Synopsis: An underground bunch of criminals runs a business. Not just any business: the biggest underground business there was these days. Soon it would go public, but their ways would never change. These criminals harboured a dark secret. All in code, they work together to rule the Mechabrawling industry for fighting robots. Street fights and later: tournaments, legal and... Not so much. A new face, an old and depressed champion, a bunch of dirty players and a whole lot of fighting. Welcome to the new age.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything of the sorts. That goes straight out to Kishimoto, who continues to troll use for fun. Payback is on its way, Kishi-kun.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the sun crept over the horizon, gradually lighting up every part of the colourful meadow. Neat rows of trees and spreads of multitudes of flowers stretched out as far as the eye could see. A girl woke up in the middle of the beautiful scene, the sun kissing her pale skin ever so lightly and the wind brushing her hair out for her, its cool touch leading her into the new day. Could it get any better?

"The Society just can't let us be. Please don't be ashamed, we are not to blame. The future's ours to take. We will make mistakes. Scream this loud and proud: WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN! LET'S GO AN-"

17 year old Azura Merodi hit her phone and sent it flying. "I should change that alarm tone to 'It Gets Worse...' She grumbled bad temperedly at herself as she dragged her stiff and sore body out of bed. Her parents were already gone to work. They always left before her. 'Silence...' "Thank God." The flexible and well balanced girl had recently got her mother out of the annoying habit of waking her up just to say 'goodbye' for the morning. Was her grumbling not hint enough?

Yawning loudly, she grabbed her still intact phone, plugged it into a larger than life sound system and cranked it up. Katy Perry's E.T. was a nice and calm start. Her body began to move to the music as she made her way to the kitchen. This was all part of her usual morning routine. Dancing in a contemporary style to the music, putting action to the words, she spun into the kitchen and boiled the kettle, moving around swiftly while still enjoying herself. What better way to improve her mood?

The song changed as the kettle finished its little fit. She changed the song to something better and came up with 'Demons' by the Imagine Dragons. She represented it as what it meant to her, showing herself as hiding, as if shying away from a camera. The camera that sought to reveal her. Gathering her pack of cards, she readied them for her next song, already alive in her mind. But for now she left those on the dining room table, next to the vase of assorted flowers and roses. A drawing of the vase and flowers was nearby. But she had twisted it; the vase was cracked and the flowers were all withered.

Heading to the lounge, she collected her shoes, hair clips and jersey and ignored the song as she ran to get to her room before it finished. Azura skidded to a halt and tosses the jersey down, brushed and tied up her hair and then went to the dining room table to grab her cards; not just any cards, mind you, tarot cards. Don't get her wrong. She doesn't believe in the stuff, it's simply a prop for her dancing.

Suddenly she changed the song. 'Voodoo child' by the Rogue Traders. Her melodic voice rang out with the voice of the lead singer: "Put your cards on the table baby..." She placed the cards down and spread them out. "Do I twist do I fold?" Her hands scattered them all over. And then for the rest of her morning the pattern went on; dancing, singing and getting ready at the same time.


30 minutes left before she had to walk to school. Just enough time for another episode of Naruto.

30 minutes later: Azura walked down the street with her friend Morgan. What a loyal friend she was, not quite the social butterfly that her friend was but a good friend indeed.

"Why can't the characters just exist? It would be so much better." Complained Azura to Morgan. "No clue." Is what the friend said back, one earphone in her ear and then she began to speak of her characters for her books. Azura listened enthusiastically and commented on some. Especially one of them when the adorable character was mentioned. The only one that Azura truly classified as cute.

The time ticked by as they took a leisurely stroll to the school. A normal day, like any other they've had or will ever have.

"For once I just want something interesting to happen." Her eyes darted to the sky, almost in a hopeful was, as if she expected to see anime rain down upon her. No such luck was granted to the now moping girl. All she wanted to do right now was dance and show people how frustrated she was, but in this day and age, she'd be called a freak, maybe they'd throw her with the loonies. Their school of Watashi-wa High(Translation: 'I am high.') came into view. A heavy sigh escaped Azura. "Here we go again."