Chapter 55 – Love Sick IV
When Kurt got home, he went straight over to his bedroom, looking for Blaine. His friend was laying in his bed, hugging the boyfriend pillow tightly with his dark curls falling over his closed eyes. The adorable sight of him was all Kurt needed to unwind from the stress of the day.
He quietly approached the bed and reached out to pull the covers over Blaine's shoulders. In that moment, Blaine opened his eyes and a tired but happy smile lit up his face. "Hey," he croaked quietly.
"Hey yourself," Kurt replied and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You're awake."
"You're home," Blaine sat up. "How was your day?"
Kurt shook his head. "Let's not talk about my day. How are you? Feeling better? Did the cat bother you?"
"Oscar Oreo has been the perfect companion," Blaine said and pushed his hair out of his face with one hand. "He sleeps next to me or stretched out on my chest. I think I make an irresistible warm pillow."
You do. The words were on Kurt's lips. But he refrained from flirting with Blaine. He felt like he still had no right to. "Where's he now?"
As if in answer, they heard a scratching sound from the litter box in the kitchen. A moment later, Oscar Oreo limped into the room and looked skeptically at Kurt, as if making sure Kurt wasn't challenging him for his spot next to Blaine. It was still strange to Kurt to have a three-legged cat roaming in the apartment, but he was glad that Blaine was enjoying the pet's company.
Oscar Oreo jumped up on the mattress and self-righteously took up a place next to Blaine's leg. Without hesitation, Blaine's hand found the cat's head and scratched him behind the fluffy ears. The cat began to purr vibrantly.
"I wish I could swap places with Oscar Oreo and be in bed with you all day long," Kurt said with a sigh. He hadn't meant it as a flirtatious remark, but the moment the words were out he couldn't deny the innuendo.
"I'd like that, too." Another smile turned the corners of Blaine's mouth up. "You could give me judgmental looks and lick my face and scratch me when I try to be naughty."
Kurt bowed his head and smiled. So, they were flirting again. It felt good. It felt like a promise.
"I'd make a good cat, wouldn't I?" Kurt mused and Blaine laughed. His laughter turned into a cough and he covered his mouth quickly with a tissue as another fit of coughing overtook him. As the coughing eased at last, he sank back into the pillows, propped up against the headboard and pulled the comforter up under his chin.
"I'll get your medicine," Kurt said, but when he moved to get up, Blaine's hand shot out and held on to his arm. "Stay," he croaked. There was sweat on his brow and his gaze had turned feverish.
"I'm not going anywhere, love," Kurt said tenderly. "Just getting your medicine from the bathroom and a towel. I think you're still running a fever."
He hurried over to the bathroom and returned with medicine and a towel.
"I feel gross," Blaine sighed. He pulled at his T-shirt. "Can you help me change? This feels like it's soaked through."
"Of course." Kurt swallowed. One-handedly, he helped Blaine pull off his shirt.
"Can you sit up?" Kurt rubbed the sweat off of Blaine's chest and his back and let his hands linger on Blaine's body for longer than necessary. The familiar touch made Kurt want to lie down beside him and pepper every inch of exposed skin with kisses. He was glad when Blaine wore a shirt again, since it surely was inappropriate to think about running his fingers across the smoothness of his sick ex-boyfriend's wonderful body.
Blaine's eyes fell shut in utter exhaustion, but he still had a firm grasp on Kurt's arm to keep him close. Kurt snuggled up next to him for just a moment, just until Blaine fell asleep. "You don't have to take care of me", Blaine murmured almost inaudibly.
"But I want to," Kurt answered in a whisper. "Because I'm so glad you're back in my life." He gently touched Blaine's hair with his fingertips and placed a tender kiss at the nape of Blaine's neck.
Before he knew it, Kurt drifted off, too, letting Blaine's breathing lull him into a nap.
Kurt awoke when he heard the door shut. Rachel was home. He listened to the rustle of paper bags being put on the kitchen table and the clang of high heels that she always left on the floor beneath the coat rack, then the quiet shuffle of her feet crossing the room to the sickbed. She peeked through the curtain and smiled when she saw Kurt lying next to the sleeping sick boy.
Kurt smiled back at her and put a finger to his mouth. Quietly, he scooted out of bed, lingering only for a moment when Blaine murmured something in his sleep, his hand twitching as if reaching out for Kurt.
"I bought some food I hope he can keep down," Rachel said in a whisper as they both went over to the kitchen. "Crispbread. Chicken soup. Chocolate."
"Thank you, Rachel," Kurt said. "I didn't have the time to go to a store. I wanted to get back here as soon as possible. He seems a bit better, though. The medicine his dad suggested is helping."
"I'm glad to hear it. Here, these are for us," Rachel produced two giant blueberry muffins from another bag as well as two hot coffee cups.
"You're really in a generous mood tonight," Kurt observed and hungrily attacked his muffin, swallowing a big bite with a sip of coffee and almost groaning in delight.
"I feel the need to apologize to you," Rachel said and it came so out of the blue that Kurt blinked at her stupidly for a second, before asking full-mouthed, "What for?"
Rachel leaned back against the kitchen counter and looked too guilty for Kurt's liking. "What did you do?"
"Nothing," Rachel said quickly. "Except being the worst friend to you lately."
Kurt gave a dismissive wave and a shrug as if meaning to say that he was used to it.
"No, really, I get why you asked Genius' sister to replace me in the contest and why you didn't want to work with me anymore. I've been an insufferable diva. What's even worse is that I accused you of using your friends for your purposes only. I thought your only reason to take care of Blaine was to get him back on his feet in time for the big show. But seeing you with him… it's more than just making sure your model is fit for the stage, isn't it? You get so tender around him. I can see how much you still care for him. How much you still love him, even?"
Kurt finished his muffin. "I like you much better when you're sensitive and insightful and sweet."
"Yes, I should try that more often," she joked and they laughed.
"Although I admit I've been selfish asking you to be my first choice model, Rachel, because you're incredibly beautiful and you don't shy away from the spotlight. You know just how to shine."
"Aw," Rachel wiped at her eyes, happy about the praise.
"Just so you know, I already have someone else to take Blaine's place as my male model this week."
"You do?" Rachel cocked an eye brow. "Who is it?"
"I can't tell yet," Kurt replied. "Because the person doesn't know it yet, either."
"How can you be sure the guy will agree to the job when you haven't even asked him?"
"Because he's the kind of person who would love to do it, but he needs a push. If I already told him, he would fret and worry the whole week about it. He works best in last minute situations."
Rachel grinned. "Is it Chandler?"
"Are you going to watch tonight's episode?" Kurt asked, overgoing her question.
"Sure," Rachel replied. "Chandler and Genius are coming over to watch, aren't they?"
"They are," Kurt gave a nod. "I'm going to stay at Blaine's bedside, though. I don't need to watch it. But you should know—"
"Yes?" Rachel prompted when Kurt looked thoughtfully at his coffee.
"I gave an interview and they'll probably broadcast it tonight. After the episode, perhaps."
Rachel's brow furrowed. "Did you say something mean about me?"
Kurt snorted and shook his head. "No. Don't worry. I talked about Andrew—well, no. I didn't mention his name. But I talked about what it's like to be in an abusive relationship."
"Oh," Rachel didn't seem to know what to make of this.
"I thought maybe talking about it openly might help other people who are stuck in a toxic relationship."
"You have never even talked about it with me," Rachel said quietly, and then when she met his eyes, added quickly, "That's not meant to be an accusation. I'm just surprised that you talk about it publicly when you weren't even ready to talk about it with your best friend. Assuming of course, that I'm still your best friend."
"Come here," Kurt said quietly, opening his arms. "Give me a hug, bestie."
Rachel came over to gratefully obey and they hugged tightly. Kurt rested his chin on the top of her head. "I'd better check on Blaine again," Kurt said after a moment of rubbing Rachel's back and she reluctantly released him.
"Oh, and could I ask a favor of you?", he bit his lower lip.
Rachel nodded eagerly. "Of course. Anything you need."
Kurt's face split into a broad grin. "Great! Because Oscar Oreo's litter box needs a cleaning. Thank you! You really are the best!"
Rachel narrowed her eyes at him but she didn't protest.
When Genius and Chandler arrived, Kurt sat on the couch with them for a while. They reported on their visit at Andrew's apartment and his walk to the police office. Kurt was glad to hear that Andrew was finally taking responsibility for his actions and seeking help.
"How is Blaine?" Chandler asked.
"Better, I think," Kurt replied. "A wet washcloth helps wonders with his nausea."
"Ministering to his fevered brow," Chandler said with a sweet grin, "how romantic."
"It's the least I can do," Kurt replied with a shrug, playing down his efforts to take care of Blaine.
"It's my fault he got sick," Chandler said. "I let him walk around in the rain after, you know, I broke up with him."
"He's not sick because of just a walk in the rain. It's all the tension and stress of late, from school, dance rehearsal and model duties, but also emotional stress, the kind that I've caused him," Kurt said. "It's all catching up and his body is shutting down for a while, so he doesn't have to deal with all the crazy."
"Then how come you're still standing?" Chandler nudged Kurt. "I have no idea how you cope with all the crazy."
"I get by with a little help from my friends," Kurt winked at him.
"There's no rest for the wicked," Genius said, butting in on their conversation. "Too much work to do before the Christmas break."
"Oh, I can't wait for the holidays and a long overdue Harry Potter marathon," Chandler sighed.
"Harry Potter, really?" Genius cocked an eyebrow. "I've never seen one of them movies."
Chandler's eyes lit up. "A Potter virgin! Oh, you're in for a treat! You and I are totally having a marathon at Christmas!"
Genius wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "All right. You know I'm here to take care of every kind of virginity you want me to."
"Oh dear," Chandler blushed crimson. "What have I gotten myself into?"
"You're in for a treat," Genius promised while nibbling at Chandler's earlobes.
Kurt left them to their snuggles and slipped back to Blaine's bedside.
"I hate being sick," Blaine whined. "I want to join you guys having fun."
"Believe me, you don't want to watch those two love birds in the living room," Kurt said with a chuckle.
"Chandler is with Genius?" Blaine asked, incredulously. "When did that happen?"
Kurt shrugged. "Some people are just meant to be together."
"How are they meant to be together?" Blaine asked, confused.
"Well, apparently they've been online pals for a long time."
"Huh. What are the odds?"
"Like I said, sometimes people just belong together," Kurt mused. "Even if they break up and live apart for a while. Eventually, they'll find their way back to one another."
"Do you really mean that?" Blaine asked, with so much hope in his voice that Kurt had to swallow hard to hold back tears.
"I do." Kurt reached out and caressed Blaine's face. He loved the way Blaine's chin and cheeks were scruffy, because he didn't have a chance to shave.
"I would kiss you now, if I weren't sick," Blaine said and leaned into Kurt's hand. As soon as Kurt touched Blaine, he wondered how he'd gone this long without doing it. He smoothed his hand over Blaine's forehead and gently let his fingers run through Blaine's hair.
"And I would kiss you back," Kurt whispered.
With a smile, Blaine closed his eyes, tired but happy to have Kurt by his side, not just physically, but – finally – emotionally as well.
"Never mind the lost time," Kurt tapped his finger gently along Blaine's lips. "We've got every day from now on to make up for it."
"Aw, I've always loved what an over-romantic sap you are," Blaine murmured and kissed Kurt's fingers. "Because I'm just the same."
Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry for the long overdue update. I didn't mean to abandon my stories, but the muse left me from one day to the next. This very little update is an apology and a Thank-You for your loyalty all these years. I've loved writing fanfiction and I hope the muse will return to me one day to at least finish my stories. I hope you all have happy holidays and a happy new year 2019.
Take care,
yours Ramona a. k. a. DiDiGlee