Title: Colorful Chaos

Pairing: AkaKuro

Rating: T

Summary: "Your son's crying." Kuroko stated. "Before dawn, he's your son," Akashi mumbled, burying his face deep into his pillows. Akashi and Kuroko adopt an infant named Seito, and who said raising a baby was easy?. Domestic AU. AkaKuro

Warning(s): No warnings really. Just a bit of (fail) drama. Grammar and some spelling mistakes XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke

[Chapter 7: Heartache]

Days after the accident, when Seito was fully recuperated, Midorima allowed for him to go back to school and stressing that he should be taking it easy. Well as easy as the mischievous little boy could be.

And so forth, the six year old boy was put into constant watch by Kuroko and his teachers at school.

On the day of his return to school, many of his classmates gathered to see him and how he had been doing for the past two weeks.

"Akashi-kun! You're back!" One of the girls said aloud once they caught sight of the black haired child.

Seito gave off a radiant smile to them and waved his good hand, keeping his broken one on a sling so that he didn't damage it further.

The boys in his class, once they saw him, immediately crowded him and looked over his injuries.

"Oh dude!" Haku, his half Chinese classmate exclaimed, "That looks sick! Can I sign it?"

Following Haku's suit, all the children got closer to him and the younger Akashi felt the air get lighter, thankfully his best-friend was there to save the day. Or at least to get the crowd away from him.

"Oi! Get away from the crippled!" She said, taking his hand and leading him out of the circle placing her small body in front of him to 'protect' him.

Seito rolled his eyes, "I'm not crippled, dummy-Mizu." He murmured under his breath.

"Shuddap! I just saved you, idiot," She reasoned with him.

All the while, his classmates still persisted on signing his cast, fortunately for them, their teacher came in.

"Class, please get to your seats," She requested. The children knew better than to disobey their teacher. So quickly the children scattered to their seats. Seito having a harder time because of his injuries.

When he got to his seat, next to Mizuki of course, the teacher greeted him, "Seito-kun, I'm so glad that you're alright."

"Thank you, sensei." He greeted back with a radiant smile and with that, they started class on a good note.


"I didn't understand a thing!" Seito whined as he made his way towards the school nurse.

Kuroko and Akashi had especially requested the school that they look after him and that he report to the school nurse every two hours to make sure he didn't get any further injuries. Knowing best not to disobey his parents, especially his red haired father, he complied without a word.

The first day back was completely a mess. Since he missed two weeks of school because of the accident, he was really behind his studies. During science class, a subject he most enjoyed, he was completely lost at what they were talking about, rest assured his teacher, Anika-sensei, told him that if he needed anything he could go to her and ask for her help.

Seito sighed as he padded through the elementary school's hallways. Stopping when he finally got to the nurses office.

He knocked twice before he heard a woman's voice that cheerfully told him to 'Come right in!'

He did as he was told and bowed to the woman.

"Ara! You must be Seito-kun," She smiled at him, "Kuroko-sensei* told me about you. You really are adorable! Just like my grandchildren."

Seito flashed a smile, "Thank you…"

"Ah I am Kobayashi Yukina! You can call me, Yukina-san if you'd like, Seito-kun." She beckoned him to the bed.

Seito followed her and sat on the bed. Yukina fiddled with his cast and checked his bandages.

"Ahh, you look just like someone I know," The older woman mindlessly commented once she got a good look at his face.


She gasped and covered her lips, "Ara, I'm sorry, this old lady is talking too much." She laughed it off and went to the medicine cabinet.

"Ah," She turned to the six-year-old, "Seito-kun, would you be so kind and wait here while I go and get something from your father? It seems that I forgot to take your medicine from him this morning."

Seito nodded and smiled at her. She in turn gave off a soft laugh and ruffled the younger's raven hair and closed the curtains and left him alone for the time being.

While waiting for Yukina to come back, the first grader could hear footsteps coming his way. Thinking that it was Yukina coming back he kept quiet.

"Kyaa…" He heard a woman groan, "I have this raging headache. Thank you for coming with me Kasumi-sensei."

"Sure thing, Anika-sensei," The woman giggled, "So, how's your class."

"Angelic," Anika-sensei stressed while popping some pain relievers in her mouth, "But they're kids so it's understandable. Seito-kun came back today. It's always a pleasure to teach him."

Seito blushed not really expecting the compliment from his homeroom teacher.

"Ah! Kuroko-sensei's son?" Another woman who he guess was Kasumi-sensei asked.

"Yes, I was so worried when they said he got into an accident." Anika-sensei replied.

"Ah, yes. He's really handsome," Complimented Kasumi-sensei, "But he doesn't look like Kuroko-sensei at all. He must get it from his mother then."

"Ara! Didn't you know, Kuroko-sensei doesn't have a wife," Anika-sensei told the other teacher, "He has a husband, Akashi Seijuuro-san."

"Eh? Does that mean that Seito-kun's adopted then?"

"Well yes, I'm surprised you didn't know." Anika-sensei told her collogue as they exited the clinic, "They adopted him when he was young, from what I heard he was abandoned outside the orphanage, the poor thing."

Trust me, she's not the only one who didn't know. Seito thought.


Ah, Yukina-san is back.

"Is there something wrong?"

Yes, everything is wrong. I don't know who I am. He shook his head, hiding his eyes with his bangs, "Nothing, Yukina-san. Everything's well."


For the remainder of the day, Seito didn't talk to anyone, not even to his best friend. And so, school ended with him on the miserable side.

When Akashi picked up his son, he immediately knew something was wrong. The younger didn't dash to him and envelop him in an embrace like the usual. Instead, he quietly followed his father to his car and buckled himself in.

"Is there something in your mind, son?" Akashi finally voiced out his concern.

Seito shook his head, "Nothing. It's nothing."

Akashi didn't look at all convinced but seeing his face he decided not to press the matter.

This continued on until they got home. Usually, the Akashi home would be full of laughs and giggled but not tonight and this genuinely concerned Kuroko when he noticed the atmosphere during dinner time.

"Seito-kun?" Kuroko called to his son, who for once didn't eat but just picked at his food, "Did something happen at school today?"

"No." Came an immediate answer. Seito let out a shaky breath, "Can… can I please be excused?"

Kuroko looked at the red head worriedly, asking him mentally if he knew what was going on.

"You may," Akashi said, once the child stood to run to his room Akashi continued, "Seito, would you like me to help you with your homework tonight."

Seito stopped from his tracks and bit his lips, "No thank you."

Kuroko looked at his husband, "Sei-kun…"

"I know, but we should give him some space," Akashi sighed and continued to eat his meal, "He's bound to come around one way or another, Tetsuya."

Kuroko didn't looked so convinced.


"Where are we going?"

It had been at least five days since Seito had talked to his parents. Today was a weekend, two weeks before Christmas and after a quiet affair at the dinner table, Akashi had told him to get ready and wear something comfortable for the day. Obeying, he padded through the hallway and entered his room.

Pulling out a navy polo-shit and khaki pants he changed with a little difficulty due to his cast, but still was able to do it. He got out of his room and met his parents at the door. Kuroko was there smiling at him like he always did. It hurt Seito inside.

He's not my Papa. I'm not theirs.

Seeing his son's distress, Kuroko carefully got into a sitting position meeting Seito's height, "Seito-kun, you know you can tell me anything…"

Seito didn't respond. Kuroko sighed and stood up. He patted his son's head and gently placed a knitted bonnet on his head. The child looked up his eyes dilated and touched the grey bonnet on his head, "I asked your grandmother to teach me how to knit. I hope you like it Seito-kun."

Kuroko then pulled his son forward, "Now then," He got his coat and carefully helped him put in on, very mindful of the cast on his arm, "Let's get going. We're doing some Christmas shopping today."


The family made their way through the busy streets of Tokyo. Even if it was a little chilly, everyone was in their Christmas spirit. Stores had been decorated with Christmas trees and snowmen for the occasion.

The people filled the streets, doing their own shopping. Akashi walked right next to Seito while Kuroko walked on his other side clutching on his tiny fingers. Seito then looked up to the man who raised him, Kuroko.

Tears prickling in his eyes, he bit his lip and was reminded of a memory when he was younger.

"Seito?" He composed himself and looked up to the red-haired man.


"Do you want to go to the toy shop?" Akashi urged the child, "Get something from there?"

"No thank you," Came a rehearsed answer.

It hurt. Really hurt. It hurt to push away his Daddy, but he had to it. What right did he have to? He wasn't their real son. He didn't deserve to be pampered by their money and love. He was a stranger to them.

For the past five days, Seito had been careful with how he greeted his parents. No longer calling them 'Papa' or 'Daddy'. He relented if he should call them Akashi-san out of manners.

They reached the shopping district and Akashi announced that he had to use the bathroom. Kuroko then told him that he and Seito would be at a store looking for some potential presents. With that they separated ways. Kuroko tugging on his hand and leading him to the shopping centre.

"Ara! What a cutie!" He heard the saleslady say, "Is he your son, sir?"

Kuroko bowed politely to the lady, "Thank you, and yes he is."

No. Stop saying that… Akashi-san, He thought bitterly as he gripped his 'father's' hand.

"Please enjoy your shopping," The lady told them. Kuroko and Seito entered the shop and Kuroko promptly looked around for something to buy.

While Kuroko was looking around at the rack of t-shirts, he let go of Seito's hand and fiddled for the right size.

Seito took this opportunity to run. As quietly as he could manage, learning misdirection from Kuroko and Akashi, he quietly slipped away from Kuroko and left the store without anyone noticing him.

He ran. He didn't deserve them. He wasn't theirs after all.

With tears streaming down his face, he ran without a single clue where he was going.

"Oh my!"

"What an unmannered child, just running past like that."

"Watch where you're going!"

"Hey you!"

Noises were just a blur to him. He panted, his lungs burning for air, but he didn't stop, and so did the tears.

Just who am I?


Seito landed on his but when he hit something–better yet, someone. Hurriedly, he composed himself, wiping his tears and snot filled nose with his sleeves. He was never the graceful crier.

"Seito-kun?" A velvety old voice called out to him.

He looked up, confused at the man who called his name, "Who are you, sir?"

The man in a business suit sighed and crouched down to help him up, "Come with me child, let's get you something warm to drink."


"Tetsuya," Akashi made his presence after a few minutes, "I've finally found you."

Kuroko turned to his lover, "Sei-kun, welcome back."

"I was only at the restroom, Tetsuya," Akashi's eye twitched, "Where's Seito?"

"Well he should be behind me–" Turning around Kuroko found his side to be empty. Panicking he suddenly put down the garments of clothing, which surprised Akashi a little.


Kuroko tried to keep calm and walked around the store trying to look for his ebony-haired son, "Seito? Where are you?" He called thinking that his son was hiding from him.

Akashi joined in the search, deducing the situation. Their only son was lost, "Seito."

For a few minutes their search around the store was a failure and this greatly made Kuroko become agitated and panic was seen in his usual calm demeanour.

"Don't tell me, he–" Kuroko looked at Akashi.

Akashi's eyes narrowed and reassured his teal haired lover, "We'll find him."


Contrary to popular belief, Akashi Satoru still had connections with his son. While Seijuro severed ties with hi father three days before leaving for Spain to marry his spouse, the older Akashi still kept close tabs on him. Especially on his family. He knew that Seijuro had started his own company, and was it striving to be one of the best real-estate company in Japan. And in a few years after marrying his son adopted and was happy with his husband and son. Recently he learned that his grandson had been involved in an accident. He knew everything about Seijuro's life after he left, he was an Akashi after all, and even if Seijuro stripped himself away from his fortunes, he was still Satoru's son.

So when Kuroko-Akashi Seito, his grandson, bumped into him with tears on his face, it came to a shock.

"Oof!" The child said as he made impact with the pavement.

"Seito-kun?" He asked with genuine concern as he watched the young child sniff and forcefully wipe his eyes with his sleeves.

"Who are you, sir?" The child asked him politely. He seems to well-mannered, Satoru thought. The elder sighed, he reached out to the child and pulled him to his feet.

"Come with me child, let's get you something warm to drink."

He then started to lead the way, knowing fully well that the child would follow him. Sure enough he could hear hurried footsteps next to him. The duo walked to the nearest cafe the could spot. They entered the shop and was immediately wafted with delicious aromas of cakes and drinks, no longer was the cold bothering them, but warm heated air filled the shop throughout.

Satoru sat on one of the booths, Seito following his suit. One of the waitresses spotted them and asked for their order. Satoru instructed his grandson to pick whatever he would like, while he ordered for coffee, black of course.

Once they were left alone, Satoru looked at his grandson. He watched keen eyes as he saw Seito flinch with the attention he was given, "Now, what is bothering you."

"Um, well, sir, may I ask for your name first?" The ebony haired child asked politely.

"You may call me Satoru," The older Akashi replied.

The young child nodded. The waitress came back with a tray of hot chocolate and a piece of a strawberry shortcake, she smiled towards them and went on ahead with her work.

"Will you tell me why you were crying today?" He inquired.

He saw the confused look and then Seito replied, "A-ano, ojii-san, I don't know you."

The child did have a point, "I promise to listen to you, child. So tell me Seito-kun, what is troubling you?"

Seito played with the fork he was given, "Ojii-san, have you ever felt like you're not the same person?"

Satoru crossed his arms, "I can't say that I have."

"Ojii-san, I didn't know," The young child sobbed, "I don't deserve them."

"And who may those 'them' be?" Satoru inquired, while the child sobbed.

"My parents, ojii-san," Seito cried, "They're not my real parents."

Satoru watched as horror dawned on his adopted grandson's face, "And who told you that, young man?"

"I overheard it," He simply said.

"From whom?"

"My teachers almost a week ago, ojii-san," The child sniffed, "They were talking about how, my Pap– I mean, how Kuroko-san and Akashi-san had adopted me."

"And so?" Satoru inquired, "What is wrong with that?"

"It means I'm not theirs!" Seito exploded, which made Satoru quite surprised but it wasn't without reason. His frustrations were finally getting to him, "Not really."

"And so, you beat yourself up because of this fact? Am I safe to assume that you did not talk to your parents for almost a week, child?" Satoru watched as his adopted grandson managed a small nod. He lifted his arm and patted the young Akashi.

"Seito, you do not know how your parents care for you greatly," He said laced in gentleness, "They love you so much, no matter if you are biologically theirs or not. Just because you did not come from them, doesn't mean they love you any less.

Satoru was then reminded of something he said to Seijuro when he was just a child, "Do not let other people hinder you from your own happiness."


Ogiwara Shigehiro was out and about shopping for his Christmas list. It's been days since he just went out on his own, with is own busy schedule taking a toll on him, but today he permitted himself to go outside and actually do something productive and shop for his friends and what he now considered as family.

Over the years, Ogiwara Shigehiro has matured to be quite the dashing and intelligent young man. On his third year of high school he somehow rekindled with Kuroko Tetsuya, his best friend, and apologised for severing ties with him. Since then they've been able to keep in contact and the occasional visits to his home.

On the first few months that he learned of Kuroko's and Akashi's relationship, Shigehiro was incredibly against it, not trusting the tyrant red head at all, (actually he was very distrusting towards the Miracles as a whole). But over the years, as the couple grew by he was the undeniable love in the former captain and reluctantly he gave his best friend away.

On the contrary, Akashi actually had the audacity to ask for his best friend's hand in marriage.

Shigehiro sighed and blew into his hands for warm. Old times, he thought. Now both Akashi and Kuroko had a son named Seito. Speaking of which he heard that his nephew had gotten into an accident. I should get something extra for him to make up for not being able to visit him.

With that in order he made his way to the shopping district only to stop when he saw a familiar ebony haired kid across the street sitting inside a coffee shop.

Shigehiro scrutinised at the sight, walking over to the street. As he got closer, he saw something that nearly shocked him.

Rather than being with his parents, Seito was with a man that he shouldn't be near him.

He narrowed his eyes at the red haired man, Akashi Satoru.

Walking to the entrance, he pulled the door open and with loud footsteps went to where his nephew and Akashi Satoru were.


"Do you understand all that I have told you?" Satoru asked, sipping through his black coffee.

With a weak nod, the boy replied, "Yes."

"Good, now, talk with your parents tonight. And eat up before it get's cold."

The boy picked up his fork and dug into the cake. Satoru smiled as he observed the young Akashi. Even if he was adopted, it was like Seito had been made for his son. He watched as Seito bit a piece off tasting it before putting the whole piece in his mouth. A mannerism that he and Seijuro had shared.

The child had been enjoying his cake that he didn't even realise that he had some icing on his cheek. Seeing as though Seito did not notice it, Satoru picked up a napkin from the table, as he was about to wipe the child's cheek, a shadow came over them.

"Seito?" Satoru observed the unknown man that had suddenly interrupted them. He looked about his own son's age, with copper brown hair and was bundled up with at least two scarves and a very thick jacket.

"Uncle Shige?" The child inquired. An uncle, interesting.

The young man then turned to face him, he bowed in his presence, "Hello, thank you for taking care of my nephew Aka–"

Not wanting Seito to know who he was, he immediately cut off the young man, "It's not a problem, Mr?"

This called 'Shige' seemed to get the clue and extended his hand, "Ogiwara Shigehiro, pleasure to meet you."

"You as well, now then," Akashi Satoru stood up and grabbed his coat, "I shall take my leave, I have very important business to get to."

He started to walk away when he suddenly felt tiny arms wrap around his thighs. Looking down, he saw brown orbs staring intently at him, "Thank you ojii-san. Thank you for today."

He lifted an arm and ruffled the child's ebony hair, "Remember what I have told you alright? No matter who you are, or where you came from, it doesn't change the fact that your parents love you."

"Yes, I'll never forget."

"Good. And Ogiwara-san, tell this boy's father that he ought to talk to his son."

And with that, he bid the two goodbye, knowing that his grandson was in good hands.

Akashi Satoru was glad that he was able to amend things between Seijuro's family, he just wished that he could amend things with his own.


To say Kuroko was panicked was the understatement of the century.

Kuroko-Akashi Tetsuya was very terrified.

And that was something to say because the poker-faced shadow almost never show any emotions save for his son and his husband.

Their only son had actually gotten lost and he had no idea where the child might be. Seito could be anywhere in Tokyo. Not to mention that he was still recuperating from the accident that happened a few weeks ago.

Kuroko-Akashi Tetsuya was ready to take Toyko apart if that meant finding his son.

Despite Akashi's attempt to calm him down, it did not do much, knowing fully well how dangerous it was for a child like Seito to be roaming in Tokyo without supervision.

"Where could he be?" Kuroko panicked breathless. It's been a good hour since they'd last seen his son.

"I'm sure he's around Tokyo, Tetsuya. The city is safe, you know that," Akashi told him.

"Yes! But Sei, our son is roaming around Tokyo without anyone with him. He can get in an accident, I don't want to happen that again!"

"Tetsuya cal–"



Akashi whipped his cellphone out of his pocket and answered his phone, "Hello?"

"Akashi, it's me Ogiwara."


As soon as they got the call from Ogiwara, the couple decided to meet in front of Sunshine City. Crossing the intersection, Kuroko almost lost all the ability to stand when he saw the familiar raven haired boy.

"Seito!" Upon calling his name, the boy immediately turned his attention to the blue-haired father.

Kuroko ran straight to his son's side leaving Akashi to catch up with him. When the distance become short between them, he engulfed the young six-year-old into a tight embrace, "Don't you ever do that." He said caressing his son's silky tresses. Kuroko let go and inspected if his son got some new injuries, finding none he looked eye to eye with the six-year-old.

"Seito," Kuroko started, "Where did you go? Do you know how worried I was?"

"I-I," The young boy choked, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Thank you for finding him Ogiwara," Came a smooth voice from behind the father and son.

Ogiwara who Kuroko failed to notice with the action waved his hand, "No, no it's not a problem."

Seeing his old friend, Kuroko stood up and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you Shige-kun."

"No problem Kuroko."


While driving home, Akashi couldn't help but think of the parting words he shared with Ogiwara.

"It wasn't me who found him Akashi," Ogiwara had told him once Seito and Kuroko were out of earshot, "It was you father. He said to talk to Seito."

Akashi glanced at Seito who sat on Kuroko's lap on the way home, who was silently snoring.

"Sei-kun?" Kuroko questioned. Akashi turned his attention back to the road, "Is there something wrong."

"Ogiwara says that my father found Seito. Says that I should discuss something with what might be troubling our son."

Kuroko didn't hide his surprise after all Akashi's father has always been distant. He hadn't seen the man in eight years.

"It isn't like Seito to just do that," Kuroko commented gently patting the six-year-old's hair as a sign of comforting the younger, "I think your father might have a point, Sei."

When they got home, Seito awoke when he was being carried inside the house. The family of three sat on the sofa. On the right was Akashi, Kuroko sat on the left side and in between them Seito sat uncomfortably.

"Seito," The red head called the younger, "Is there something that you're not telling us?"

Remembering the words spoken to him today, Seito looked at his father, "Do you love me?"

Akashi's eyes widened in shock, "Of course I do, Seito. Why would you ask such a thing?"

Seito ignored him and turned to look at gentle cerulean eyes. The young child could feel the tears pooling in his eyes, "I am not yours right?"

Kuroko knitted his eyes, "What are you talking about Seito-kun?"

"I'm not your real son right?"

Kuroko stiffened, whereas Akashi anticipated this one day, he just wished that it wasn't today.

"Where did you hear that Seito?" Akashi asked him.

The child's sobbed, "There were teachers at school who were talking about me. How I'm adopted."

With glossy brown eyes he looked at Akashi's own ruby and amber ones, "Is it true Daddy?" He sobbed, "Is what they're saying true, that I'm not yours?"

He didn't see the point of lying to his son. Akashi stared at his son with a stern look, h answered, "Yes."

The boy sobbed uncontrollably into his hands, and at some point Akashi saw Kuroko's own tears flow down. He moved to embrace his son. Upon contact, the young boy stiffened.

"But," Akashi told him trying to keep his voice, "That does not mean we love you any less. Tetsuya, your Papa, and I love you so much. It does not matter if you are ours or not biologically. We love you regardless."

Hearing this, Seito cried all out his frustrations and heart ache that had been bottled up inside of him for the past week. Kuroko's gentle hand rubbed the boy's back, comforting him.

"I'm sorry if you had to endure this on your own Seito-kun," Kuroko interjected, "I know it was unfair for you, but your father is right. We apologise that you're not from our blood, listen, you're ours. No one can take you away from me. You're my son, your our son no matter what anyone else says."

From Akashi's embrace Seito moved to his blue-haired father's chest, sobbing and apologising, "I'm so sorry Papa, I'm sorry for not talking to you. I'm sorry that I was a bad kid."

Kuroko smiled, "It's okay," He soothed, "If there's anything that's bothering you Seito-kun, you know you could just talk to us."

The small child bobbed his head up and down, "Un!"

After a moment of comfortable silence with the three of them just sitting on the couch holding each other's hands, Seito asked innocently, "Does that mean I won't get any presents from Santa?"

In which the parents just laughed at. They knew that they were going to be fine.


Akashi Satoru was about to retire for the night when his phone lit up, notifying him that a new message had come.

He slidded the LCD screen and opened the message.

From: Seijuro

Thank you.


Seito's First Family: Akashi and Kuroko


A/N: OMG I am so sorry for the long wait. BUT here you go! :D Here's the new chapter. Hahaha. I was cooped up in the hospital for some time so I didn't get much time to get this done. ^v^" Sorry. Plus! My birthday came and I spent time with my friends and family that's why I didn't have time to write.

Gah, I'm so sad that this story will reach it's conclusion in 2 chapters. Thank you everyone for staying. You guys are the best. :)

I'll answer your PM's later hahaha, I have to get some sleep! :)

Stay safe everyone and I hope you're having one of the brightest days you've ever had. ^^