*Noah POV*

I have been trying to formulate a perfect plan to contact Shelby. The only one that keeps rolling through my mind is to go to New York and seek her out. I kind of need to get to her fast, because the hospital talked to my mother and I, about Rachel, and we need to plan her funeral soon. I kind of want her mom to be there, you know, because of that stupid contract the social worker gave us when we fostered her. The contract didn't have any contact information, only her name. Rachel's social worker was one ass, who didn't care for her and was really lazy. So Shelby would never have gotten contacted. He gave the contract to my mom when we took Rachel in. She just never gave it back to him. I hold the dreaded contract in my hand:


I Shelby Corcoran, fully understand that I have no legal custody or parental right over this child. By this binding contract, I Shelby Corcoran, fully give my rights to Leroy and Hiram Berry. I will carry this child to term, and will not have any contact until the child's 18th birthday. If anything is to happen to either Leroy or Hiram Berry, this contract will be voided and parental rights will be given, either jointly or completely to Shelby Corcoran. The surrogate mother cannot initiate contact to the child before said child turns 18. This contract will void if the child seeks the mother out first. No contact information, other than the mother's name, will be provided for privacy, security and state law. For this surrogacy, Shelby is to get 20,000 dollars for providing Leroy and Hiram Berry with this child.

This is all I can look at without turning my head away. The second to last line, was what has stopped all search for her mother, No contact information, other than the mother's name, will be provided for privacy, security and state law. By law, private investigators weren't allowed to find Shelby, creating the problem of Rachel needing to go into foster care. The contract was never voided because of that. That and her social worker hates work, he would actually have to try, that rotten bastard.

Anyway, I sat in my room all day to figure something out, when a thought struck me. I rang Santana right away; I knew what we had to do, even if it is against the law. Okay, so it isn't against the law, but ma will have my ass over the fireplace if she finds out what I am planning to do.

A Week Later

Plan is all set, alibis are all set. Operation get Mama Bird is a go!
This is the first text I get this morning. Santana has helped me come up with my plan and get to where we are needed. She is also the mastermind behind the pen name if you couldn't tell.

Our plan is simple. I told my mom that a couple of buddies and I were going to Columbus for the weekend, because there was a football game. Ma doesn't pay any attention to sports, so she let me go fairly easy. The only hard part in all of that is that I had to get a baby sitter for my sister. I decided on Fabray, even though it was her family that did this to my Rach, she is laden with so much guilt that I need to ease her conscious a little bit. Santana, on the other hand, told her parents that she was getting sent to a weekend Cheerleading camp, which Sue forced them to go on, in New York City. Her parents are really chill people, so they let her go without too much trouble.

Step two is going to be a little harder. We have to attend school today, and then right as the 2:45 bell rings, we are both in my truck on our way to New York. The tricky part it to make sure that no one knows what we are doing, and plus that Schue doesn't rat us out after all of our hard work. I doubt it. Maybe if I tell him in Spanish today, then he won't be a problem. But he would be able to tell that something is wrong because I will finally be going to class for a change. Oh well.

Step three is the hardest. We have to figure out a way to get to the theatre, before her show is over for the night, to stand and wait by the stage door. We have to get lucky; she needs to come out of the stage door tonight. If she doesn't, well Santana told me that I wouldn't want to know what would happen to Rach's mother.

Step four is to talk to her, in private, and figure out a way for her to be able to get to Lima for the funeral. I am pretty sure that she will want to be there for her baby, especially because she didn't even get to know the amazing child that she gave birth to. Step five, return back to Lima, hopefully with Shelby in tow. She will help organize and create any final arrangements that my mom and I might have mistakenly left out. Then we will have the actual funeral. After that, I am pretty sure that she will want to go back to her busy life, to keep her mind off of her recently deceased child. Man, that must be a hard thing to have happen. Sure, I mean losing a child young is a horribly and tragic thing that could happen. But she selflessly gave away a child to a couple that couldn't have a child, just to have all of those ties be broken because of a ruthless thing called death.

Shit, I am being really sentimental right now. I need to grow a pair, and get ready for school, just to have step 2 start. Ugh, this is going to be a long weekend, but I have a feeling that it will be a very important one. When I arrive at school, nothing really important happens. Except for the fact that I am actually attending classes, but the teachers must be putting the pieces together. Many people could tell that I deeply cared for Rachel, plus all of the teachers knew that Rachel was in my care for a little while. They recognized that now that Rachel is gone, I feel like I owe it to her to go to my classes, for a change. They are sort of right, but also this plan will only work if I go to school properly.

When Spanish comes to an end, I slowly walk up to Mr. Schue's desk. I clear my throat to get his attention.

"What can I do for you Puck?" He asks me, but I can tell that he actually cares, unlike some of the other faculty members that work at this hell hole.

"I need to talk to you about something, it's important." I look down at my feet, and there is a shift in the ambiance in this room, telling me that he clearly understands that something is seriously wrong.

I sit down in front of his desk, and I tell him our plan. I don't look at him the entire time I tell him, when I finally look up, we are both choked up, but him more than me. He actually has tears running down his face.

"Puck, that is sweet and caring. Of course I will cover you, even if it is highly inappropriate. What you are doing is a selfless act, and there isn't anything I neither can nor will do to stop you from doing what you plan on doing." He tells me, and then he shocks me and comes around his desk and pulls me into a hug. I couldn't help it that is when I broke down completely and sobbed in front of another human being since I was born. He writes me a pass excusing me for the rest of the day, and I am truly grateful for this man, I have no idea what I would do without him.

The rest of the day passes without any incident. I chilled in the choir room the entire time, then headed out to my truck to meet Santana.

"Hurry up Satan! We need to get going!" I raise my voice slightly when I notice her taking her sweet time getting to my truck. She doesn't even say anything to me, she just flips me the bird and jumps into the front seat. Once we are both situated, we both take a moment of silence, and I softly pray for this weekend to go by swimmingly. I start the engine, and away we went.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait! :(

I have been really sick lately, I actually was in and out of the hospital for a month and a half. But, no I am fully healthy and ready to continue with my stories. Sorry this one is shorter than usual. I wrote this a while back, and I didn't want to add anything else to it, because it seemed good as it is. There is either one or two chapters left to this story. It is one of my favorites.

Please review, and TATA for now!