There's something about the true beauty of the Great Plains of Montana that strikes a chord in those who appreciate natural beauty. Massive blue skies, crystal clear streams and rivers, oceans of grass that seem to go on forever; they are all absolutely breathtaking. It was likely what drew so many settlers, especially prospective cattle ranchers, to the territory during its heyday. There was a peace, a stillness as one moved across the beautiful land that made one feel as if they were one with the very land itself. True to its nickname, Montana truly was The Treasure State

The only thing that posed a threat to these feelings was a red SUV cresting the hill and heading west down I-90, a round of "Oh Home on the Range" moving along with it.

At the wheel of the SUV was a redhead, slightly over thirty years of age and still quite athletically built. In the seat beside her sat a slightly older curvy woman of an unusual pale green skin tone but with glossy black hair cascading down her body, still quite athletic and in fine shape. In the seats behind them were three rambunctious girls. The oldest had the driver's flaming red hair but shared the older women's skin coloration and had green eyes that could've come from either parent. Sitting on the girl's lap was a tiny pink rodent strumming along on a tiny guitar, something that looked like it belonged in a doll house. The two younger girls, most definitely twins, were a mixture. The child sitting in the middle, by all appearances, was a duplicate of the oldest woman; glossy black midnight hair and a pale green skin color. The only difference was the eyes, a classic case of heterochromia iridium, one eye a piercing green and the other a twinkly blue. The other shared the driver's rosy complexion but on her head sat long curly hair greener than her eyes.

The final inhabitant of the vehicle didn't share any similar traits with anyone in the car. A fairly tall woman with shoulder length black hair with blue eyes, the woman was quite athletic like the driver and passenger. Happily singing along with the other inhabitants of the car, the woman's head swung from the side to side, as if watching for something on both sides of the road.

The inhabitants were the Possible family, Kim and Shego and their daughters Gracie, Zoë, and Emily, as well as George, Gracie's pet/partner, a gift from her Uncle Ron Stoppable. After a crazy turn of events that wound up with Kim pregnant with Shego's child, the pair had come to realize the feelings they had always had for each other but until then were unable to understand. Through that, both women had found a happy life that was beyond compare. Both women were well established in their respective fields, were adored by their children, and even after 12 years of marriage were totally and completely in love.

Around the time Gracie had started first grade, while on a mission with Kim's longtime world saving partner Ron Stoppable, Shego had stumbled upon one of the devices that had resulted in Kim being impregnated with Gracie, giving the parents another opportunity to have children. While a complete success, the blessed event fell alongside an attempt on Kim and Shego's life from an old adversary from Shego's past. After a couple of close shaves, especially for Shego, and with the help of Dr. Betty Director and Global Justice, the couple had emerged victorious and Kim had given birth to the two beautiful twins that sat in the seats behind her.

The final inhabitant was former GJ and Secret Service Agent Abigail Normal. During Kim's first pregnancy, Kim had gotten the better of a high school rival who had been torturing her over getting pregnant and as a result, though unknown at the time, had attempted to kidnap and kill her. After surviving a particularly bloody knife fight, nearly killing Kim AND Gracie, Shego was adamant that Kim needed a body guard from Global Justice, thus bringing Abby into their lives, a loyal bodyguard and a true friend. After giving birth to Gracie and no longer being vulnerable, Abby was more than eager to stay on as Gracie's, and later Emily and Zoë's, nanny.

"How much longer till we get to Uncle Slim's ranch?" Zoë asked as the singing came to a close.

"Well actually we're ALREADY at Uncle Slim's ranch," Kim smiled back at her daughter in the rearview mirror. "But if you mean how much longer till we get to the house, it's probably another twenty minutes."

"Was Joss excited when you called to set up the trip?" Shego turned to her wife and smiled. Something about their family vacations just put Shego in a permanent state of bliss and happiness. This trip needed to be especially enjoyable after their spring camping trip wound up being cut short by Kim and the twins, along with Ron Stoppable and his son Ronnie, being caught in Middleton Caves after a cave-in knocked out the lights and trapped them, making Kim break her leg. The trip hadn't exactly been a barrel of laughs for Gracie either. Thanks to the enhanced DNA that Gracie shared with Shego, a result of Shego and her brothers being struck by the comet that gave them their powers, Gracie's body went haywire, undergoing a change at the cellular level and manifesting itself in Gracie developing healing powers.

"And how?" Kim's right hand snaked into Shego's and gave it three squeezes, Kim and Shego's code for "I Love You". "You know how much she adores the girls. I thought I was going to go deaf when I asked her if we could come for a visit."

"She glad to be back at the ranch and done with college and out of Veterinary School?" Shego asked, turning back to look at the beautiful scenery they were passing by. "Missing the hustle and bustle of the big city?"

"Oh heck no," Kim answered. "She always used to complain about nothing every happening around here, that she couldn't wait to get out; but the minute she finished at Michigan State, she was headed back to Montana like a bolt of lightning, setting up her practice at the ranch within a week of getting back."

"Joss told me we might get to see a baby horse being born," Gracie piped up.

The girls swapped stories about what they were looking forward to the most. It actually helped to pass the time as Kimberly closed the distance to the ranch house. Correct in her estimations, after another ten minutes on I-90 and another ten on side roads, the Lazy C Ranch house came over the horizon. Like most major ranches, the "house" was more like an entire complex than a simple house. There were massive barns and milking centers, garages housing any number of enormous farming machines. The place was a constant hive of activity.

Kim's SUV slid up the long and winding driveway and came to a stop outside the house proper, the inhabitants of the SUV spilling out to work the kinks out of their joints. Neither Joss nor Uncle Slim were in immediate view. Uncle "Slim" Possible quickly came marching out of the massive living complex to greet his favorite niece and her family. Slim Possible, while looking like a descendent of Wyatt Earp, was every bit as brilliant as his younger brother, Kim's dad. Kim could clearly remember the time that she and the family, and Ron since Kim's mom couldn't make the trip, had come to this very ranch for a visit and after Drakken had attempted to dumb down the world's smartest scientists in an attempt to make himself look smarter, the "Possible Posse" had ridden in to the rescue on her uncle's mechanical stallions.

His hair now completely gray, Slim walked with a cane after being thrown from a new model of mechanical horse he had been designing. Despite getting up there in age and his body not being what he used to be, Slim Possible was completely unshakable. Let the man who said Slim Possible was unfit step forward and face his wrath.

"Well I do believe I spy me a herd 'a greenhorns," The old man chuckled as he waved to everyone.

"Hey Uncle Slim," Kim wrapped him in a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "It's wonderful to see you."

"I'll tell you what's wonderful," Shego laughed as Slim released Kim and hugged Shego. "No longer being trapped in a car with three kids that I swear were vibrating in their seats."

The three grand-nieces ran up and embraced their old Uncle Slim, all three of them laughing as Slim's mustache tickled their faces. The visitors were led into the house and up the stairs to where they would be sleeping. Kim and Shego would be sharing one of the guest rooms and as a surprise for Gracie, Zoë, and Emily, they would be sleeping on cots set up in Joss's room. Abby would be taking one of the spare rooms between the two. Luggage was unloaded into rooms and after unpacking, everyone retreated to the massive living room. Kim and Shego had been half way through telling Slim about the trip over, having driven the whole way from Middleton, when the screen door clack shut.

Dr. Joslyn "Joss" Possible, recent graduate of the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine and chief veterinarian for the Lazy C Ranch, strolled in to the living room to a hail of greetings. Though not as obsessive as when she was young, Joss had never been able to shake her admiration for her older cousin and looked up to her greatly. It was Kim who had encouraged Joss to go into veterinary medicine and to get out of Montana while doing it, applying to one of the top ten veterinary schools in the country. The young doctor heaved the noted writer out of the armchair she'd been occupying and held her tight.

"I've missed you so much Cousin," Joss cried, releasing Kim. She'd been counting the days until Kim, Shego, and the girls arrived. "Well looky here at these little cowgirls. I can't believe how big you gals are getting."

Joss wanted to know about everything that was going on in Middleton, especially with the girls. She wanted to know every detail about Billy Murphy, the "varmint Gracie had wrastled herself". The pre-teen had to fight off a purple blush as Zoë shouted out that Billy was her boyfriend. Nearly everyone lost it when George started making "kissy face". Joss also enjoyed learning about Ronnie Stoppable, Ron Stoppable's son who Emily insisted she was going to marry. The little girl said it with such certainty that you had to think that it might just happen.

The conversation quickly turned to Joss herself. She'd only been back in Montana for a little over a year but it felt like she never left. She was doing what she truly loved in a place that she now knew she wanted to spend the rest of her days in. True to Gracie's wishes, Joss was currently attending to a pregnant mare that would be giving birth within the week.

"You 'wrastle any varmints' yourself?" Shego inquired, hefting Emily up onto her lap.

Joss had had her share of sweethearts while in college but nothing serious. As much fun as Joss had inquiring about Gracie and Emily's boyfriends, she blushed a little when confronted with her own personal life. "Nah, nothing serious."

"Don't let her fool you," Slim sniggered. "How many times has that feller Paddy from the Sheriff's department taken you dancing?"

"PA!" Joss gasped indignantly.

"Would you kick him out of bed for eating crackers?" Gracie asked with a completely straight face.

WHAT!? Kim about choked, looking directly at her oldest daughter. "Grace Anne Possible, where did you hear THAT?" Oh thank God Abby had taken the twins to use the bathroom.

"From Momma," Gracie answered, looking over at Shego. "She said that about Obi Wan Kenobi the last time we watched Attack of the Clones."

OOOFFFF COURSE! Kim swung around to her wife and fixed Shego with a flinty glare that could've melted carbon steel. She loved the woman with all her heart but while she had enough control to never swear or use seriously bad language around the girls…WHY? WHY couldn't her wife grasp the fact that kids seemed to hear everything? Little pitchers DID have very big ears. Shego's face was now a VERY deep purple, looking as if she had been slugged on both sides of her face.

"And you said it about Russell Crowe in that Gladiator movie I couldn't watch." Gracie turned to look at Kim. OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP! Just like that, the glare that could melt carbon steel melted in its own right, replaced with a face redder than a turnip. Gracie had gone to…and she had said…OH CRAP!

Uh…no," Joss laughed, looking at Kim's reaction. "No, I wouldn't kick him out."

A bell rung from back in the house and everyone headed to the dining room. Oh thank you God! Kimberly had never been so happy in all her life to have a change in subject. Dinner consisted of corn on the cob and pork chops done on the grill. She just couldn't look at her. All those times she'd lectured…and the way she glared…. Never in the history of the world had two people been so focused on their plates.

"You know Kim," Joss leaned in and nudged her cousin. "It really wasn't that bad, kinda funny actually. Besides, you remember middle school. If that's the worst thing she ever says, you really have nothing to worry about. So relax. Believe me; I heard worse things at Farm House parties back in East Lansing."

Joss patted Kim on the back. Was she overreacting? Kim COULD remember middle school and…oh to hell with it. Shego could sense that she was being stared at so she looked, locking eyes with the younger woman. Nothing needed to be said. Both women had put their foot into their mouths and knew it. So call this little spat a draw. Shego smiled and began a little game of footsy under the table with her redheaded wife, the awkwardness of the past hour forgotten.


Dinner was absolutely delicious. The Lazy C was a working ranch, meaning that though technically on vacation, each and every Possible would be doing their part come sunup. And after a meal like that, no one had any problem going to bed early. Abby had grown up on a dairy farm in rural Washington State, and with four older brothers to boot, so she was feeling right at home when faced with being back on a horse and inspecting the cattle with Kim, Shego, and Slim. Joss had roped the girls into helping out around the veterinary clinic. Gracie and the twins were still bubbling over at getting to see a horse giving birth but couldn't wait to see the other animals from other ranches and places in town that were under her care.

"That piece of pie may have been a mistake," Shego groaned as, now up in her and Kim's bedroom for the next week, she'd shucked off her clothes and was fishing through her suitcase for a pair of silk pajamas. When at home, Kim and Shego Possible were perfectly comfortable to sleep sans any clothes at all; however, this was most definitely not their home.

"Mistake or no, it is refreshing to see a woman pack away three pork chops, four ears of corn, and a slice of apple pie," Kim flashed her wife a sultry smile from the bed. "And still look so hot that I could fry an egg on her beautiful chest."

Shego Possible always seemed to know when her Kimmie was copping an eye full. The older woman gave her shapely rear a little jiggle; might as well give her a show. After twelve years of marriage, both women still found each other to be the epitome of beauty and drop dead sexy to boot, never tiring of each other's bodies. Boy did they ever miss the comfort of their sound-proof bedroom sometimes! Joss's room was just two doors down and except when they were in the safety of their bedroom, there were things that just were NOT done when Gracie and her sisters were around.

"Well considering the fact that when you 'cook' you always manage to burn it," Shego laughed as she slid up her pajama bottoms. "I'd have to insist that you kiss it and make it better." The older woman jumped into bed and snuggled up close to her mate. Mock HER, would she? Kim started planting kisses up Shego's chest and towards her head, paying special attention to that spot behind the left ear that drove Shego crazy. Shego guided the redhead's head upwards and kiss the little fireball, each trying to inhale the other's dancing tongue. Ahhhhhh, Kim could do this forever! Her wife suddenly froze, nothing moving at all. Without warning Shego rolled the other way…and let out a belch that would make any of the ranch hands blush.

"Well…uh…" Normally KIM was the one easily embarrassed. Yet for the second time today, dark purple coursed through her wife's cheeks. "With that…I think it's safe to say that we're done for now."

Without saying a word, Shego reached over and shut off the lamp at their bedside, too embarrassed to speak. So this is what it felt like to have the upper hand? Oh Eme, I really do love you! "I thought I was the shy one in this relationship. Leave it to you Eme to still be so adorable even after a burp like that." Kimberly wrapped her arms around her wife and hauled her back, drifting off to dream land with the warmth of her lover.

Author's Notes:

I think it feels better writing these chapter by chapter. Anyway, "Meanwhile…Down on the Farm" was one of my favorite books as a kid, hence the name. After the fiasco that was their camping trip, I thought the family deserved a good vacation. After watching Showdown at the Crooked D, I felt that Joss was definitely one of those who talks about getting out of a small town but feels the call back. I thought veterinary science was a natural fit and MSU has one of the top ten programs in the country. Sure, a shameless plug for my Alma Mater but why not? My particular favorite in this chapter was Kim and Shego BOTH getting caught in Gracie blurting out the "crackers" thing. But I love how the pair can still be intimate after something like that.

Kim Possible and all associated characters are the copyrighted property of the Disney Corporation and intellectual property of Bob Schooly and Mark McCorkle. Gracie Anne, George the Naked Mole Rat, and Abby Normal are the intellectual property of Poetheather1.