen a John Wayne movie!?"

He winced as the high-pitched squeal came across the codec.

"And you call yourself a lover of Westerns," she tsked as the ringing in his ear died down.

"You forget that I grew up in the Soviet Union. It takes a while for American Westerns to travel overseas," he reminded gently, still observing the arms deal going down from his hiding spot.

"Not even Rio Bravo or McLintock!?" she wondered sadly, a little put out that she'd finally found someone who loved movies as much as she did but they seemingly had not one in common.

He shook his head despite the fact that she couldn't see the action and mumbled, "Can't say that I have, sweetheart. Have you seen A Fistful of Dollars?"

"I have," she returned, nodding unnecessarily. "It's nowhere near as good as Rio Bravo, kid, believe me."

Chuckling under his breath at the kid comment, he said: "Well when I get back you'll just have to make me sit down and watch it, won't you?"

She found herself blushing hotly for some unknown and unfathomable reason. How was it possible for him to have this affect on her? They weren't even in the same country. And, to make matters worse, he was eight years her junior. "I guess I will," she murmured unsurely.

He smiled triumphantly, momentarily glad that she couldn't see his joy at finally having her where he wanted her. He'd waited a long time for this. "It's a date then," he stated firmly before severing the connection. He'd caught her off guard and now all he had to do was reel her in.

All's fair in love, war and the west.

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