Why are there so few commonly updated stories about Konohamaru? I really like the character, and I recently started looking at some Konohamaru x Hanabi stories that were really good, which got me to thinking, "What would Hiashi think?" Which brings us here. And so it is my grand honor to present to you, the glorious reader, Hiashi's Little Book. Chapter 1 focuses on his daughters' relationship with certain boys.

Hiashi sighed as he sat in his study, rubbing his temples as he drank his tea. He was distressed, though you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know him well. He reached up to grab a well-worn book on teenage girls. No, it wasn't porn, but instead more like a guide to survival as a father. This book had single-handedly saved Hiashi more times then he could count, likely surpassing the number of calories the entire Akimichi clan consumes per meal. That may be a bit of exaggeration, but the book was helpful. This book was the only time he had ever accepted help, and only on recommendation of the Third Hokage, clan council, and even the Sanin, though he hadn't a clue why they would need it.

He returned to his desk and opened it to the section entitled "Boyfriends: A guide for Fathers" He sighed, finally acknowledging it. His daughter Hinata had finally gotten a boyfriend, that dreaded Uzumaki. Hiashi respected Naruto, managing to survive as the jailor of the Kyuubi from birth was amazing, especially with nearly an entire village hunting you because of it. However, Hiashi did draw a line, and that was his daughter. Hiashi knew of his daughter's infatuation with the brat since the Academy, it was impossible not to if you live in the compound, or near it… He was actually fairly certain that the entire village knew of it, if not the entire fire nation. But then the boy had the nerve to come to his home! Not only that, but he managed to avoid some of the best Hyuga nin there were as he made his way to Hiashi's study. The boy had the gaul to ask Hiashi if he could take Hinata out to dinner. In a state of shock he had agreed. Now the boy was dating his daughter. To top it off, he swears that Hanabi has a crush on one of the boys in her class. Speaking of classes, her Genin graduation isn't far off, he should prepare, as she was was the top of her class, either gender, which means she would be put on a team with the best male and the worst student of the year. Hiashi started hyperventilating, he was fairly certain he had heard Hanabi mention something about a cute idiot. OH GOD SHE WAS GOING TO BE ON A TEAM WITH HER CRUSH! This is bad! Oh so bad!

He couldn't think straight, so he took a calming sip of his tea and looked at the book. He began reading 'If you are afraid that your daughter's boyfriend might hurt her, it is likely unfounded, but quite common. If you are still worried, invite your daughter to bring over the boy and try to take an interest in him, get to know him. If you are still unconvinced that the boy you do not trust is going to hurt her, then simply find a way to get your daughter to leave the room, then talk with the boy honestly and openly." Hiashi could do that, he could be 'open' with Naruto Uzumaki and whoever Hanabi liked. All he had to do would be to convince his daughters to bring them here for a nice dinner. If he didn't like them, he could just have them gassed and tossed out anyway. He had it, he would personally invite Naruto to the celebration. Hanabi's joining of a Genin team would be appropriate, and Hiashi could trick the boy into thinking that he approved of him.

It has been two days since Hanabi graduated, and today the Genin teams were being announced. Tsunade strode up to the podium where she would be announcing off names and started her long and boring speech. He sat through the whole thing, not moving an inch, until his daughter's name was called "On Team Six will be Hyuga Hanabi, Sukamo Kirato," Hiashi was sweating nervously, he knew the Sukamo clan compound was filled with libraries, no way was Kirato the stupid one, meaning whoever Tsunade said next would be the boy, "and finally, Gotumu Sekera." Hiashi blinked. That was a girl's name. Maybe they were changing the style and his daughter wouldn't be on the same team as her crush. He relaxed a little, letting out a contented sigh. This was going to be fine.

Hiashi was seated at the head of the table, and his daughters beside him. It was a simple celebration with him, his two daughters, his younger daughter's genin team, and Naruto. Seven people…. Wait a second…. Something didn't add up. There were three Hyugas present, and four non-Hyugas. There should be three of each. He turned to his younger daughter, "Hanabi, would you care to introduce your friends?"

Hanabi slightly blushed, but calmed down quickly enough, "Yes Father. Kirato is a genjutsu and taijutsu specialist," the boy nodded respectfully, oh why couldn't it have been this boy, he's perfect "and Sekera excels in Ninjutsu and summons." Sekera also nodded politely. Hiashi stared at Hanabi "And?" Hanabi blinked "A-and what Father?"

At this point a boy with goggle and a scarf spoke up, "I think he means me! I am Sarutobi Konohomaru! I'm going to be the Seventh Hokage!" Hiashi's eye twitched, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time for a long while. "Don't you mean Sixth Hokage?" Naruto looked up, somebody having mentioned his position "No way, that's me! He'll only be the Hokage when I'm 113 years old and to frail to continue, Dattebayo!" Hiashi's eye twitched again. Then, he noticed something. Hanabi was blushing and stealing glances at Konohamaru… If it had been at all quiet, you would have heard the click in his brain. He stood up, "I'd like to speak to these two 'future Hokage' in private for a minute. Excuse us if you will." He picked each of the boys up with one hand, showing his immense strength as he carried them off to his study. There were two audible gulps as they were dragged off.

Hanabi looked to Hinata who was grinning at her sweetly, half a second away from hugging her to death for liking a boy, somehow having figured it out. Turning to look at each of her new team mates, she saw them also grinning. It was Sekera that spoke up first, "So Hanabi… Konohamaru?" Hanabi blushed and looked down, mirroring her sister at that age whenever Naruto had been mentioned, "What about Konohamaru?" Sensing the way they looked at her she sighed, "I'm never going to live this down, am I?" She didn't need the Byakugan to see that they were shaking their heads.

Meanwhile, Hiashi had taken both boys to his study, where he sat them down facing him and his desk. Naruto was the first to break the silence, "So… uhm… sir… You wanted to talk to us?" Fear was evident on the young man's face and rightfully so, this was Hiashi, the leader of the Hyuga. Konohamaru mirrored the sentiment. "I am going to speak to you two about a topic that is very near and dear to me. My daughters," Hiashi spoke, noticing the boys pale instantaneously, fearing what this man would do to them. He continued, "As it seems, my daughters have strong feelings for each of you respectively. Do you return these feelings?" The boys nodded in the affirmative. "I will allow both of you to court my daughters, on one condition." The boys readily agreed before hearing the conditions but he continued anyway, "If you ever hurt either of my daughters, not only will I show you the true wrath of the Hyuga clan, but I will personally castrate you." Both boys gulped as they returned to the dinner room, pale as can be, but smiling as the respective girls worried over them. Hiashi, in his own opinion did well.

A/N: Well there we are, the first chapter of Hiashi's Little Book is done. May god have mercy on his soul as he keeps suffering through being a single father of two teenage girls.