Our Guardian Angel

By CookieM2012

Po's Jade green eyes widened as he saw he worst enemies, Tai Lung and Shen in front of him. They stared back at him wickedly as he struggled to get up. Pain spread through his body as a deep growl of agony echoed in his throat.

"Stop trying panda." Cackled the leopard triumphantly. "The Pathetic Five and Shifu are never going to save you."

"Yes they will, and they will beat you!" Po insisted in anger.

Shen gave out a sudden outburst of laughter.

"You really think their gonna save you? Look over there you stupid creature!" Said Tai lung.

Po glance and silently gasped in horror. Shifu, Viper, Crane, Monkey, and Mantis were lying in pain over in the corner of the dark room they were in, badly cut and bruised. Villagers were either injured, dead, or they ran away.

Po opened his mouth.

"As for the girl..."

Shen smirked as he threw something in front of him. Po peered what appeared to be an action figure.

It was his action figure of Tigress...

Suddenly one of Shen's feather knifes sliced through it, spilting it in half at the torso.

"No..." Po whispered over and over again as the two villains laughed. Po remembered the battle they had just hours ago. It was in the valley of peace. There was a lot of blood, a lot of cries for help... and a whole lot of Kung fu.


Po could remember himself and Monkey, fighting side by side, protecting one another. But then Tai - lung pulled out a sword, aiming it for Po and Monkey's heads.

"Lovely... two heads... one blade." He whispered as he place his weight on your dominant leg, he rested the non-dominant foot in front of him. He raised his dominant arm in front of himself so that it is perpendicular to the ground, and bent his elbow so that the knife is raised alongside his head. The knife was kept at a comfortable distance from his head. There was a clap of thunder as he smirked at his target.

"Farewell, panda." He whispered.

"I don't think so Tai-lung." Said a feminine voice behind him.

Tai Lung was pushed to the ground. His pupils dialated when he saw Tigress, towering above him.

"Why if it isn't my little sister Tigress. Long time no see midget." Sniggered Tai-lung as he got up. Tigress growled as she attacked Tai-Lung. But the leopard was prepared for this attack. He twisted his body one way and gave Tigress a fast, sudden kick. She was flown back, falling onto her back. She shook her head as she tried to sit up, but Shen attacked her too, with a dagger in his grasp.

"NO!" Po shouted.

He kicked Shen out of the way, and held Tigress by the paw, and pulled her up. She was breathing heavily, and blood was coming out of the side of her mouth. Po was furious, knowing that Tai-Lung's sudden kick had caught her at the mouth. His eyes were fullof anger as he stared at the two villians, hugging Tigress close.

"You'll be OK." He whispered to her. Tigress shook in his embrace as she tried to stand.

"Aw... how sweet! The panda has fallen in love with a monster!" Cackled Tai-lung.

Tigress' expression stayed emotionless, but Po felt her quiver again. Shifu and the others were staring at them too. Po let go of Tigress, pushing her away from a distance.

Shen smirked as he drew back his wing, which had a blade.

"Bye bye panda!"

Shen's wings suddenly shot forward, letting the blade free. As it flew towards the panda, another clap of thunder roamed in the distance. Po braced himself. The others shielded their eyes. Tai-Lung and Shen waited for the moment they were craving for. The panda was about to die in front of his friends' eyes...

There was a sound of steel cutting into flesh as a flash of lightening went off.

Po opened his eyes.

Everyone stared at him in horror. Even the villains went wide eyed. Po felt no pain, no blade enter his body at all. But then she saw blood was spattered all over his chest. It also went on his face. he stared in horror when he saw what was in front of him...

Tigress took the aim. She got the blade to her stomach. she dived in front of him...

She died.

Po was furious with himself. He couldn't believe what Tigress had done for him.

And he did nothing about it...

Shen took out another blade.

"And you, and the others are going to join your girlfriend very soon." Shen sniggered.

But then something stopped him.

There was a sudden thud in behind himself and Tai-Lung.

"Leave them and fight me." It said.

As they turned, Po and the others lifted their heads and stared, mouth agape.

There standing in front of them was Master Tigress, with a pair was white large wings.

Tigress was an angel!

Ok There is the first chapter guys!

Hope you like!

I'm afraid it's was a quick one!

I feel lazy :(

No clue why!

Next chapter coming soon!