Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: It been a while hasn't it. Well I am back now and should be a little more frequent with updates. Be sure to check my profile because I have made a few changes to the stories that are in coming after Thor The Dark World. The main changes have been to some of the title and combining a few stories.
Anyway here is the next chapter there is a lot of talk about Infinity Stones in this chapter so enjoy.
Chapter 9: Treason
Thor and Odin knelt next to the dead queen as Percy stood there felling like he was intruding. Neither Thor nor his father cried but the pain was plane to see in their eyes and on their faces. A few guards came crashing into the room and froze at the sight before them. And Percy felt like an intruder on their grief. He shifted unsure of what he was supposed to do.
Finally Thor spoke, "Jane. Where is Jane?"
Odin turned to the guards and began, "Search the palace, we must…"
"There's no need for that, All-Father," Percy said. "I can see were the queen hid her. She is safe and the Infinity Stone is still around her neck."
"Very well," Odin said and Percy could hear the strain in his voice as he held back his grief. "Go with Thor retrieve her. The rest of you gather the fallen. We have funerals to prepare for. And bring Heimdall to me."
Thor seemed like he wanted to stay but he left none the less. As he left the room Percy strode forward to walk beside him. They walked in silence for a few minute. They weren't heading anywhere in particular besides down. After a while Thor spoke up, "How did you know?"
"Know what?" Percy replied quietly, though he had a pretty good Idea what Thor was going to say.
"Where Jane was? That she was safe? That Asgard needed its forces to return home?" Thor listed off.
Percy nodded. "All the same answer really. I knew because of the Axe. I can't really explain it but the moment I picked it up I could see everything. I saw the Dark Elves starting their attack. I saw you mother hiding Jane. I saw everything."
"Like Heimdall except you can see the Stones," Thor whispered.
"Thor," Percy side as he came to a stop. Thor stopped a few places ahead of Percy. "I know how you feel. I may have gotten my mother back but I remember what if felt like when I thought she was dead. I guess I just wanted to say…sorry."
Thor smiled without any emotion, "I thank you for your words but I can let myself dwell on that now." Thor swallowed then continued, "Frigga did as her duty well and fought valiantly. Right now we must retrieve Jane. Where did my mother hide her?"
Percy held up his Axe, "Where your father hid this." Thor nodded and they continued their walk down, this time with a destination in mind.
When they arrived in the weapons Vault they found that the only thing that seem to have changed was the absence of the Tesseract. The two walked down the chamber until they reached the hollow reses where the two fragments of the axe had once been hidden. Percy held up his weapon and it rippled before turning into a spear. He rapped the butt of the spear on the ground and the floor opened. Inside the hole was Jane, sitting with her knees tucked up to her chest trying to keep herself calm as she looked up at them.
"Where's Frigga?" Jane asked.
Thor knelt down and pulled Jane out of the hole before closing the hole once more. "She died in defense of Asgard."
"What?" Jane said in shock.
"A lot of people died," Percy said and Jane noticed the axe now strapped to his back. "Come on we need to help with the preparations for the funerals."
"One thing before we go, Jackson," Thor said. "Would you please remove the necklace form Jane's neck."
"Um quick question, why don't one of you try that?" Percy said.
"We did," Jane replied.
"Himeros somehow got a small trace of his power to earth. When Jane came in contact with it it acted like a virus that is feeding off the power of the stone. We thing that maybe removing the stone…"
"You can remove the virus's energy source and kill it," Percy finished.
"Yes but since none of us could even remove the necklace we though maybe you could since you ar so powerful," Jane added.
Percy nodded and set the axe down, its blade sunk into the floor. Percy walked forward and tried to remove the necklace. However the second his hands touched the chain there was a blast of red light that sent him flying. He hit the opposite wall with such force the wall cracked.
"Well," Percy said as he stood, "I think that idea is a bust."
Thor, who was holding a suddenly light headed Jane, replied, "So it would seem."
"No let's go help with the funerals. We can deal with the rest later," Percy replied.
The funerals were unlike anything Percy had ever seen. There was the usual sadness but that was about it. He had seen in old movies where they would send out some king or knight on a boat and light the vessel on fire and that was the closest to what he was seeing.
Here in Asgard all the dead had be loaded on to separate ships, each was loaded with wood and dosed in some sort of oil to help the wood light faster. Then the ships had been pushed off, over two hundred in total, with the Queen leading the pack. When the ships were about a hundred yards out from the soar a volley of flaming arrows were loosed and the ships caught fire. They seemed to move faster after that as the approach the edge of the world. Just as they were about to go off the waterfall Odin slammed his spear into the ground.
The metal rang and the ships seemed to dissolve into little light partials that ascended toward the heavens. The families of the fallen released small glowing balls of light that rose to the sky as well. And as Percy watched he thought he could see the souls of the fallen leaving the world.
Loki's Cell
When the news was brought to Loki he simply nodded. The entire dungeon was empty no except for him. So he waited until the guard left the room. When he did Loki stood. He released a small pit of magic that would keep up appearances. Then he raged. He may not have the strength of Thor but when he was done nothing in the room remained in one piece. Only then did he collapse. And only then, under the cover of his spell did he weep for his mother.
Jane's Apartment near Culver University
"If she is with Thor she is safe right," Darcy was saying.
"Yes I am sure Jane is fine," Nico replied for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Its not like we could do much to stop her. Thor just kind of…" Eric began.
"Kidnapped her," Darcy supplied.
"And those anomalies have continued," Nico added.
"You think they are connected?" Eric asked.
Nico shrugged. "I honestly have no clue. Have you tried getting a hold of SHIELD?"
"Yes they haven't responded. Why don't you just teleport or do whatever it is you do and visit them."
"One I would have to know where they are and that isn't likely to happen. Two it takes more energy to do that than you guys seem to think."
"What about Percy? Do you think you could try and get a hold of him and find out what is going on?" Darcy asked.
"I have tried. But there is only so much I can do. Last I heard he showed up at Camp for a couple hours then disappeared again. I don't even know where he is. Athena said this was called the Convergence and that it happens every five thousand years. She said that it hasn't ever been to harmful but considering what Pontus said in New Orleans I am going to stay prepared until it passes."
"And when will that be?" Eric asked.
"A few days probably," Nico said.
"Do you think that is why Thor took Jane?"
"I think it is at least part of the reason," Nico replied.
"Have you had any luck finding Jason?" Darcy asked.
Nico shook his head. "No and Leo just ignores me when I go and visit him. Piper was the last to talk to Jason, he was in Nepal then. We haven't heard anything from him since. Course Thalia is pissed at him for acting like a child. Annabeth is just trying to stay out of sight right now, at least until Jason and Leo calm down. If Percy were here he probably track them down and kick their asses for acting like this."
"Why don't you, kick their asses I mean?" Darcy asked.
"I don't want to make things worse. They respect Percy a little more anyway. When he gets done doing whatever he is doing he solve this."
"But what if it is too late by then?" Eric asked.
"I guess we'll find out won't we."
"You do realize that what you are suggesting is treason," Percy said to Thor.
They were currently sitting around a table with Sif, Heimdall, and The Warriors Three. The effects of yesterday's invasion had left them all anxious. Odin had closed the Bifrost, the Tesseract had been stolen, Jane was currently locked in a tower, and Himeros was on the move. From what Percy could tell The Dark Elves where preparing for another attack. This time however Himeros, in whatever form it was that he possessed, would be coming with them.
He told Thor and Odin what he knew but the All Father insisted that they stay here. And so here they were planning treason against Thor's father in the hopes that they could save the universe. Still Percy had felt Himeros' power and wasn't sure he was ready to fight Himeros. Still Thor and Percy both agreed that Asgard couldn't withstand another attack from the elves. And if Himeros was coming with them then Asgard had no hope.
"Well treason for all of you at least. I don't serve Odin so its not as big a deal for me," Percy added.
"Thanks for that," Fandral snapped.
"Anytime," Percy replied.
"Enough," Thor said. "Yes what we are planning for treason. But if it works Asgard will be safe at least for a little while."
"Right, we can't possibly keep Himeros from getting the Power Stone indefinably. He will get the stone it is only a matter of time. What we can do is keep as many of our allies alive as possible for when the final battle comes," Percy said.
"What makes you think we have so little time?" Volstagg asked.
"Jane," Percy replied. "Before she came here she came into contact with a small fragment of Himeros' power. That fragment woke the Ether and has been feeding off its power ever since. I believe that Himeros is coming to Asgard for this final assault because he can use that fragment of power inside Jane to manipulate her into bringing the Power Stone to him.
"We know that right now he has at least one of the Infinity Stones, the Tesseract. The Ether is around Jane's neck and I have an idea where a third might be. My father is looking into the possible location of another. That leave two that we know nothing about. If we take Jane to Svartalfheim now we can spare the lives of as many Asgardians as possible. We can save Jane. The down side is Himeros will be guaranteed to have two of the Stones and he will regain his body.
"After that all we have to do is keep him delayed in his plans for long enough for the Convergence to pass."
"But if he has the Tesseract then there is no need for him to us the Convergence to move around. He already has the Space Stone why would he need to wait for the Convergence," Sif said.
"Yes except the Convergence occurs on the anniversary of Chaos' death right," Percy added.
"Yes," Sif replied.
"We believe," Thor began, "that Himeros intends to harness the power of the Convergence to do reforge all the worlds simultaneously. When he first went to war against Chaos it was with the belief that the universe was two bound together by couple. We think he want to use the convergence to destroy all of the Nine Realms and recreate them in his image."
"Sounds like a lot of ifs," Hogan whispered.
"It's a gamble for sure but right now that gamble is the best hope we have," Percy said.
"Okay," Voltage said. "Say you manage to steel Jane Foster from your father. The Bifrost is closed. How would you get to Svartalfheim?"
"That is why we are going to have to free Loki," Thor said.
No spoke for a long while. Finally Fandral said, "I was wrong I thought you were crazy. Turns out your suicidal."
Sif did not like this plan. The idea of Loki being free once more sent chills up her spine. And the idea of literally handing the enemy one of the greatest weapons in the universe bothered her even more. Not to mention that after this they would all have to flee Asgard and live on earth. But the outlook was grim regardless of what they did. At least if they followed Thor and Perseus' plan there was a little more hope.
The plan however left her walking down one of the long corridors of the Palace toward the room where Odin was holding Jane. As she approached the doors she eyed the two guards. She doubted there would be more inside so as she got closer she readied herself.
It took only seconds to knock both of the guards unconscious and only then did she enter.
"I told you I'm not hungry," Jane said as she turned around. When she saw Sif she looked instantly shocked.
"Good, now come we be quick," Sif replied.
Thor stepped through the doors and into the dungeon that now held only one prisoner. Loki was standing there at the front of his cell waiting for him, like he knew Thor would be coming. Thor walked slowly toward his former brother.
"Thor," Loki taunted. "After all this time and now you come to visit. Why? Come to gloat?"
"Enough," Thor growled. "No more illusions."
Loki lowered his head and closed his eyes. The air shimmered and revealed the truth of Loki's cell. All of the comforts, the table, the bed, books, were destroyed. Wood splinters were scattered across the cell, and Loki sat slouched against the back wall. Loki himself was as much a mess the room.
"Do you like what you see," Loki said dully. Thor walked around to the side of Loki's cell. "Did she suffer?"
"That is not why I have come here," Thor said.
"They why bother coming down here at all," Loki said.
"Revenge," Thor said. "And after that you will return to this cell."
"What?" Loki said intrieged now.
"I and a few other need to leave Asgard. Help me do that and I will grant you your revenge. Afterward you will return to this cell."
"You can't stop him you know."
"Who?" Thor asked.
"Himeros. I have seen his power for myself and there is nothing that can stand in his way. There may be an Heir of Chaos but with the Gauntlet in his hand nothing can stop him. He will wipe us all out with nothing but a thought. He will make the universe the way he wants it to be. There is no point in trying to stop him," Loki said without even moving.
"So it was he who sent you to Midgard after the Tesseract. Well he has the Space Stone now, he had it stolen yesterday."
Loki smile, "Oh that's not all he has."
"What do you mean?" Thor asked.
"You think it was chance that I attacked New York, the same city the Greeks call home. The same city where that sea-spawn defeated Kronos. I attacked New York not just to bring an army to Midgard. I retrieved the Time Stone for Himeros. But he won't forgive me from steeling something else from him."
"What are you saying?" Thor said urgently.
"I am saying that you think Himeros has one stone and needs five. But in fact he only needs four to complete the Gauntlet. He will never forgive me because my scepter held another. How do you think I was able to control others so easily? I may have a silver tongue but even I am not that good. My scepter had the Soul gem inside it. That is what I stole from him. And I hid it where no one would think to look." Loki was standing now and glaring down at Thor from his raise cell. "And he knows where another is."
"The Ether," Thor whispered.
"Oh so he found the Power Stone. No I was talking about the stone he craves above all others. I am talking about the Orb, the Purple Stone, the Reality Stone."
"What about the Soul Stone? Where did you hide it Loki?" Thor said urgently.
"Oh but I am not going to tell you that just yet. Call it insurance. Get me out of here and give me my Revenge, then I will tell you were the stone is."
Thor glared at Loki. "If I do there is something you should know. When we have fought in the past I hope that my brother was still in there. That hope no longer exists to protect you. Betray us and you best hope Himeros or Jackson gets to you first, because I will be far less merciful." With that Thor lifted his hammer and shattered Loki's cell.
Percy was in the throne room standing before Odin. He was here for one reason to distract the king. It wasn't something he was particularly looking forward to. Truth be told he was a little intimidated by the All-Father.
"You said you wanted to talk to me," Odin said calmly.
He doesn't suspect, Percy thought, I guess that is a good thing. "Um yes, first I thought I should probably give this to you," Percy said as he held up Surtur sword.
"A wise decision. I will have one of my guard take it down to the vault."
"I was also wondering about the Infinity Stones. You told me what the controlled and their color but the Ether, the Tesseract, and Kronos' Scythe all have other names what are the names of the others."
Odin thought for a moment. "There is the Obelisk. It is the Mind Stone. There is the Orb, it is the Reality Stone. Now the Soul Stone is known as the Star. There have been many stories about objects that could have been the stones but which are actually true is anybody's guess. As to where the Obelisk, Orb, and Star are I cannot say."
"When you say star do you mean star as in shape or star as in like a sun," Percy asked.
"It is unclear. Though I would think shape. Tesseract is a term that has been used to describe a cube. An orb is a sphere, and so on."
Just then a guard came rushing into the room. "My king," Heimdall request you presence.
"I am sorry," Odin said to Percy, "we will have to continue this discussion another time."
"No problem," Percy said calmly. Thor and Sif must be moving Jane and Loki, he thought.
Odin left the room and Percy began to waited for Sif and the others to join him. Hogan was the first to arrive. "I take it you took care of the guards around the ship," Percy said. Hogan only nodded.
Next came Volstagg winded from taking out the main gunners closest to the palace.
Shortly after that Thor and Sif entered with Loki and Jane in to behind them. Percy noticed the bright red mark on Loki's cheek where he suspected Jane had slapped him.
"The least you could do is give me a weapon. A dagger something," Loki said as they walked down the hall. Thor sighed and turned around. He pulled something out from under his cape and handed it to Loki. "Finally some…" Loki began before he heard the clicking. Loki lifted his now cuffed hands up to eye level and scowled. Percy snorted.
"What's the matter," Sif taunted. "I thought you liked tricks."
Loki gritted his teeth but remained silent. "Come on we have to hurry," Percy said.
Soon they were all inside the Dark Elves' ship that had crashed into the palace. Thor was busy pressing button. "Are you sure that you have tried everything," Loki said, "No don't hit it just press it."
"I am pressing it. It's not working!" Thor yelled as he slammed his fists into the consoles. The ship fired to life and they shot out of the palace.
"I thought you said you could fly this thing," Loki complained.
"No I said how hard can it be," Thor corrected. Asgardian ship had started to follow them now.
"They're following us Thor," Loki shouted. The ship was rocked as they were hit. "Now they're firing at us."
"Yes, thank you for the commentary, Loki, it's not at all distracting," Thor bellowed.
"Look why don't you let me drive. I am clearly the better piolet,"
"Is that so well out of the two of us which one can actually fly?" Thor retorted. The ship rotated and its long blade like edge took the head of a statue.
"Well," Loki said. "Congratulations Thor you just decapitated your grandfather." The ship continued to lurch and weave through Asgard. The cannons on the outskirts were now firing at them as well, and as they flew past a domed building that was promptly destroyed.
"Not a word," Thor growled. Suddenly Jane passed out.
"Oh dear," Loki commented dryly, "is she dead?"
They smashed another building.
"You know this was brilliant Thor, absolutely brilliant. Let's steel the biggest most conspicuous ship on Asgard fly around smashing thing, getting shot at, and attracting as much attention as possible. It's brilliant Thor! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!" Loki's complaints were suddenly cut of as Thor threw him from the ship. Immediately the others started jumping after him. Percy and Thor were the last to leave as Thor held Jane during their decent.
The Asgardian Ships continued to follow the now empty ship. Thor and the other however were now in a small Asgardian vessel piloted by Fandral.
"I see you time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki," Fandral commented.
"You lied to me," Loki said coldly. "I'm impressed."
The sad part was that none of them doubted it. Loki was impressed. "Do as you promised Loki and get us to the Dark World," Thor ordered without comment.
Loki smiled and took the wheel. They turned and stared toward a mountain. Asgardian ships started to follow them once more. Percy reacted faster than anyone else and the water benieth them shot up and knock the ships out of the sky. No one was killed but no one was following them either. "LOKI!" Volstagg yelled.
Percy turned to see a small crevice in the mountainside, so small he doubted they could fit though. Yet they were fly directly at it. "ARE YOU MAD," Thor yelled.
"Possibly," Loki commented. Then they entered the crevice. Light began to flash before them and the ship shook. Then it was over and the ship bounced off the ground before continuing to fly normally.
"Ta-da!" Loki sang. But Percy didn't need Loki's announcement to know they had arrived. He could feel it. He could fell the darkness here. He could feel the presence of Himeros.