Hey Readers, OMG think I'm gonna cry! My last chapter of my first ever book! Will fill you in on my next movements at bottom; I just hope you enjoy our last chapter together, well in this book anyway. Many Thanks, Your Loyal Writer…
"The last will and testament of one Sirius Orion Black." Ragnok read aloud
To Harry James Potter, my Godson, I leave 10,000 galleons and my Lord Black Title with full access to the Black Family Vault. To Hermione Jean Potter (nee Granger) I leave my shares of my investments into Floreen Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and my personal copy of 'Beadle the Bard', the book that Andromedra bought for me for my fifth birthday. To Nymphadora Arianna Lupin (nee Tonks) I leave 5,000 galleons and my baby Thestral, who I bought on the 12th of July. He is in my room! To Remus John Lupin I leave my house along with the remainder of the money in my vault because he's the last of my brothers.
"He left me his house and vault!" Remus gasped.
"A Thestral!" Dora squealed.
"Half of an Ice Cream Parlour and a book!" Hermione sung.
"His title!" Harry exclaimed.
"I hope you find this inheritance beneficial, Lords and Ladies Potter and Lupin." Ragnok told them.
"Thank you Master Ragnok, and may your gold flow ever freely!" Harry stammered as Ragnok opened a box on his desk.
"Lord Potter, your Lord Black Ring; Lady Potter, the deeds to your investments and your book; Lady Lupin, the key to the Resting Mr Black's room; Lord Lupin, the key to your house and to your new vault." Ragnok stated as he opened the lid.
Everyone took what was due to them and left promptly, wanting to get home. They first went to Grimauld Place. Remus summoned his and Dora's possessions and set about settling in. Dora hurried on upstairs and returned with a thestrals that came only to her waist.
"Isn't he just the cutest?! I think I shall call him Jasper!" Dora laughed in delight.
"Well Jasper, welcome to the family!" Remus chuckled stroking the baby's head gently.
"Why don't you bring him over to the Manor? I bet Safira will love to meet him!" Harry suggested.
"That's a great idea Harry, you must stay for dinner." Hermione agreed.
"That will be lovely." Remus decided. "I must thank Sirius also."
"Harry Potter Sir! Youse is home! Youse is bringing home Hermyonee toose. And Mr Remey and Mrs Dorey also's." Dobby welcomed as the group walked in.
"Good evening Sir! And who is the beautiful beast withs youse?" Winky asked in excitement.
"Hello you too. That's Jasper, Dora's new Thestral. Where's Miffy?" Harry informed the two house elves.
"Miffy is preparing dinner for youse Sir. Dobby is takings it that Mr Remey and Mrs Dorey are stayings for dinners. Dobby shall be going to tell Miffy that Sir." Dobby told them and disapparated.
"Please be comings through to the drawing room Sirs and Mrs's. Miss Safira is in there talking with the resting master and mistress's portraits. Winky shall be fetching youse some tea. Tea is what Hermyonee like to have in evenings before dinner." Winky announced.
The four followed the house elf with Jasper trotting behind.
"Hello Safira. Hi Mum, Dad, Emma, Daniel, Sirius. Safira, look who Dora's brought for you to meet." Harry greeted.
The Demigiuse shot to Harry's shoulder and clapped happily at the sight of the baby Thestral.
"I see you've found the baby then." Sirius chuckled. "What have you named him Dora?"
"Jasper!" Dora sung happily.
"I like it!" James declared.
"It's very sophisticated!" Lily agreed.
"Probably better than what I'd have called him. Left to me he'd have ended up with some awful name like Remus!" Sirius joked.
"Hey! What's wrong with my name?!" Remus laughed.
"What isn't mate?" Sirius sniggered.
"Oh whatever! Don't worry Remus, I love your name!" Dora smiled.
"Oh pass the bucket!" Sirius groaned.
"So, how was the honeymoon you lot? We never got to ask!" Emma asked eagerly.
"It was lovely!" Hermione beamed.
"Yeah, and I've even managed to corrupt this lot to my level of coolness!" Dora chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Lily questioned.
"Show them you lot!" Dora chortled.
Harry chuckled and lifted his shirt to reveal his snitch, Hermione removed her shoe and sock to show her infinity symbol, Remus- with great reluctance- lifted his sleeve slightly to show his 'Moonster' tattoo and Dora pulled up her sleeve completely to show her Wolf.
"Merlin's Beard! Finally Remus has been taught to be a rebel!" James and Sirius chorused with glee.
Remus smirked a little and ran his hand threw his hair.
"Harry! Did you really have to get such a large tattoo?" Lily scolded.
"Oh for Merlin's sake Lil! Harry's not a kid anymore. Leave him to do what he wants with a tattoo pen." James snickered.
"Yes well, he'll always be my baby!" Lily declared.
"Grrr." Harry moaned good heartedly. "You're so gushy Mum! I'm married for Merlin's sake!"
"Doesn't change a thing bubba, Sorry!" Lily giggled.
Harry rolled his eyes and began pouring a cup of tea from the tray that Winky had brought in for them.
A small voice came from the door, "Excusing me Harry Potter Sir, Dobby is just wanting to tell youse that dinner will be in 10 minutes Sir."
"Thank you Dobby." Harry smiled.
Dobby bowed low and scampered off.
Dora chuckled; "Will he ever stop calling you sir Paws?"
"I doubt it Fluff. He's known me 7 years and he's always called me that no matter what I say!" Harry admitted.
"Bless him; you are good to him Harry. Even in second year after he tried to kill you!" Hermione chuckled.
"What the hell?" Sirius gasped.
"He didn't try and kill me Mione. He was trying to save me really but by doing that, yeah; I guess he did try to kill me." Harry smirked.
"What did happen?" Remus asked, clearly intrigued.
"Well, he stole all my summer mail to make me feel like Hermione had forgotten me; then he threw a cake at one of Uncle Vernon's clients when they came to tea which got me a fair few belt thwacks; then he stopped me getting through the barrier to the platform so I had to take Mr Weasley's flying ford Anglia to get to school which, in turn, nearly got me expelled; and then he sent a rouge bludgers after me, which tried to kill me, and it broke my arm, which Lockhart made worse by 'accidently' getting rid of every bone in my arm!" Harry explained.
"And after all that Harry set him free and saved him from that blonde pig, Malfoy!" Hermione beamed.
"You're a freakin' saint Har!" James exclaimed.
"Thank you, Thank you very much!" Harry laughed.
"Dinner is ready Sirs and Madams!" Winky sung as she skipped happily into the room. "Miffy has prepared a meal for Jasper and Safira as well."
"Thanks Winky, we're coming." Remus replied.
After dinner, Hermione pulled Harry away from Remus and Dora.
"Harry, have you ever had something really exciting to tell someone but when you then go to tell them you're scared stiff about how they'll react?" Hermione stammered.
"Erm, Hermione…. I proposed to you, remember?" Harry joked.
"Oh, yes… well, Harry I have to tell you something but I'm not sure how to." Hermione confessed.
"Just say it." Harry suggested.
"I'm pregnant!"
Hey Readers, this is the end! How sad is that! But never fear! I'll be returning with a sequel called 'Life is our new battle'. I'll be posting the first chapter in a few days so watch out for that. I've also made a start on a separate book called 'The Marauder School Days' so that will be appearing on my booklist soon. Watch out for that too! Wish me luck with my stories and I'd really appreciate it if you could review telling me what went wells and even better ifs about my story. Thanks. I've had so much fun writing this and reading your feedback so thank you so much for that. It's been an amazing rollercoaster of a first write and that's all down to you my lovely readers! I thought I'd just let you know that A) this is my first EVER fanfic & B) I'm only 12- nearly thirteen- years old! Did you guess that? Oh well. I hope you've enjoyed and will continue to read along with me. Many Thanks, Your Loyal Writer…