Hello everyone,

Here are the excerpts for the three fanfic ideas that I've been debating to write next. Each excerpt is at least a thousand words so enjoy and feel free to leave a review about the excerpts. Remember vote for you favorite idea on the poll on my profile since voting will end in about a week or so. Another thing: whatever is in the excerpts won't necessarily be in the real story word for word. Oh again the next FLaM,SLaTJ chapter is going to be posted by next week. (Currently the poll is down until I update this post with the Feral Kat excerpt.)

I do not own the Hunger Games and Frozen (since Let It Go is loosely based on it)

An Education:

"Wake up you worthless bitch," shouts Cato.

I immediately wake up after Cato's outburst fearing that he'll drag me out of our bed by my hair like the last I overslept our alarm clock for work. Cato is already getting for work as I'm going to the restroom to take a shower. "You better be quick Kat. I don't want to be late for work because of you," warns Cato. I give him a solemn nod as a response and quickly go into the restroom to turn on the shower. As I wait for the water to heat up I look at myself in the mirror, my torso is marred with bruises as well there are some bruises on my wrists when Cato grips them too hard, but the worst of all are my eyes. I remember when my eyes were full fire and determination, but that fire and determination slowly ebbed away after years of heartache.

It all began with the death of my father, I was only a junior in high school then so his death really took a toll on my family. My mother fell into a deep depression for a month or so after his death until she threw herself into her work, my sister Primrose became obsessed with her social life by joining a bunch of different clubs and started obsessively going out with friends, and I like my mother became dedicated to my work as well as my studies in order to get out of our hometown full of memories of my father. I was eventually enrolled into Capitol University, a university out of state luckily, with all the scholarships I got for my grades. When I was offered to take part of a summer program for the university I immediately took it up to escape my hometown as soon as possible. My leaving from my hometown wasn't met with any fanfare since I didn't have any close friends from my times in high school and my mother and Prim were too obsessed with their own lives to give me a "proper" good-bye. I have to admit I did cry on the plane a bit since my departure only reminded me how our family drifted away from each other ever since my father's death.

My freshman year at Capitol flew by quickly since I spent most of my days studying and working instead of going out partying or getting the "true college experience" as some people say. Eventually in my sophomore year, I became more social due to the fact my roommate was getting annoyed about how I stayed in our room too much, so she introduced to me to her group of friends. Her group of friends wasn't too bad to hang out with, so I would occasionally go out with them if I didn't have anything else to do. It was one of our outings at some frat party where I first met Cato Jakobs. Cato was attractive to say the least with his toned, muscled body and piercing deep blue eyes coupled with short blonde hair, his looks made mostly every girl swoon over him, so it caught me by surprise when he actually showed interest in me.

In the beginning I completely ignored his advances since I was sort of intimidated by him and I never had a boyfriend, but I eventually caved after my so called friends started telling me how I have to be an idiot to reject Cato. When we finally went on our first date, I have to admit I was surprised how polite, sweet, and courteous Cato was since I was kind of expecting him to be a pompous jerk because Cato was aware the effect he had on the opposite sex, but he treated me like I was the only girl in the world. We went on a couple more dates after that before we officially became couple. Cato was the model boyfriend throughout our years in college except for few instances where he became quite possessive or was a little too rough with me, but I basically thought I was in love then so I let them pass. When I look back on them now I should have seen them as warnings signs for what was going to come.

We graduated from Capitol with the plans of continuing our relationship by moving in together in Seattle, where we already had jobs lined up for us. Cato was going to work at some law firm while I was going to be teaching biology at a nearby high school. Everything was great between Cato and me for the first few months, but he began to show his true colors shortly after. At first he became incredibly verbally abusive, then he started to be more aggressive with me, and eventually he started hitting where no one can see. In the beginning I fought his words and aggression, but when he started beating me I just gave up since it was futile to do anything since he was so much stronger than me. As my life became a black hole the only light I had was teaching since I grew to love my job because I loved the subject I taught and all the faculty and students treated me like I was family.

Steam begins to fog up the mirror, which is my cue that the shower is ready. I take a quick five minute shower and hastily dry myself off. When I exit the bathroom I hear a car honk in our driveway meaning I only have a few minutes before Cato loses his temper so I quickly get dressed in one of the many outfits I have already put together in my closet and grab my lunch from the fridge. Cato is a little red in the face when I enter into the car, luckily though he doesn't do anything to me since inflicting pain on me before work causes me to show it this in turn wouldn't go unnoticed by my students and coworkers, which will raise suspicion. Cato wouldn't want to raise any suspicion since he doesn't want anyone to know about his terrible secret.

We reach Panem High School after few minutes of tense driving. We're parked in front of the main office building as Cato gives the exact amount money needed for bus fare and his usual warning if I'm not home before him. After this he gives me a peck on the cheek and says I love you, I echo back his words and then exit the car. Once his car out of my sight, a feeling of ease washes me allowing the constant fear I have slowly go away until it comes back when I have to go back home.

Let It Go:

The early morning sun is barely peaking over the mountaintops of the kingdom of Arendelle when little Primrose Everdeen, the younger of the two princesses of Arendelle, sneaks out of her room to ask her older sister to play. The palace hallway is completely silent as Prim tip toes a few doors down from her room to her sister's. Prim carefully turns the handle of one of the doors to her sister's room and creaks it open just enough for her to squeeze through. Prim notices that her sister Katniss is still fast asleep so she silently creeps to the large four poster bed where Katniss sleeps. All of Prim's discrepancy from before flies out the window as she jumps onto Katniss's bed and begins to shake her awake.

"Katniss. Katniss. Katniss wake up so we can play," says Prim in a sing song voice. Katniss only buries her head into her pillow and grumbles, "Prim it's too early to play. Go back to bed." Prim lets out a small huff and scoots away from Katniss. Thinking that Prim gave up trying to wake her, Katniss tries to go back to sleep, but she begins to hear Prim giggling for some unknown reason until she quickly realizes the reason why Prim is giggling. Prim is making small sheets of snow rain upon Katniss, which causes Katniss to wake up in mock anger. Katniss throw herself at Prim and begins tickling her making the room be filled with their shrieks of laughter. They soon settle down, lying side by side on the forest green duvet covering Katniss's bed.

The two sisters look like stark opposites next to each other with Katniss's rich olive skin tone, chocolate brown hair, and silver gray eyes paired with Prim's fairly pale skin tone, light blonde hair, and glacier blue eyes. Katniss is inherently their father in looks and personality while it was the same for Prim and their mother, but there was something that made Prim special from her family as well with any other person in Arendelle. Prim has the supernatural ability to create and control any form of ice or snow.

No one knew how Prim got these powers, except there was something special about her conception. Like when the queen was carrying Primrose, she had the unusual craving for ice or any type of cold treat. There was also the mysterious blizzard that started out of nowhere during the time the queen was in labor. Fearing that people will not understand Prim's power, the king and queen kept their daughter's powers a secret from everyone that aren't part of the immediate family. Prim did grew to learn how to control her powers for short periods of time, but she also ran the risk of releasing more of her powers than she knows how to control when she uses them. Either way though Prim only uses her powers to play with her sister.

"So Katniss, do you wanna build a snowman," sings Prim. "Well I love to build a snowman," sings back Katniss. They then jump off of Katniss's bed and begin running to the ballroom. Once in the ballroom, Prim creates a thick blanket of snow with a few heaps of snow here and there in the middle of the ballroom. Despite being barefooted the girls play in the snow without a care in the world with their thick nightgowns providing enough warmth for them.

"How about we build a snowgirl instead," suggests Katniss while the two take a break from their previous activities. "Yes! Let's make Rue," exclaims Prim happily. Katniss giggles at Prim's enthusiasm for making their very first snowperson they ever built together again for what has to be the hundredth time. Making Rue takes no time at all since Prim could make Rue's form with just a wave of her hand while Katniss goes to gather the accessories for Rue. After finishing creating Rue the girls take a step back to admire their work. Rue's body is shaped like she's wearing a dress and perched upon the body is a realistic looking girl's face with curly hair made out of ice crystals. The only things that make her resemble an actual snowperson are the branches used as arms and black buttons used as eyes, but what really ties everything together is the flower of Rue's namesake in her hair. The girls play with Rue like she's really there by playing games like damsel in distress, where Katniss is the hero, Prim is the monster, and Rue is the damsel.

"Katniss, I bet could spin longer than you without getting dizzy," chides Prim playfully after their fifth round of damsel in distress. "You're on little duck," says Katniss as she holds out her hand to lead Prim to the middle of the ballroom. The girls begin spinning in a circle hand in hand with them going faster after each revolution. They soon let each other go to spin on their own, Katniss ends up falling after a few seconds, but Prim continues spinning with no signs of stopping. As Prim is spinning with her eyes closed and giggling with glee, a small blizzard begins to form around her. Soon the blizzard engulfs the ballroom worrying Katniss enough for her to try to stop Prim.

"Prim you need to stop spinning," yells Katniss as she fights to get to her sister. Prim is blissfully unaware of Katniss's pleads and what's going on around her because Prim seems to be in her own little world. Katniss continues to yell at Prim with no avail, but once she's close enough to Prim she grabs her to stop her from spinning. The sudden interruption cause the blizzard to stop, but a shockwave of Prim's power goes throughout the ballroom making the floor turn to ice and blowing back Katniss, knocking her unconscious. "Katniss," yells Prim as she rushes to check on her sister. "Katniss wake up. Wake up!" A strip of pure white hair appears in Katniss's hair as Prim pleads for help.

Suddenly the king and queen burst into the ballroom to see Prim crying over Katniss's unconscious body. "What've you done," questions the king to Prim as the queen checks on Katniss. "I don't know. We were just playing until something happened with my powers," cries Prim into her father's shoulder. "Heath, she's cold as ice," says the queen worryingly. The queen's words cause sobs to wreck throughout Prim's body. The air in the ballroom starts to turn cold so the king begins to sing to his daughter until she calms down enough to fall asleep and for the temperature to turn back to normal. "Lily we must go see Haymitch," states Heath urgently. Lily answers with a nod as she hands Katniss over to her husband in order to grab Prim from him. Heath and Lily quickly go to the stables and each mount a horse to carry them and one of their daughters.

Once ready the couple leaves the palace at a breakneck pace to the forest where Haymitch dwells. When they reach a quarry full of boulders of different sizes, Heath whistles a four not tune into the early morning air. Suddenly the boulders start to rumble until they pop into the air to show their true forms as trolls. "Where's Haymitch," asks Heath to the crowd of trolls. "I'm here," grumbles a troll, who appears to the oldest and leader of the trolls, as he makes his way through the crowd to the couple. The couple dismounts their horses each carrying one their child, to meet Haymitch halfway.

"Haymitch, we don't know what exactly happened except that it has to do with Prim's power," explains Heath gesturing to the unconscious Katniss in his arms. Haymitch lets out a grunt as he examines Katniss for himself. "She will be fine it only hit her head, just be happy it wasn't her heart," states Haymitch. Once Haymitch says this Katniss begins to stir until she finally wakes up causing her parents let out cries of relief. "How's Prim," asks Katniss to no one in particular. "She's fine Katniss," answers Lily showing the sleeping Prim in her arms to Katniss. Katniss nods, then begins to explain what happened earlier.

"It seems Prim's powers are growing with age," murmurs Haymitch. "Can we do anything about it," asks Heath quickly. "No, not really except there's this one thing you can do, but it's pretty unconventional and won't completely seal her powers," replies Haymitch. "What is it," asks all of the Everdeens at once. Haymitch snorts at their action, but begins explaining to them that he could make Prim forget about her powers through altering her memories. "Do it," urges Heath without a thought. "Hold up king you need to know that if Prim experience any intense emotions her powers could appear, but the main thing you should know that making her really angry will unleash her powers," warns Haymitch. "So I recommend limiting Prim to a certain amount of people, to only have close servants work with Prim, and keep Prim's power a secret from her," explains Haymitch. "We can do that," says Heath while looking at his daughter and wife. They both nod in agreement, so Haymitch begins his ritual.

Feral Kat:

Soon to be posted.