Author's Note-Yet another new story from me. Not sure where this bravery is coming from. Oh well. This was another that sat on my computer forever. I hope you enjoy this. It's going to be a slow starter, but the chapters are nearly double what I normally write so it should balance out for you. Also, the name my be inspired by 6x07, but this is an AU set before the show. Let me know what you think. NYLF xx
Kate held Zach's hand firmly in her own as she walked through the open door of the bookstore and across the floor, until she reached the Children's section. She crouched down and briefly set both her hands on her son's shoulders, attracting her four year old's attention.
"Momma is going to get Grandpa's present. Can you stay here for me? How about you find a new book for us to read, yeah?" Kate signed to the young boy.
Zach nodded, smiling his bright smile at his mother, showing off his missing front tooth. "Okay momma. I'll find us a good book." He signed back.
Kate beamed and kissed his cheek before standing and making her way through to Non-Fiction section to find the new fishing guide her dad had been dropping hints about for months. Zach would be alright for a few minutes, he knew better than to leave the store and it's not as if he could talk to strangers.
While Kate browsed, Zach wandered around the Children's section looking for a new book for them to read.
He was the best reader in his class and Kate was helping him, sharing their bedtime story with him, making him read every other page with her. But he devoured books just like his mother. They got through one a night at least.
Zach remembered what his mother had told him though, and made sure that wherever he was in the aisle, she was in his line of vision. It wasn't hard to feel isolated in his silent bubble and she liked to know the one person he could communicate with was always in sight.
Zach picked up a few titles and read the back like momma had taught him before deciding they weren't right and putting them back.
He glanced up briefly to pinpoint his mother's location, panic gripping him hard when he found he couldn't see her.
He half formed the idea of going to look for her, but she'd told him to stay here. She wouldn't have left the store, Zach was almost certain.
But what if she'd forgotten him? His lower lip started to tremble as tears built in his eyes.
Suddenly, Zach felt a hand on his shoulder. It was bigger and heavier than momma's. The four year old turned slowly, really hoping the person touching him wasn't bad.
"Hey little man." The man's lips formed. Zach tried not to be scared. "You lost?"
Rick realised pretty quickly that the kid wasn't going to speak to him. Clearly his parents had hammered home the 'stranger danger' message.
He gently took the kid's hand and tried to be reassuring as he talked to him. He told him that he was going to take him to the front of the store and ask the people there to use the overhead speakers to ask for his parents.
Zach followed the man holding him, knowing he couldn't fight him off. He knew momma would find him if this man took him.
Momma was a cop. She was clever and Uncle Kevin and Uncle Javi wouldn't let anything happen to him.
Rick asked Zach his name three times before giving up.
"Hi, could you put a message out for me? I think this little one's lost." He asked the young woman at the desk.
She smiled warmly. "Certainly sir, do you have his name?" Rick shook his head and the girl nodded. She held down the speaker button before she spoke again. "Could the adult with the brown haired, green eyed little boy in the yellow polo and jeans please make their way towards the Help Desk? Thank you."
Kate's heart stopped in her chest.
She'd left Zach in the Children's section. He was okay.
She took a deep breath. It had to be another kid.
Her feet were already moving her in the Help Desk's direction though. It couldn't hurt to check. She was done anyway.
The moment Zach's eyes locked on Kate, he broke away from Rick's hand and ran, sobbing, into his mother's arms.
Kate had dropped to her knees when she saw him and encased him securely in her arms and held him tight.
"Baby, I told you to stay put." Kate signed.
Zach nodded. "I did momma. I stayed like you said. But then I couldn't see you, and I got scared, and then he started talking but I couldn't understand. He just grabbed my hand, I couldn't stop him. I'm sorry momma. I thought you'd left and then the man..." he stopped signing to wrap his arms around her neck.
Kate held him close for a few seconds, breathing him in, stroking the back of his head, before pulling away to sign. "It's okay baby. The man wanted to help you. He probably asked if you were lost. He put your description out over the speakers and that meant I could come get you. You didn't do anything wrong sweetheart. You're such a good boy. I'm sorry I scared you little man."
Kate hugged her son to her chest for a few more seconds before hoisting him onto her hip and stepping forward to Rick, who had been standing awkwardly at the desk.
"I presume he belongs to you then?" Rick smiled.
Kate nodded. "I swear, I thought he'd be okay."
Rick held his hands up in the universal sign for surrender. "Hey, no judgement. I could just see him panicking. Any parent can recognise a panicking child at a hundred paces."
"You're a parent?" Kate asked curiously.
Rick nodded. "A little girl, she'll be ten next month." He extended his hand. "Rick."
Kate smiled as she gripped the offered hand. "Kate. Thank you, seriously, thank you so much."
Rick shrugged. "To be honest, I thought he was ignoring me. I just figured that his parents had instilled 'stranger danger' into him pretty hard."
Kate smiled affectionately and shook her head. "I have, but he didn't respond because he couldn't hear you."
Rick nodded. "Yeah, I realised that when you started signing to each other."
Kate smiled. "Can you sign?"
Rick shook his head. "No, bits and pieces but nothing fluent. It's pretty easy to recognise though." He smiled brightly. "What's his name? If you don't mind me asking?" He added tentatively when Kate hesitated.
Kate weighed it up for a moment before deciding it couldn't do any harm. "Zach. Zachary." She smiled gently palming the back of her son's head.
"Cute name." He smiled, eliciting a beautiful one from Kate. "My daughter is Alexis. Alexis Harper."
"Ah." Kate smiled.
"Yeah, precisely." Rick laughed.
It took Kate a moment before she giggled, the cutest of blushes colouring her face. "I, I didn't mean..."
Rick shook his head with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it, seriously."
Kate nodded, fighting to make her blood stop flooding her cheeks.
"She's with a friend." Rick explained, not sure why he felt the need to do so. "She's meeting me here in a bit; I have a signing in a couple of hours."
"Anything I might have read?" She asked politely.
Rick shrugged. "Storm Warning, Storm Season, Storm's Last Stand..."
"Oh, wow, you're Richard Castle." She murmured, her blush returning in full force.
Rick chuckled self-consciously. "You've heard of me then?"
Kate nodded. "Yeah, umm, sort of." She downplayed.
"I don't suppose you were coming to the signing...?"
Kate smiled. "Not if I'd have to wait in the hour long queue to do so no. It's my day off, so Zach and I are spending the day together."
Rick smiled warmly, making Kate's heart flutter for reasons she couldn't place. "Alexis gets to sit beside me and read while I sign. She's gonna be bored as hell but I have no one else that can watch her."
"What about her mom?" Kate asked before abruptly shutting her mouth and breaking eye contact. "I'm sorry, that's none of my business." She murmured, her brow furrowed, face warm, as she tried to not die of embarrassment.
"We're separated, have been for most of Alexis' life." He explained softly, absolving her embarrassment. "She lives in California, very occasionally comes and visits her."
Kate couldn't help but notice the bitterness in his tone. "That must be tough, for her, and you. I, I know how hard that can be." She revealed softly.
"Zach's dad not around?" Rick asked gently, determined not to push but unable to leave it alone when he saw the raw pain in her eyes.
Kate shook her head. "Never has been." Rick was about to say something when Kate opened her mouth again. "Gosh that sounds awful. It wasn't a one night stand or anything. We were married and then his daughter died and, I don't know why I'm telling you all this." She shook her head again and sighed.
"For what it's worth, I never thought it was a one night stand, you don't strike me as the type."
Kate nodded slightly.
"Tell you what, I'm gonna be here the rest of the day, and I know you and Zach have the day planned, but how about if you're at a loose end around five, we go get something to eat? Me, you, Zach and Alexis?"
Kate opened her mouth to protest but he shook his head.
"No pressure, just..." Rick paused before diving in head first. He almost never did this but he couldn't help himself. "If you don't mind me saying, you're beautiful," Kate blushed again, deeply, "and I would like to get to know you. But I totally understand if that's not where you're at right now. So, I promise I won't try anything, and no pressure okay? If you feel like coming along then please do, if not, I'll try not to be too disappointed."
Kate smiled gently. "Thanks, I'll, I'll think about it." The smile he gave her made it worth it.
"Great." He leaned in slowly and pressed a feather light kiss to her cheek. "Maybe I'll see you later."
"Maybe." Kate agreed before hoisting Zach higher on her hip and nodding when he asked if they were going. Zach waved to Rick, making both adults smile brightly, before Kate paid for her book and left the store.