Hello readers,

I have a few words before you begin this tale.

I think we have all had those moments where we sit down with the full intention of writing one thing, but something else springs from our fingertips entirely. Sometimes it happens without our permission, and the content surprises us as much as if we were reading the story instead of writing it.

This story is one of those such occurrences.

I sat down the other day thinking that I would right another chapter of Albian University after months of looking for my muses. You see, I found them after watching the series finale that I had been putting off, but none of us walked away from the final episodes unscathed.

Perhaps it is best that this did not turn out to be a chapter of the so far light hearted Albian University because what follows is by no means a light and cheerful tale.

I apologize now for the story I am about to tell, the story of how it began to end, and more importantly the story of finding hope.

The road ahead is smudged with grief, but if you choose to embark on this journey, I invite you to move ahead and welcome you gladly.

Ditto Redeaux