The blond had the young albino pinned to his bedroom carpet, his mouth pressing insistently against the other's.

And to Mello's delight, Near was returning the pressure.

The two broke apart. Mello stared down at the white-haired boy.

"…Mello-" Near started, but was cut off as Mello kissed him again.

Irritated that he couldn't finish what he had begun saying, Near wrapped his hand around the back of Mello's head and pulled it closer.

Another break for air ensued. "…As I was saying, Mel-" The blond again cut him off with a firm kiss.

Thoroughly irked, Near pushed against Mello's chest, levying himself up and tackling him when Mello's center of gravity dropped. Now it was Mello pinned to the blandly-colored carpet.

Annoyed, Near resumed. "I was trying to tell you that y-" Mello scowled and interrupted. "And I thought you would get the picture that I want you to shut up and let me enjoy this." Mello grabbed the collar of Near's shirt roughly, making him fall onto his chest, once again meeting his whisper-soft lips.

Near grunted in effort as he pushed himself up. "And I was trying to tell you that you need to close the door."

The blond blinked. "…Oh." He glanced to the door and met the onyx eyes of L, who was observing the two closely.

"Idiot." Near muttered, a faint blush evident on his placid face. "Shut it." Mello responded under his breath.

L had his thumb pressed to his mouth, watching the exchange. Then he gave the two an amorphous smile and shut the door.

Both Near and Mello waited until the shuffles of their predecessor faded.

"….You're such a-" Near began, but uttered a cry when he was knocked over. "Mello!"

"I said shut up and let me enjoy this."

Their mouths met again.