TBH... I was not expecting to write this but I just love SNK so I had to. :)


A sound I am very fond of hearing, it touches my ear with glee.

The wind

Mother nature's gift to the world, it can take you anywhere.


An ending to one's life, their existence is nothing in the end. They are gone and forgotten.


Monstrosities, a devil's curse in this forsaken world.

The wall

The barrier between good and evil. Life and death.


The world's last remaining hope.

The Angel


"Ewww. Take that away from me." I told them. "You know how much I hate dirt."

Hanji let out a slight chuckle, ignoring what I just said. She turned her head back to face the titan which I had just eliminated.
Fascinated she was, she carefully examined the dead corpse while letting out a sort of roar.

"Amazing, its limbs are still perfectly attached together. The tissues within it are just slightly damaged. What awe!"

"Would you quit doing that, you sound ridiculously desperate. Plus stop throwing its body parts in my direction."

Again, she ignored me. Right now she was more interested at looking at the dead titan then listen to me. Knowing this was not going anywhere; I gave up and headed out of the scene. As I did Hanji called out.

"Levi! Where are you going?!"

"Somewhere, where it is clean and not filled with dirt." I answered to her. As I was about to launch my 3D manoeuvre, she came running up to me. "What do you want?"

"There is something I want you to do."

"What is it?" I asked her. "If it something dirty then I-"

"I need you to kill some more titans." She interrupted me. I shook my head, sending her a glare saying 'no'. Even though it was my job to take these beasts down, I refused to get my hands filthy again. Taking on these many titans in a day was bad for my health.

"But! But! I need them!" She said in desperation. Tugging on my uniform, Hanji tried persuading me to go and collect her some titans. On and on, I kept refusing. "Levvvi! Please! I need them, I need to study them. I need my babies."

"Alright!" I let out a sigh of defeat. It looks like I had overtime, so instead of resting and cleaning, I had to go out and hunt. "But I am not going on my own. I am going to take a few people." I told her as I got ready.

"Okay!" Hanji said in happiness as she twirled around, dancing about.


I was now ready and about to leave. I grabbed three others and made my way to the forest. I did not take that many since I knew; I alone was capable of handling a bunch of titans. My strength equalled to the strength of a hundred men. Bringing a few did not make a difference but I knew they would help me pick up the foul bits and pieces I dared not touch.

Using the 3D manoeuvre we managed to land in the forest in just less than twenty minutes. As I and the others flew into the tree, the forest was flocked with titans ranging from all different heights. The smallest one I could see was about seven meters tall, it was chewing on a tree bark on the ground. It had also appeared that one of the taller titans had caught us entering and was trying to climb the tree which we stood. As it did, the tree rocked back and forth, one of the others lost their balanced and almost fell of the tree. Luckily I was able to grab him, sparing him from the dreadful end which he could have got.

"Be careful," I warned them. " They have already spotted us, so it is no use hiding our presence. However since we are all the way up here, they can't get us."

"But what if they start climbing up the tree?" One of them asked me.

"Look." I pointed my sword to the titan trying to climb. "Although they try, they can never make it. These creatures are idiots. Though prone to humans, we are more intelligent than this type."


"Yes, just be careful to watch out for the-"

All of a sudden the tree shake grew rougher, I could feel vibrations growing intense, sound waves growing louder. What was that? I peered down the tree because the sound was coming from there and to my eyes I could not believe what I could see. A horde of titans were now bashing the tree we were on. As they did, it was like knocking down a pillar, with every push and shove, closer and closer does it fall. To make matters even worse, it was not just the ordinary titans doing it but the deviant titans. Some of them were now actually scaling the tree.

"What is going on?!" I heard someone shout. I turned my head to see the scared expressions which my team had on. Something had to be done or we were going to end up titan food and that is disgusting and dirty.

"Quickly follow me!" I knew what I had to do. We had to get of the tree first, activating my 3D manoeuvre I glided to the next tree, followed by the other three. But as we did, the titans seemed to have also made their move following us and trying to knock that tree down. "You two stay here and you come with me."


"We are going to get what Hanji wants. Some titans." I said to him. Once again, my 3D manoeuvre went on and I went soaring through the titans. One by one I slit the back of their necks and one by one each of them fell. But as one fell the titans numbers were increasing drastically, there were more of them than I could count, more of them than I could take on by myself. I fell back to the tree, trying to regain my breathe, I wiped the blood which dripped down my sword and wiped my hands which were covered in red. When I get back I was so going to kill Hanji for sending out here.

A few minutes passed and the titans were not going anywhere. The ones I just killed were now buried under all those which tried to grab us.

"We have to get out of here." "If we do then won't they follow us." "But we have to do something."

"All of you go. I will hold them off." I reassured them.

"But-!"They all said in unison.

" Go, don't worry I will be fine. Tell Hanji I will be back with what she wants."

They nodded their heads and fled the forest. As they did they looked back to see me still on the tree and some of the titans going after.

"Amateurs." They better have taken those titans following them out beforehand. That was both a good and bad thing, at least I would have to deal with less titans but they were heading for the wall.

Trying not to concern myself with them, I faced the problem I had in front of me. How on earth was I supposed to get out of this mess? I can't take all of them out, that was to time and energy consuming also more would flock around. I could not just leave the forest, they would just tag along with me but I cannot just stand here and let the deviants climb up the tree and eat me.

I decided to go with the first option, but I did not kill all of them. I only managed to kill a handful and go back up to the tree. Killing anymore may have resulted in my death. Stressed out, I took another look at the bottom, my kills looked like they were worth nothing. More and more gathered.

This wasn't working out. I tried again, only managing to kill slightly more than before. But it was no use, they assembled everywhere. From where I was it was like a army of bees around a flower.

"What on earth am I going to do?"


"What was that?!"

I heard a sound coming from the far corner of the forest. It was not the wind, it can't have been. It sounded too fast to have been the wind.



This time it was nearer to me, possibly on the same level as the tree. It did not sound like it came from the floor of the titans but from the branches of the trees.


It was now at the bottom of the tree. I went to check what it was. To my surprise, titans started to drop dead onto the ground. Slowly the numbers decreased.

But this was not my doing, this was another. Someone was here. But who? Suddenly, I managed to catch a shadowy figure running through the woods. Looking down, it was clear, I moved off the tree and went on pursuing the figure. Who was this figure and how did they manage to kill all those titans. Even I was not able to do that. I needed answers.

From what I saw they did not look like they were part of the survey corps, they were not even using a 3D manoeuvre and how did they have such fine killing skills.

"HEY!" I called out. "WHO ARE YOU?!"
The figure took no notice of what I said. It only continued to flash through the forest trees. I, of course, continued on my pursuit to catch up with them.



Unexpectedly, the figure stopped dead on the spot of the tree. Halting the equipment, I landed on the branch next to theirs. I could finally get a clear view of them.
The figure was wearing a black cape so I could not see their face, they were quite short, shorter than me, I was unable to pin point certain features of their face.

I took a step forward. The figure took a step back, another step I took, and another step it took back.

"Who are you?" I questioned the figure.


"Are you not going to speak? Who are you?!" I ordered.

But the figure refused to speak, all I could here was heavy breathing and from afar the thuds of the titans.

"Well are you not going to say anything? Or should we let the titans eat us?"


"Well... whoever you are. You need to be disciplined. Refusing to speak when told is against my orders. Looks like I have to teach you a lesson."

"...you have quite a mouth... be careful what you say Corporal Levi..."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Levi, Rivaille."

"How... do..You.. How do you know my name?"


"Does it matter? I guess I better get going or the titans will attack us. You better be going aswell."



It was too late. The titans came crashing in and the figure left. Luckily I was able to just make it out and made my way back to the city without the titans chasing me. While going back I thought about the figure.

It was a female, no doubt was that voice a females voice. But her cloak, it had an emblem of a wing similar to ours. A wing of the angel, an angel.

"An angel?"

Bleh! I fail as a writer sobs... sobs... but I hope you enjoyed.
