Chapter 1: How it all started

AN: another story from me: this is was not supposed to be for Kurobasu but I decided to post it as Kurokobasu fanfic and if I get a good response, I will continue this.(I just couldn't hold myself to post this, sorry .)

before you read:(you have been warned)

1. this is where Kuroko is a female Kuroko and set in alternate universe.

2. the character might be OOC

3. the information I could share so far: Kuroko is 27, Akashi is 27(all the character are born in the same year), Kise is 28

4. please leave a review if you want this story to keep going.

Big thank you to Phoebe for editing this.


Have you ever wondered about the future? If you could have known about the future, would you make a promise that you wouldn't be able to fulfill in the future?

~Twenty years ago.~

"Sei, where are you going?" A girl with long teal colored hair called for her best friend. They had known each other for two years and were always together.

"My parents called me! I wish we could have played longer though!" A boy with short red hair replied.

"But you said you would play on the monkey bars with me!" The girl's eyes started to get teary and she started to squeeze the doll in her hand harder. "This is our last day before we go to elementary school! And you said you have to go far away from here"

"This is my new address and it isn't that far from where I used to live, so if I have time, I will come to this park and we can play on the monkey bars just before the dark." The red haired boy also had tears in his eyes.

"You promise that you'll come here every day?" the girl asked while she furiously wiped the tears on her face.

"I promise! That's why you should wait for me until I can come to get you" The boy said with a big smile on his face, mucus coming out from his nose with his tears falling harder than before. The boy left the park after he heard his parents call him again. He waved his good bye to his best friend before he entered the car. The girl also waved furiously at the boy the car until she couldn't see it anymore.

As they had promised, the girl waited for the boy every day under the monkey bars, but he didn't come the next day after he left with his parents.

And the next day.

He didn't come to the park day after day for a very long time. Then that girl had a great idea; why doesn't she just go to his house? So she started to save up money little by little from the little allowances she got until it was enough to purchase a bus ticket to the area that the boy lived in. The ten minutes inside the bus were too long for her, but she waited patiently until she had arrived to the bus station that was near his house. She ran and checked the number on each house until she found his one. Since she was a short girl, it took all of her effort to jump and ring the bell to his house.

"What can I do for you, little girl?" A woman who appeared to be in her late twenties opened the door for her.

"Ano, can I play with Sei-kun?" She asked the woman.

"I am afraid we don't have anyone named Sei in here." The woman looked apologetic.

"Is this the address of this house?" She showed the woman a little paper she had kept as her treasure from her best friend.

"Yes, but we just moved in here only one month ago. Maybe this 'Sei' you were looking for has moved from this house"


~Present Time~

"That dream again…" a teal haired girl said when tried to open her eyes slowly after she heard her alarm ringing in her ear. The clock showed that she has woken up at her usual time, seven in the morning, When she checked her cell phone she saw that she had one message.

"I must go to the office at noon." she read the text message before she went to lie back on her bed. She should've been getting ready to go to the office but it seemed she wasn't needed to attend the office before lunch. And she hasn't waked up in a good mood after the dream she just had.

"Five more minutes…" she mumbled before she closed her eyes once again


"Kuroko Tetsumi." She heard her name bring called by the man who was standing in front of her. She had been sitting In the waiting room for thirty minutes. She was informed that her employer still had some business he had to do and that she had to wait until he finished.

"Yes." She answered swiftly.

"Akashi-sama has been waiting for you." He opened the door to the office for her. Kuroko didn't forget to show her respect by bowing down a little when she went pass the guards.

"Good Morning, Akashi-kun." Kuroko greeted the red-haired man that was sitting in a big chair in front of her. In front of him was a big mahogany desk that had several papers on it along with folders and pens.

"Tetsumi." He greeted back. He searched for a file in his desk while Kuroko watched his movements. She saw that he looked good with his usual white collared shirt while his heterochromatic eyes looked seriously at the various files in his desk. She had been working as the personal assistant for Akashi's family for about two years. It was about the same time Akashi's parents were murdered and he instantly inherited all the fortune that his family left behind at the age of twenty six.

"This is the next assignment for you." He gave her a photo and Kuroko saw a middle age man around the age of forty with a square glasses. She has seen that man somewhere before and she tried to recalled where she had seen him. And it suddenly hit her.

"This man is the new head security that you approved the week earlier!"

"Correct. You have a good memory about people you just saw for a moment" Akashi praised her, making her smile.

"What should I do with this man?" Kuroko said. Her face was serious this time.

"He's believed to be a spy from X- Company. You know what to do."

"Yes." Kuroko said before she left her seat to start the job.


"You got another job, Kurokocchi?" She heard someone call her.

"Yes; this time another spy that tried to get information from the inside." Kuroko complained. She went to her desk to send the information she got to one of her partners.

"You'll inform Midorimacchi about this before you go to 'clean' this new target then?" The man took a peek from the top of Kuroko's head to see the information on her laptop.

"Kise-kun. Please look at your own laptop and data that I've given to you" Kuroko said with an annoyed tone to her workmate. Kise was the best hacker Kuroko could have found. He was a drop-out college student when Kuroko found him one year ago and now he was working with her for Akashi's company. Kise was happy with the free hi-tech computer and unbelievably fast internet he had, and the fact that he could always ask for a new computer if the old one was not good enough made him extremely happy. When she found him, he was halfway between hacking into Akashi's company record. Kuroko would have to kill him but Akashi stopped her since Akashi saw the potential in him. In the end, Akashi requited Kise and made him work undercover as one of Kuroko's partners.

"Yes~" Kise went to his desk and started typing quickly on his computer. The screen went black, then blue, then to its normal color again when Kise opened several windows at once. "By the way Kurokocchi, tomorrow is the day."

"The day for what?" Kuroko was confused. She couldn't recall any event for the next day or any important matters she had to attend.

"The day that—" Kise suddenly stopped speaking as his eyes went wide at the information he got. Kuroko went to see what Kise had found and was also surprised.

"This man, he's an assassin?" Kuroko's eyes went wide. On that computer there was information about the new head security as one of the top assassins that used to work in the governmental area. It was becoming more amazing because that man had passed the screening test from her.

"Aominecchi isn't in the area, what should we do Kurokocchi?" Kise kept digging into that man combat ability and it scared him even more with the information he had gathered.

"Aomine is not here, I will handle this guy" Kuroko said before she prepared the knife in her belt on her waist.

"We should wait for Aominecchi! You'll get killed Kurokocchi" Kise tried to stop her.

'Aomine might be an ex-soldier but I was trained with him and I can not let Akashi get killed by this man" Kuroko said before she tied her hair.

"But still, he won't attack that fast. Aominecchi will be back next week and we should—" Kise stopped talking when he saw Kuroko glare at him.

"Please inform Midorima to clear the area near Apartment in street 30." Kuroko said before she went to pick her hearing devices. Kise also picked his hearing device and reluctantly went to his laptop to aid Kurok.

"He's not in his house" Kise informed her. Kuroko stopped her preparation to hear what Kise was going to say. "He's on his way to the house at the end of 1-2 Toshima-Ku." Kise informed her. Kuroko was clearly familiar with that address

"What house number?" she asked Kise feeling dread overwhelming her.


Kuroko instantly ran to the parking area. She didn't even stop to use the elevator and opted to use the emergency stairs to run to her motorcycle that was parked in the lobby area. She started the engine and instantly turn the gas and rode her motorcycle so fast that the scenery around her looked blurry.

"Kise, can you hear me?" She said to her hearing device.

"Yes, I have cleared the traffic for you to go without any problem to your destination" She heard Kise say. She turned and sped up even more, making her way through the cars in front of her.

"Have you informed Midorima about it?"

"Yes, but I can't believe how bold this assassin is; he went directly to Akashicchi's house"

"Keep me informed. " She was focused on arriving at Akashi's place before the assassin could do any harm to Akashi.


When she had arrived at Akashi's house, she ran through the front door to find Akashi lounging in the living room with a magazine in his hand.

"You're back already?" Akashi asked.

"Thank god, you are okay" Kuroko took a relieved breath before she went to look at Akashi and really confirm that he was okay.

"What happened? It's a rare occurrence for you to be arriving this early "

"Someone was about to assassinate you inside your house. Are you sure no one arrived here?" Kuroko was cautious again. She looked around the house to see someone was lying in the corner of the living room. She gasped in surprised and she couldn't believe that she missed the man's body when she entered the room. Is this man dead?

"I took care of the man already. Midorima is on his was along with the cleaner." Akashi suddenly said as if he could read her mind.

"Thank you." Kuroko said in a low voice. She went to inspect the man and found a knife and a hand gun with him. But she saw no trace of injury in that man's body; she just saw that his head was at a very odd angle. Akashi must have used his martial arts which meant he knew from the beginning this man was targeting him Kuroko thought.

"Why did you assign him to me if you knew he would be coming from the start?"

"Do I need a reason to give you a job?" Akashi asked her back. Kuroko frowned. She was about to say something when Midorima appeared in the room and she held her question.

"What's going on in here? You two are too calm with a dead assassin in your living room." Midorima said to both of them.

"I'm going back to my room." She informed them and left the room immediately, not forgetting to close her door with more power than needed.

"I can't understand why she told me that the assassin would go to 'Akashi-kun's' house when in fact the two of you are both living here." Midorima said to the red-haired man still relaxing on the couch.

"You should have asked her." Akashi said with a crooked smile on his lips. And he, also, left the room before the special team went to 'clean' the house.
