Chapter Ten

Arthur groaned when a cold breeze brushed passed him. With a small groan, he turned over and wiggled deeper under his sheets.

His eyes shot open and he sat up in bed.

Merlin! He thought.

Arthur jumped out of bed and raced to the door; it was locked.

As fear began to grip him once again, Arthur started to pace back and forth in the room.

On my life, it's over tonight

It was an hour before the door finally open.

"You're lucky Gaius remembered where you went. You where missing for almost an entire day before they sent me to find you. Passed out on the grass, bleeding, an open fire, do you realize how many different things could have gone wrong. You've been unconscious for nearly three days now…" Merlin was rambling when he walked into the room.

Arthur's heart raced, three days, it had been three days; three days later and Merlin was still alive.

Merlin froze when Arthur rushed over to him and sealed their lips together. With a small moan, Merlin melted into the kiss.

I'm not messing no I

"Are you gonna talk to me now?" Merlin asked, breathlessly, when they pulled apart.

"What happened after I left?" Arthur asked.

"It was a couple of hours before everyone noticed you were missing. Owain and Pellinore showed up and released me. When I asked them why, they said that the king had pardoned me for whatever his son was punishing me for, so I could look for you. They figured I already knew where you went." They both sat down.

"He did what?" Arthur asked.

"Gaius and I have already figured out that no one but the three of us actually remember what happened. They all think you locked me up for misbehaving or something." Merlin rolled his eyes.

Arthur nodded.

"Gaius already told me what happened." Merlin said. "He told me more about the curse." He bit his lip.

"What did he tell you?" Arthur asked.

Merlin leaned forward a bit. "He told me what it does, and why it is used. He told me who it affects and why it affects them specifically." Merlin said nervously.

Oh. Arthur thought.

"Why is someone affected?" He asks.

"Gaius told me that the curse was meant to make you witness the death of someone you…" Merlin stopped.

"Someone I…someone I, what, Merlin?" Arthur leaned forward minutely.

"Someone you love." Merlin whispered.

Arthur smiled and leaned forward to kiss Merlin again.

"I love you, Merlin." He whispered when they pulled away.

"I love you too, clotpole." Merlin chuckled.

Need your blessing

Arthur and Merlin were practically inseparable for the rest of the day.

And your promise to live free

While Arthur was on the field training with his father's men, Merlin sat on a bench polishing a pair of Arthur's boots; a small smile in place as he watched his prince practice.

Please do it for me

Gaius had been in dire need of wild flowers for an anti toxin he was making. When Merlin was sent to pick them, Arthur went with him.

I'm not alone, I sense it, I sense it

"So," Arthur said. "How long have you been in love with me?" He smiled smugly.

"You're joking." Merlin laughed.

"I am not!" Arthur said.

"Since the day we met." Merlin smiled.

"Yeah right." Arthur sneered.

"Yeah, right." Merlin said. "You were a total prat, but it was fun flirting with you." Merlin stood up, grabbing his basket.

"You were flirting with me?" Arthur asked.

"Do you remember how you threatened me, the second time we met?" Merlin's smile widened.

Arthur cherished that smile.

"I could take you apart with one blow." He replied.

"I could take you apart with less than that." Merlin's smile turned malicious as he took a step forward.

Arthur swallowed.

"We should…probably…be getting back. My father is…probably looking for me…probably." Arthur stuttered.

Merlin nodded as they turned to leave the field.

All that I said, I meant it, I meant it

When supper came around, Arthur ordered double from another servant and insisted Merlin dine with him.

And I can't believe

"Tell me about our destiny." Arthur said, picking at his meal.

Merlin nodded. "When I first came to Camelot, Kilgharrah started calling to me. When I went to look for him, he told me that my destiny was to protect you. Your destiny is to one day be the greatest king Albion has ever seen. You are supposed to unite the kingdoms as well as bring magic back into the land." Merlin said.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Arthur asked.

Merlin smiled. "With me by your side."

Arthur felt the weight of his last week lift from his shoulders. He took a deep breath and smiled.

How much I've wasted my time

Merlin shivered at the thought of returning to his room that, unusually cold, autumn night.

The thought of thin sheets on a cold night left Merlin feeling chilled to the bone.

In just 8 hours they'll be

As Merlin turned to leave Arthur room for the night, Arthur already dressed for bed, Merlin felt a hand wrap firmly around his wrist.

When he turned back around, Arthur was holding up a second nightshirt.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, Merlin." Arthur said sternly.

"Are you serious?" Merlin asked, as Arthur turned to stoke the fire.

When Arthur didn't answer or turn around, Merlin quickly changed into the nightshirt.

"I told you, I'm not letting you out of my sight." Arthur said as he pulled his sheets back and climbed into his bed.

After a minute, Merlin climbed in on the other side.

Arthur smiled, knowing that, when he woke up, Merlin would still be beside him.

Laying flowers