Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related, just the insane plots that I send the characters into. The first 15 chapters are the work of Black-Velvet-Hearts who has allowed me to adopt this story. From Chapter 16 is my own work.

Chapter One: It's Off To Potion's We Go

"Finally!" Harry yelped, jumping straight up out of his seat in the Gryffindor common room. "I, Harry Potter, have beat Ronald Weasley at a game of Wizard's Chess! I never thought I would see the day!"

Most of the students present were shocked into silence. Ron was never beaten at Wizard's Chess. By anyone. Ever. Suddenly, Hermione got up out of her seat as well and laughed along with him. Harry picked her up by her waist and twirled her around, which only made Mione giggle more.

"Oi! Harry, put my woman down!" Ron demanded, standing up from his chair in mock-fury. His eyes betrayed him however, as they were already flickering with amusement.

"Alright, alright, Weasley. Keep your trousers on..." Harry grumbled, putting his bushy-haired friend down. Hermione fixed her too-short-for-her-tastes uniform skirt, which Ron liked immensly, before checking the time.

"Our free period is almost over..." She said quietly to herself, and Ron groaned. His two best friends had the next class without him. While Harry and Hermione headed deep into the dungeons for N.E.W.T level Potion class, Ron had to trudge his arse all the way up to Divination.

"I can't believe you guys got into Potion's without me." He moaned, more so to himself as he flopped down onto the couch. Hermione sat down beside him and gave him a loving kiss.

"I think we should go, Hermione. Don't want to be late and make Professor Snape annoyed." Harry commented lightly, as if discussing the weather to them.

"Snape annoyed? Since when did you call him 'Professor Snape' and cared what he thought?" Ron inquired, but Harry just grabbed his school bag and left the room with Hermione by his side.

"Since...well," Harry mumbled quietly to himself. "Since I figured out I wanted him."

Harry and Hermione didn't really need to rush down to the dungeons. However, with the emerald-eyed wizard's pesky annoyance of finally seeing his crush, Harry had gotten them down there in 5 minutes flat. They ran. "It's off to Potion's we go!" He had sang merrily, slightly out of tune due to the running down steps and slight breathing problem. They linked arms as the fled down the stone corridor.

No one was standing outside the class room door yet, so the two leaned against the wall next to it. Harry desperately wanted to go inside, but he knew better.

"Soo..." Hermione said suddenly, breaking the silence between the the two friends. "How are you planning on wooing you-know-who...?"

Harry turned to the brown-haired girl in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Harry. You are leagally an adult, as you came of age. So, it is totally okay if you and..." She hushed her voice to a whisper, as far as they knew, Professor Snape could have been listening it at that very moment. "Professor Snape persue a relationship. How do you plan on letting him know you want to try something with him!"

Hermione was breathing a little riggid, her eyes gleaming. Anyone who looked at her might have passed her off as insane, but Harry knew better. He knew Hermione.

"You don't plan on playing matchmaker, do you Moine?" Harry moaned, a little to loud for his liking. Hermione nodded, grinning like a Slytherin.

"Uh-huh. Trust me, my plan will work!" She nodded her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

"But what about MY plan?" Harry whined.

"You have a plan already?" Hermione asked, bewildered. The young wizard gave his friend a look and said: "DUH, Mione! You don't think I wouldn't have already come up with a TOTALLY non-foolproof plan in under 10 seconds full of Gryffindor stupidity and bravery all mixed into one?"

Hermione snorted and shook her head. "Why am I not surprised. Well, do tell how you plan on getting your Slytherin into a Gryffindor bed..."

Just before Harry could reply, the door to the Potion room swung open and there stood the object of Harry's desire: Severus Snape. The emerald-eyed boy fought down a blush.

"Inside, the two of you will be paired together. Sit where you like." He sneered at the two, Hermione noticed half-heartedly, and stalked back in the room and to his desk. The two Gryffindors did as told, Harry, more than willing.

Professor Severus Snape was sitting at his desk at the front of the Potion classroom marking horribly done essays when he heard voices outside his door. He pretended he didn't hear them, knowing the goody-two-shoes have already arrived to his class on time. When the voices hushed, he rose an elegant brow at the door. Obviously, someone didn't want him to hear them.

With a sneer, he finished marking the essay in front of him before he walked over to the door. The two voices became distinct. It was Potter and Granger.

Potter spoke first. "You don't plan on playing matchmaker, do you Mione?" He asked, or more so, moaned. The sensual groan deep in the back of the emerald-eyed wizard's throat made him shiver with pleasure. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that he had began to lust for Harry Potter.

"Uh-huh." Severus could tell that the Gryffindor girl was grinning. "Trust me, my plan will work!"

"But what about MY plan?" Harry whined. He found, as annoying as it was, it had it's own charm. In a...aggrivating sort of way.

"You have a plan already?" Granger seemed shocked, Severus wasn't however. He knew that the black haired boy would already have a plan for...whatever the two were thinking of.

"DUH, Mione!" He could already hear the exasperated sigh at the base of the young wizard's throat. "You don't think I wouldn't have already come up with a TOTALLY non-foolproof plan in under 10 seconds full of Gryffindor stupidity and bravery all mixed into one?"

Severus barely contained his laughter. He knew he shouldn't be laughing at something one of his students said, let alone Harry Potter.

He almost didn't hear Granger snort before she said: "Why am I not surprised. Well, do tell how you plan on getting your Slytherin into a Gryffindor bed..."

'Your Slytherin...' Severus almost blanched. Harry had a crush on a Slytherin?! A whirl wind of questions entered his head: 'Did he have a crush on a guy or girl? Was he gay, or maybe bi? Who does he like? Do they like him back...?'

He pushed the thoughts away as he yanked the door open sharply, sneering at the two, before Harry could reply. Damn his cursed timing...

Then he noticed Harry's slightly nervous movement. He glanced at the boy and noticed he was fighting down a blush. Was he embaressed because a teacher had been listening to their conversation, or because...

Again he banished his thoughts. He did have to speak to the two, after all.

"Inside, the two of you will be paired together. Sit where you like." He gave an unfortunate half-hearted sneer and marched back over to his desks. 'By the heart of Salazar Slytherin, help me...' Severus thought as he waited for the rest of the class to arrive.