Its wet, the rain poring hard. It feels different from what I'm used to above. Looking at the sky the drops fall on my face and its chilling. Its not the temperature, its something else that is hard to explain. My clothing is becoming darker green as it becomes increasingly soaked by the water. I feel like I'm in a trance. Peaceful. Empty. Alone.

Suddenly I snap out if it. Something loud exploded near me, just a few feet away. I instantly gripped my blade and turned to face it. My heart pumping, I was ready for anything.

... It was just a branch. Thunder must of struck it. Nothing. There is no threat. Everything is calm. I relax again, my arms dropping to my sides. I look back to the sky, the clouds are darker, a storm is coming. I don't want to stand anymore so I fall to the ground. Laying on my back I continue to stare at the sky. Its chilling... some where. I find my eyes closing, my ears blocking out the sound of the storm. I feel my self falling, drifting away in the mud and the rain. The world is going black.



Some one is calling my name. It sounds worried. I don't want to move though.



Its getting harder to ignore. Louder and louder.


Something is frantically shaking me. I cant ignore it anymore. I wake up and see Zelda. How did she find me. She looks so frightened. I whisper her name, I don't think she can hear me.


"Groose hurry! Hurry!"

I hear some heavy foot steps rushing toward me. I am soon lifted off the ground. I feel warm now. Everything fading black again. Tired. The voices are getting fainter and fainter.

I am in the darkness, the world must be somewhere. I walk around looking for something but find nothing. There is no walls and no floor. Suddenly something blinds me, it eases off into a small light in the distance. I walk to it, and it grows bigger and bigger until I am engulfed in it. The world is white now. I cover my eyes, the light is painful again. Abruptly it stops and I hear birds chirping. I uncover my eyes to see Sky Loft. I am standing in a field of flowers; the sun is bright and warm. Its peaceful. I feel... nothing. There is nothing to feel. I... have nothing to do. There is nothing for me to do. I have nothing to do. I have nothing to do. The world is fading away. I don't try to reach for it. I let it go.

I am in my room now. I must have been sleeping. A dream. Its dark out still, the sun will probably rise up within the hour. I put on my boots and leave my room. Its quiet. I think I'm going to go watch the sun.

Out side I sit on top of the school, watching the horizon. As I had guessed right, light started to trickle from the edge of the world within the hour. Its lovely watching the colors. change. I feel a hand on my shoulder. A soft voice speaks to me. Zelda.



"What were you doing yesterday?"

"I was just going out for a walk around the woods."

"It was storming Link. You got sick."

"I got sick? I didn't notice."

"Yes. You did. Link you were gone for days. The Village was worried about you."

"Is that so. They don't have to be, I know how to take care of myself."

She sat by me and sighed.

"Link, I am your closest friend. You can tell me if something is wrong."

"What do you mean Zelda?"

"I can see it. I have been seeing it for a while now, you look... empty."

I was shocked. How did she know.

"You can see that?"


"... Zelda. I think I'm going to go away for a while, This time please don't come for me."

She looked at me a little sad.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Ill be fine Zelda."

"Promise me then."

"Promise what?"

"That you will take care of yourself."

I smiled. I wanted to reassure her.

"That's an easy promise. Yes, I will take care of myself."

"It means your health Link. No more sleeping in the rain."

"Of course. I was just having an off day... don't worry."

We become silent, watching the sun rise together.

"Link... I'm worried. You have been leaving a lot, and you stare out the window like your searching for something."

"Is that so."



I wasn't sure what to say.

"Can you tell me whats really wrong?"


She patted me on the shoulder and said my name softly, like a mother pleading.


I could only tell her the truth. The truth is...

"I don't really know."

I left the next day. I returned to Faron woods, something about it keeps drawing me back. A sense of nostalgia. The first place I visited away from home. It was thrilling an frightening. I walked through the trees without any purpose really in mind. Eventually I came to a clearing; it was the forest temple. It loomed above me, the doors inviting. I reached forward and pushed them open dust flying outward. I guess its been a long while since anyone had entered here. I can see weapons left on the ground from the monsters. Nostalgia.

Of course they are no more left now. They all went "Poof" after the fall of Demise. I still get excited at the memory of his last words; a promise. Though its a doubtful one. I am pretty certain that the world will remain peaceful for a long time. Something about that made me feel so... empty. I soon came a massive door; Nostalgia. This is where I came across the worst of them all. Demon Lord Ghirahim. He was terrifying. Different from Demise. He was a different kind of fear. Every encounter with him was like walking into fire. It made me want to run away... but something else was there too. A desire to fight.

I pushed the doors open. I was a little disappointed to find it empty. The doors slammed behind me as I walked in. I jumped; it was loud. I had forgotten about them doing that. I walked to the center of the room and looked at all the engravings around me. It was a beautiful room; I wonder what it must have been used for in its prime?

The doors behind me began to slide. Some one was coming? I ran behind a pillar and hide. Who could it be?


My whole body became stiff.


I couldn't comprehend it.


It my mind kept repeating one word.


He continued to walk across the room to the spring out side. Doors slamming shut behind him.

It was him.


My heart beat quickly. How? I walked out my feet moving on their own. I was burning. Something inside. My hands shaking. I pushed the door open. It was loud. He didn't turn to look at me. He didn't hear me? I continued to walk to him. He was whispering words in some ancient language I did not understand. He still hadn't noticed me. I continued to walk. I cant stop. My body is moving on its own. I stopped right behind him. He finished his incantation and the water became black. It was disgusting.

I grabbed my blade. It felt like everything was going in slow motion. Time didn't start again till it reached his neck. It didn't cut through. A loud metallic ring echoed through the spring. He quickly jumped away. I looked him in the eyes. For an instant they were wide and shocked before they became calm and cold.

"Sky Child."

He had a disgusted look on his face. As if he had been forced to eat something very foul.

"What are you doing here? How are you alive?" I asked, hostile.

A smile slowly crept up on his face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Questions? Boy, you are a fool."

It was abrupt. He attacked immediately. I barley had enough time to block. We continued to fight in the black water. I felt so... exhilarated. Alive. Eventually I made a wrong move. My sword was tossed somewhere far into the water.

"I cant believe you beat my master with these skills boy. Disgusting."

His voice is... I cant explain.

I blocked the knifes he tossed at me with my shield. Before I knew it he was behind me; I was going to die. I closed my eyes waiting... I was still alive. I heard a splash; he had passed out. I lifted him out of the water and examined him. He looked drained of all energy. I took out an arrow and brought it to his neck. I... couldn't move. I wanted to push it through, to kill him now... but I couldn't move. I continued to stare at him. I felt if he was gone I would lose something.

A realization hit me. I... want to fight him. I want a purpose. My purpose. I Stood up and looked down at his face, laughing; it was hateful. I dropped the arrow; it made a clicking noise as it hit the stone floor. I left him there.

Inside I knew it was wrong, I was being selfish, that this creature was a threat. But... It will be fine. I am certain it will be fine as long as I always stop him. I looked back at him on the ground. I wonder what he is planning? Will he come after me? Excitement. These thoughts made my hands shack uncontrollably. I am an idiot.


What can I say. I was listening to the song "Yesterday" by the Beatles and was like; Ima be a faggot and make a Zelda story with that. I hardly remember skyward sword so... forgive inconsistencies. Also I don't remember how to write, so its be awkward wording and shit. "Elinor Rigby" was another one.

I will continue this garbage if you guys want. It will have that boy romance stuff in it between Ghira and Links because Ima pervert. But I will give it respect. They wont just suddenly find each other sexy; that kinda shiit is stupid. I like development.