Here's chapter 4! Working on chapter 6 right now!

We headed to the library in hushed silence. It felt as if I was covering my ears with earmuffs and had the rest of me with a blanket. I heard Toryus and Raelin muttering about the prophecy and if we were supposed to go on the quest it foreshadowed. I opened my mouth to reply, but quickly shut it, worrying that the two would think I was eavesdropping. I stared ahead, my brain still trying to digest the information. We turned right and awaiting us were the two large oak doors guarding the library and it's vast expanse of books. I smiled just a little bit. The library always cheered me up a little bit. I walked forward and put my hand on the doors.

"Ashling, Jacc, Jren, Ardrias, Dremer, Everyn, Raelin, Toryus, and Yeras would like the permission to enter." I said, in a loud, clear, and confident voice, breaking the smothering silence in the process. Everyone looked at me in surprise and then realized that we had reached the library double doors. The door slowly creaked open, the way an old man would get up after a long nap. We quickly hurried inside before the double doors slowly closed again. I made a bee-line for a red chair that was near the small fire and Jren made a bee-line to the blue chair next to it. I collapsed into my chosen chair and leaned my head against it while everyone else decided to settle around me. Closing my eyes, I started thinking about chosen weaponry class but like it had previously in the day, a warm, black blanket of sleep enveloped me, making me fall into a peaceful slumber. Or what seemed like it.

"Little girl, you will not slip from my grasp yet again! Amorethia will fall and everyone bow down to me!" A voice yelled. I was in a dark room, and I couldn't see anything. I trashed and kicked trying to find the floor when I realized that the searing pain on my arms were created from the iron chains I was hanging from. The irony. Iron was supposedly good luck but what's this? Haha, very funny, I thought.

All of a sudden, a man appeared. I couldn't tell what he looked like, but he looked like a man from earth. Why else would he plot the fall of Amorethia? He was holding something that looked like knives. He took a step closer to me. And then another. And another. Coming closer and closer with every step, causing me to flail and thrash in the air in fright. He laughed now, happy to see me frightened. It was a low, dark, wicked laugh, almost like a cackle but in a different way. I screamed, yelling "Let me go! What are you doing to me?" The man held up his sharp objects,which I now knew were knives and swung his arm towards my heart.

Time seemed to slow down and my world started shaking. In the distance, I heard someone screaming Ashling. It sounded somewhat familiar. Then I realized why. It was my name. But then... I wasn't sure if I could trust anything in this place. What was my name? I ignored the voice and kept thrashing and flailing, desperate to get away from this evil man. Two people appeared in the corners of my vision. One to my right, and the other to my left. They didn't look very familiar, so I thought they were the man's henchmen, frightening me even more. I started screaming again. Not anything in particular. It was just a scream consisting of pure fright.

The person to my right, a girl, started saying, "Come to me, I can help you." She frightened me. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes dirty, and she had dark circles under her eyes. The person to my right, a handsome young man who looked like he was in his twenties looked angered by the girl. He yelled at me, saying I shouldn't listen to her and that I should go to him. The man looked nice and neat, but the way he spoke sounded as if he had bad intentions and thoughts on his mind, unlike the girl who sounded completely honest. I felt drawn to the girl and so I tried to reach out to her. She walked towards me, almost floating, as if the ground didn't exist and she was walking on clouds. Holding out her hand she grabbed my hand and lightly tugged, making the chains fall away, and causing my pain to fade into nothing.