The girl was silently tapping away at her laptop. She was so glad that she was caught up on the Supernatural series. It was fantastic that the stories were all online. (Though tragically only after Carver Edmond's unfortunate disappearance.) She was in an intense debate on Facebook about the validity of Destiel with a Wincest shipper when HE appeared.

"Hello." The stranger said in a sexy British accent. She closed the browser window and slammed her laptop closed on instinct. "Who are you and why are you in my house!?" The man glanced at her poster of Crowley and Castiel subtitled "Bad Omens". (She'd been meaning to take that down post-"Hello, Cruel World".) He smiled devilishly. "I think you know who I am, dear." He said, pointing at the poster.

Her eyes widened. "Y-you're Crowley... You look nothing like I pictured you..." He gave her one of those "It's taking real effort not to backhand you" smiles. He snatched up her laptop. "Hey!" "You don't mind if I borrow this, love?" he said in her ear. Crap. Now she was terrified AND aroused. Stupid sexy King of Hell...

He started scrolling through her Internet History, pulling up stuff she'd deleted months ago. "Hmm... You fangirls ARE naughty girls..." He commented, amused. She blushed, praying to God or whatever merciful angel was left that he wouldn't find...


Sweet father of Cas, no...

"Hmm... Kinky stuff..." The girl was ready to die now. Of all the Mooseley fics, he decided to read THAT one. "Did you just come to read fanfiction?" "You mean this blatant porn? No, but it is a bonus. No, I came because I wanted to strike a bargain for your soul..."

"What could you even offer?" She asked. Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Is that a trick question? Well, for you, darling, I can offer your little ships becoming canon..." The girl couldn't decide what was the most surreal: a demon she thought was fictional five minutes ago standing in her room offering a deal, him reading slashfic, or him using the words "canon" and "ship".

"One moment..." He said, and popped out of the room. The girl scrambled to find salt and her Devil's Trap diagram. Alas, he was back before she could do either. She muttered a long line of explicatives. He brought a rather tall, wet, long haired man with him. He wasn't wearing a shirt and looked like he'd been in the process of dressing after a shower. A quick glance at the tattoo on his chest confirmed his identity. "Sam!?"

Crowley nodded. Sam looked confused as to how he got there. Crowley smirked. "A little sample of what you'd get..." Suddenly, the smaller demon grabbed Sam and pulled him down to his level. He then proceeded to snog the hunter. The girl squeaked. It was hard to tell whose eyes were bulging more: the girl's or Sam's.

Crowley pulled away. "And that's just a taste of what you'd get for the low price of your soul. Moose wrapped around my finger, Dean and the angel together forever. Though that could happen any day now..." The girl was shaking. All ability to do anything was gone. Little noises came out of her mouth.

"Quit teasing the virgin, Crowley..." A gravelly voice said. It was a man in a dirty trenchcoat, who could only be one person. "Well, speak of the angel..." Crowley retorted. "Castiel?" The girl asked. "You prayed?" The angel replied.

"Oh, come on, Castiel! You know how valuable a virgin's soul is!" Castiel glared in response. Crowley tutted. "Fine..." He popped out of the room. Castiel nodded at the girl. "Are you okay?" All she could do was nod and hope she wasn't going insane.

Cas grabbed the still-bewildered Sam's arm and they popped out of the room, too. The girl just sat on her bed, trying to process the last 15 minutes of her life. She decided it was best to disregard it all as a dream.

...Though she did make an anti-possession symbol her wallpaper from now on, and kept salt by her nightstand...