Author's note: This is my first fanfic story, so please review! Also, I have written this story from my own imagination, but I apologize if there are any similarities with another story!

**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, and I have borrowed part of the story line**

Chapter 1

The rain was bashing heavily against her office window as she sat at her desk, in the dull lamplight, with a glass of bourbon nearby. The clock had just hit 2200 hours and she was still cooped in her office. She had been looking at the latest case report for the past hour, and yet she had not made it past the second sentence. And it wasn't because she couldn't read the case agent's handwriting. Her mind kept replying the events from earlier that evening.

She stood up on the balcony, looking out at what had been referred at as her kingdom. In the bullpen sat Carson with the team, Gibbs and Carson's father. Gibbs and his team had just returned from finding Carson's dad, and he was preparing to leave the office. While she stood there, she couldn't help but think what her child would have looked like if she had made the decision to sat with Gibbs. Hell, she had been thinking about that since Carson had walked into their lives. She had previously seen that Gibbs was capable of connecting with children, yet Carson was different. She had always imagined of having a little boy with Gibbs; he would have those stunning ice-blue eyes, the dark brown hair, and the smirk. Maybe that was it, Carson reminded her of the child she could've had with Gibbs. But she had burnt all bridges towards starting a relationship with him. He spared a glance in her direction, and she returned it with a melancholy one. She then turned and started to head into her office, away from those feelings she would rather keep hidden.

As she sat at her desk, her mind leapt to the previous night's events. What had she been thinking when she had asked Gibbs to stay? She now knew that there was never going to be a thing between her and Gibbs. She should just move on; but she knew she couldn't. Despite the fact that she had left him, he had been the one to take her heart. Somewhere in the distance a phone was ringing, but she just sat at her desk and ignored it. The last two days just kept replying in a continuous loop inside her head.

It wasn't until a loud bang brought her back to her senses – the said man was standing in the doorway staring at her.

"Agent Gibbs, what brings you to my office at this late hour?" she said icily. She hadn't intended it to sound like that, but she was still pissed off at how stupidly she had acted over the last couple of days.

"Well director", Gibbs replied snippily, "your security detail have been trying to call you for the past half an hour and were worried about you. They called me to check and make sure that you are ok."

So that was where the ringing was coming for, how long had she been staring at the case file?

"Jen, are you ok?" asked Gibbs in a concerned tone.

"Umm..yes, I'm fine Jethro. It's late, why don't you call my security detail and say that I will be down in five minutes". She then turned her back on him and started to pile all the case files into her briefcase. She stood to grab her coat, but realised that Gibbs was still in her office, holding it.

"What are you doing?" she asked agitatedly. Why couldn't he see that she didn't want to be around him at the moment? Having him hover around her, cramping her space, wasn't helping her feelings at the moment. She just wanted to get away from him, have time to think over her next move.

"Jen, you spaced out again. Are you sure that you are ok?"

"As I have already said Agent Gibbs, I am fine. I just want to go home. Now, could you please move so I can continue to gather my things."

However, instead of listening to her request, he turned and started to head in the direction of the bullpen. She started to protest, she wasn't in the mood for playing games. She hurriedly started to follow him. Thank god there was no one in the bullpen to witness her running after Gibbs, there was already enough rumours being circulated about them.

Gibbs pressed the button and waited for the elevator to open. She silently glared daggers into his back. Who did he think he was? She was quite capable of packing up her own belongings and walking to the elevator. It was when she saw him start to smirk that she suddenly got furious. As the doors opened up and he made to guide her inside, she snapped. She swatted his hand away from her and continued to stand in the opposite corner of the elevator.

She noticed his hurt expression, but it was only brief. She knew that he was just trying to help her, but she was still feeling humiliated. She wanted as much space away from him as possible. Being angry was the only way she knew how to keep him away. Gibbs sensed that he had done something wrong, so for once did not try to provoke her. The elevator ride was icy, and awkward at the same time. The "bing" of the elevator announced that they had reached the parking garage, and with a sigh, Jenny stormed off towards her town car.

She could feel the coolness of the rain beating against her back. It was as she reached the door that she remembered that Gibbs still had her coat. Dripping wet, she turn around and slammed into Gibbs' equally wet chest. Stepping backwards, she had a quick look at his torso. The formation of his six pack could be seen through his wet, see-through, now skin-tight shirt. She internally admitted that he was still in good shape for a man of his age. The feeling of his strong torso against her check in combination with the actual sight, brought back a torrent of memories that she would rather have kept at bay. Looking up at Gibbs, she noticed that he had noticed what she was looking at. She felt a burst of electricity between the two of them, but quickly stepped back, breaking the tension. Blushing profusely, she grabbed her from him, got into the town car and slammed the door.

As her town car pulled away, she spared a quick glance in Gibbs' direction. What she saw made her heart miss a beat. Still standing in the same spot, even wetter than before, was Gibbs still smiling. Why was he smiling? Had he caught the electricity between them as well? Now she was going to go home and think through the latest developments as well. She certainly wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. And she was already sleep-deprived. Now she was fuming again. That man really knew how to get under her skin.